Springtime Arrives in Ann Arbor
Vigiler G returned to the lineup Saturday after taking a winter’s break, as Witness for Peace celebrated the first warm day of 2019. The day coincided with Ann Arbor’s annual Hash Bash, which might have contributed to our Official Scorekeeper’s report of 46 “thumbs†vs. 10 “fingersâ€.

Our weekly counter-protester carries a sign, reading “God Bless Israelâ€. Wfp responds with the above sign, and just cannot imagine a God who would condone dropping white phosphorus bombs on civilian populations, merely to insure Jewish theft of Palestinian land.
Leo Frank and the Holocaust
(Repeated from my post on Facebook)
Banned books are quite attractive, so when Amazon deep-sixed “The Leo Frank Case – The Lynching of a Guilty Man” (The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 3) I ordered a copy from its publisher, the Nation of Islam.

Wikipedia is quick to charge “anti-Semitism” in its page on Leo Frank as one of the “racial concerns” related to his lynching.
Not true, explains the book, and if you don’t have time to reads its 500 pages, Ron Unz has provided an excellent summary at
According to both book and article, “anti-Semitism” played no part whatsoever in Frank’s trial, 13 appeals, and subsequent upholding of the guilty verdict by the Supreme Court.
It was only AFTER the trial, when Jewish elites Albert Lasker, Adolph Ochs, Jacob Schiff and others wanted to take the case to the court of public opinion, that false charges of “anti-Semitism” arose. The creation of the Anti-Defamation League was one of the results of this effort.
Here’s the connection to the Holocaust:
Two facts in the Leo Frank case: (1) He was a Jew, (2) He was lynched. The rest was concocted to portray Jews as victims in order to cement their claim to eternal victimhood, and reap possible benefits.
Two facts of the Holocaust: (2) Adolf Hitler made no bones of not liking Jews. (2) Jews were sent to concentration camps; many died. The rest (written orders from Hitler to exterminate Jews, building homicidal gas chambers, and claiming 6 million victims) was concocted to portray Jews as victims in order to cement their claim to eternal victimhood, and reap possible benefits.
Half-baked or not? You decide
Four vigilers
America First, Not Israel
Witness for Peace
Henry Herskovitz