Watch the Belly Button, Not the Ball
For those now singing the praises of Barack Obama’s call for a “two-state” solution based on the Jewish state’s return to the 1967 borders, “with mutually agreed swaps”,
we remind them of the basketball defense drills drummed into youngsters as they learn to play the sport. The offensive player may move the ball left, right, up, down. He may cast his eyes to and fro as he suggests the pattern he might run. He may swing his arms and hands wildly as a distraction and challenge for the defensive player assigned to watch him. If the offensive player can get the defensive man to “buy the fake”, he will have succeeded in clearing his path to the basket. But the astute defensive player knows that if he focuses on the offensive player’s belly button, that, and only that will determine where his opponent will be headed. All other movements are superfluous, and should mentally be discarded.
And so it is with Mr. Obama’s call for an Apartheid solution to an apartheid problem, aka the “Two State Solution”. Apartheid, you will recall, was White supremacist South Africa’s ‘two-state solution’ – homelands, or “bantustans” for the Black Majority with most of the land reserved for a White state. The belly button in his case is Obama’s willingness to stop U.S. aid to this racist state. When he calls for the termination of financial support of “Israel”, when he promises to veto the blank checks now routinely issued by Congress, when he clearly states that a Jewish state and a democratic state are mutually exclusive, then and only then will we see the belly button move. And we will know that the “audacity of hope” has real meaning beyond campaign rhetoric.
Here are some of the President’s words:
“For too long, the citizens of the Middle East have lived in the midst of death and fear… For the sake of all humanity, things must change in the Middle East.
“It is untenable for Israeli citizens to live in terror. It is untenable for Palestinians to live in squalor and occupation. And the current situation offers no prospect that life will improve.
“In the [current] situation the Palestinian people will grow more and more miserable. My vision is two states, living side by side in peace and security.
“The final borders, the capital and other aspects of this [Palestinian] state’s sovereignty will be negotiated between the parties, as part of a final settlement.”
Good words for belly-button watchers. Because these words were not spoken by Barack Obama, but were uttered by President George H. Bush, reported by the Guardian newspaper on June 25, 2002. And those of us unwilling to learn from the mistakes of history are condemned to repeat them.
Vineyard Church to Meet with JWPF Members
The Rev. Ken Wilson has agreed to meet with this writer plus an additional representative from Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends, at our scheduled coffee klatch on June 22nd. Stay tuned…
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8 Vigilers, plus two mystery guests …
Boycott “Israel”
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends