The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘Image’ category

In Memoriam: Hedy Epstein

May 31st, 2016

Deir Yassin Remembered mourns the recent loss of Hedy Epstein, a longtime member of our Board of Advisors. For more information about Hedy please see Alison Weir’s tribute to her.

Please direct all media inquiries about DYR’s new billboard in metro Detroit (pictured below) to Dan McGowan at 315-781-3418 or Henry Herskovitz at 734-663-3649. Billboard donations to offset its cost or to keep it in place longer are welcome. If you opt to use JustGive for your donation please select “Billboard” under Program.

Kevin Barrett to promote new book in Ann Arbor This writer, along with JWPF and Deir Yassin Remembered, is pleased to announce an evening fireside chat with Veterans Today editor Kevin Barrett. Kevin will be plugging his new book, We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo!: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11 This book asks the questions […]

The following is reposted from the Deir Yassin Remembered Facebook page: In the wake of the recent events in the synagogue at Har Nof, Uri Avnery has written an article which you can read here. Like all his work, Avner[y]’s article is informative, original and beautifully written. But it has a glaring omission. Here, Dan […]

Eid 2014

July 30th, 2014

Never Part 2015

June 23rd, 2014
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