The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category

City Attorney’s Office: 1, Hired Lawyer: 0 “I represent a number of congregants who belong to Beth Israel Synagogue (sic) located at 2000 Washtenaw Ave. For approximately 16 years, beginning in 2003, on every Sabbath during those 16 years, several protesters in varying numbers have been picketing the Synagogue, both directly in front of the […]

Lawyering Up in Ann Arbor The screenshot above depicts our regular Beth Israel antagonist, Victor Lieberman, and attorney Marc Susselman. In this video, you can see Susselman calling the camera shots for Lieberman. In this other video, you can hear Lieberman telling us peaceful vigilers that “you better start saving your money” General Complaints Assistant […]

Doing the Right Thing Seven members of our group have passed away during the fifteen years of our peaceful vigils. As numbers declined, Witness for Peace maintained our messages and presence by leaning signs against trees, posts, fire hydrants, etc. To prevent the wind from knocking them down, we tied the signs to these objects, […]

Journalistic Integrity? In three separate issues* of the Washtenaw Jewish News, Witness for Peace has been maligned with the false statement that Jews “deserved” all that came to them during WWII. Former editor Susan Ayer refused to print our clarifying, one-sentence letter during her tenure: “To clear up any misunderstanding between our group and the […]

Springtime Arrives in Ann Arbor Vigiler G returned to the lineup Saturday after taking a winter’s break, as Witness for Peace celebrated the first warm day of 2019. The day coincided with Ann Arbor’s annual Hash Bash, which might have contributed to our Official Scorekeeper’s report of 46 “thumbs” vs. 10 “fingers”. Our weekly […]

A “Dangerous Path” Three WfP members were joined by a vigil supporter from nearby Dearborn (MI) and attended a Westland Town Hall Meeting with Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and two Michigan Congressmen on March 16. Vigiler C had a few things to say and the following are excerpts: Incredibly disappointed today. Just got back from hearing […]

WfP Supports Rashida and Ilhan US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib will be co-hosting a Town Hall meeting with Michigan State Senator Erika Geiss and State Congressman Kevin Coleman this Saturday March 16 at John Glenn High School in Westland, Michigan (10:30 – 12:00). Witness for Peace is excited about this opportunity to support Rashida (and […]
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