The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘Audio-Video’ category

City Attorney’s Office: 1, Hired Lawyer: 0 “I represent a number of congregants who belong to Beth Israel Synagogue (sic) located at 2000 Washtenaw Ave. For approximately 16 years, beginning in 2003, on every Sabbath during those 16 years, several protesters in varying numbers have been picketing the Synagogue, both directly in front of the […]

15 Apr 2019 update: Due to restrictions imposed by YouTube/Google, the first part of Promised Land – Shattered Lives can no longer be viewed on this site. However, it can still be viewed on YouTube without an account, just click here: Promised Land – Shattered Lives Part 1 of 4 – “The Promised Land?”. For now, […]

The Palestine solidarity movement is the object of ongoing scrutiny by US law enforcement officials, including the FBI,  and you may be investigated even if you have done nothing illegal. The police targeting of law-abiding political activists has a long history in the US and 9/11 was used as an excuse to expand local, state, […]

“Freedom for Palestine” by OneWorld

This video is also available for viewing here on the DYR web site.
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