The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

DYR Ad Appears The Sun Times News, a weekly print newspaper serving a half dozen communities just west of Ann Arbor, ran our ad in their Dec. 6th edition. The 5 by 5 spot ran on page 6.×5%2025%2011-29-17.pdf A Friend Indeed Personal friend and Executive Director of Deir Yassin Remembered Dan Mcgowan […]

DYR Advisor Rich Siegel has a new op-ed on President Trump’s recent decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. You can read it on the or on Rich’s Facebook page.

Definition of a “Free Press” Remember the days of poking fun at Pravda, the Russian government-owned press? We asked: how could anyone rely on the truthfulness of reports that were filtered by agenda-driven government agents? Aren’t we Americans lucky to live in a land where our news isn’t filtered, where we – unlike our Russian […]

Say it ain’t so, Ali! 97 years after the words “Say it ain’t so, Joe!” were allegedly delivered to Shoeless Joe Jackson by a heartbroken young boy, believing that his sports hero took a bribe to throw the 1920 World Series to the Cincinnati Reds, we are likewise heartbroken to learn that our own Palestinian […]

Was Raul Hilberg a Holocaust Denier? The Destruction of the European Jews (Student One Volume Edition) is lauded by Michael Marrus of The Times Literary Supplement: “In its originality, scope and seriousness of theme, this is one of the great historical works of our time”. David S. Wyman, writing for the New York Times Book […]

Lieberman Receives Probation, Fines Jessica Lieberman was sentenced on Oct. 13 to three months probation, $425 in court costs, fines and probation fees, and is required to perform 24 hours of community service, in exchange for her guilty plea to the criminal charge of disturbing the peace. In addition, Judge Karen Valvo ordered her to […]

Judeo-Christian Dissonance In this multi-media report, we reflect upon the difference between a Christian response to our vigils and a Jewish one. Understanding that a data set of one is not conclusive of anything, it does appear interesting. Here’s the back story: About a year ago our vigils themselves were protested by one woman. Anne […]
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