The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 05-21-11

Posted on May 28th, 2011 at 8:19 am by

We Have a Friend in Bibi

Benjamin Netanyahu (aka ‘Bibi’) delivered a speech at a joint session of Congress this Tuesday, where he received 29 standing ovations, compared to his president’s 25 for the State of the Union Address on January 24th (…and we thought he was OUR president). The reason that the peace community can thank Mr. Netanyahu is that he gave us the key to promote a just peace in Palestine. He exposed “Israel’s” vulnerable underbelly, its Achilles heel. He used the phrase “Jewish state” not once, not twice, but ten times during the speech. Double digits.

Bibi said “So why has peace not been achieved? Because so far, the Palestinians have been unwilling to accept a Palestinian state, if it meant accepting a Jewish state alongside it.”

Also, “Two years ago, I publicly committed to a solution of two states for two peoples: A Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state.”

He is telling us, if not fairly yelling, that opposition to Israel’s existence as a Jewish state will provide the solution to this ongoing genocide in the most effective manner. He implied, “Here is the hammer with which to hit us,” and lays it at our feet. He claims “Israel” has a right to exist as a Jewish state, and Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends says not just “No”, but “Hell, No!” in response. What right do Jews have to forcibly terrorize and displace – permanently, according to Bibi – millions of Palestinians? By what right may Jews claim superiority over the oppressed Muslims and Christians under their control? By what right does the Jewish state allow Jews to roam the Old City with machine guns, and shoot down 13-year-old girls with impunity? And by what right can “Israel” define its own existence as a Jewish state (ref: Declaration of Statehood, May 14, 1948)

Who Will Join Us?

A local Quaker Friend has compiled a list of twenty-four local groups purportedly working for peace in Palestine. As her letter to the Ann Arbor News of December 16, 2007 informs us, she received this list from Megiddo Peace Project’s Alan Haber.

JWPF would like to know which of these groups will choose to differentiate themselves from Bibi’s demand of Palestinians that they accept “Israel’s” right to exist as a Jewish state in Palestine? We asked that question of Mazin Qumsiyeh in March (Report on Beth Israel vigil 03-12-11) and noted his firm response was “nonsense!”. Will, for instance, Jewish Voice for Peace – Detroit Chapter, agree with Dr. Qumsiyeh in their claimed solidarity with Palestinians, or will they, in complicit silence, agree with Mr. Netanyahu that “Israel” can maintain this nonsensical “right” to exist as a Jewish state? ICPJ’s Common Ground group: will you speak clearly with one voice and at least challenge Bibi, and all other racist Zionists who support this “right?”

National Jewish-led peace groups, such as Code Pink, Women in Black, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Middle East Children’s Alliance, etc. can also voice their opinion in a timely manner. They can clearly state that Israel has NO right to exist as a Jewish state, they can refute Netanyahu’s demand of Palestinians, and show a spineless Congress the way. Will they?

Here are the twenty-four groups listed by our Friend (Reader quiz: Can you name the group that’s conspicuously missing from her list?):

1. American Friends of Peace Now:
2. Beth Emeth Social Action Committee
3. Beth Israel Social Action Committee
4. Brit T’zedek v Shalom:
5. Common Ground: Israel/Palestine – Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice
6. Evangelical Lutheran SE Michigan Middle East Taskforce
7. First Baptist Morikawa Conference Committee
8. First United Methodist Global Issues and Methodist Women United
9. Friends of Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salaam:
10. Friends of Rabbis for Human Rights:
11. Friends of Sabeel/Ann Arbor (The Voice of the Palestinian Christians):
12. Gate to Humanity: .htm
13. InterDenominational Advocates for Peace (IDAP)
14. Jewish Voice for Peace Detroit Area Chapter:
15. Megiddo Peace Project:
16. Michigan Peaceworks:
17. Middle East Film Society
18. Palestine Aid Society:
19. Palestine-Israel Action Group:
20. Pilgrims of Ibillin (Fr. Elias Chacour), First Presbyterian:
21. Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE):
22. Unitarian-Universalists for Justice in the Middle East:
23. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Middle East Committee:
24. Zeitouna:

Submit your comments on this report to…vigil-03-21-11/

Eight Vigilers, including a “young” one-timer
Remember the USS Liberty
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

One Response to “Report on Beth Israel vigil 05-21-11”

  1. The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog » Blog Archive » Report on Beth Israel vigil 05-28-11

    […] Last week we reported that PM Benjamin Netanyahu handed the peace community the key to resolving the Palestine issue, i.e. attack the issue of Israel’s supposed right to exist as a Jewish state because that’s where Israel is most vulnerable. […]
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