The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘billboard’

Please direct all media inquiries about DYR’s new billboard in metro Detroit (pictured below) to Dan McGowan at 315-781-3418 or Henry Herskovitz at 734-663-3649. Billboard donations to offset its cost or to keep it in place longer are welcome. If you opt to use JustGive for your donation please select “Billboard” under Program.

Detroit Billboard by Deir Yassin Remembered We are happy to announce a new billboard in Detroit sponsored by our friends at Deir Yassin Remembered to remind American motorists that our legislative leaders need to put American interests ahead of the interests of the Jewish Lobby in determining U.S. foreign policy. The strategy behind this billboard’s […]

Part of the Problem Referring to the Sixties saying, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”, we fast forward to the Twenty-Teens and a presentation made by Rollie S (not his real name), an 83-year-old Jewish peace activist from the Detroit area. Rollie is incredibly sharp and gave a masterful […]

Noise Permit Issued May 20th is the date Palestine solidarity activists need to circle in their calendars to protest the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor’s “Celebrate Israel” day at the Jewish Community Center. Some may remember a few years back when the Ann Arbor Police Department denied our right to use a bullhorn to […]

Taking Justice to the Streets Last week we reported that Ira Levy of Ann Arbor stole a sign from our vigil group on February 4, 2012. We also reported that City Attorney Bob West denied charges based, in part, on the alibi created by Levy that he had sold the car prior to the theft […]

RetroVigil For those old enough to remember Burma-Shave signs on our nation’s highways, Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends unites past and present with our new offering, unveiled at Beth Israel last week: Ira Levy Steals sign, Gets away with it An eight-page police report issued by the Ann Arbor Police Department Detective Bureau […]

Billboard Update Starting Monday, March 26, the billboard financed by Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends, IfAmericansKnew, and Deir Yassin Remembered will move to the western edge of the Detroit metropolitan area on Interstate 96 about a half-mile east of the Wixom Road exit, facing westbound traffic. This billboard continues to ask: “$8 Million/Day to […]
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