The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Embrace the Ides of March From JWPF’s “Better Late than Never” department, it is with great joy that we announce a party celebrating our ten years standing for a just peace in Palestine. The date of this soiree will be March 15, 2014 at a private location in neighboring Ypsilanti, Michigan. This invitation is open […]

Hate and Hate Speech My partner gets pulled off the dance floor this week by a close friend of hers who opines that my t-shirt and hat are examples of the hate that she’s certain lies within me and is the sole driver of my activism. This close friend is a social worker and recognizes […]

Barghouti Clarifies: All of Palestine is NOT Occupied Speaking to a crowd of about 100 people on the University of Michigan campus, BDS organizer Omar Barghouti gave a masterful presentation of the crimes of Israel and focused on the 1967 invasion of the West Bank and Gaza because “it’s more easily understood in America”. He […]

Below is the first stanza of “Semitic Blood Feud” by Gregory M. DeSylva. You can read the entire poem on the DYR main website. “Come, let us go down and confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” – Genesis 11:7 Why such discord between Arab and Jew? Descended from Semites of […]
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