The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 03-17-12

Posted on March 26th, 2012 at 8:35 am by

Billboard Update

Starting Monday, March 26, the billboard financed by Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends, IfAmericansKnew, and Deir Yassin Remembered will move to the western edge of the Detroit metropolitan area on Interstate 96 about a half-mile east of the Wixom Road exit, facing westbound traffic. This billboard continues to ask: “$8 Million/Day to Israel? 1-855-ITS-OUR-MONEY”. Tax deductible contributions to maintain this billboard are accepted at and Please note “Billboard Project” with your donations.

Low Cost Advertising?

A meeting was held in Dearborn, Michigan at an undisclosed location to discuss the possibility of making use of abandoned factory buildings to rent sign space on the outside walls of these facilities. We are hoping for local support for this project. Interested folks may contact this writer directly.

Ask The Question

JWPF encourage readers to participate in local discussions concerning Palestine liberation and suggest that audience members question speakers as to their possible allegiance to Apartheid Israel. So during the Q&A following most speeches, ask the presenter whether he/she supports Israel’s claimed right to exist as a Jewish state, i.e. ask, “Does Israel have a right to exist as a Jewish state, and if so, please tell us why?”

This will enable audiences to distinguish between the Norman Finkelsteins, who cannot divorce themselves from their support of Jewish supremacism in Palestine, and activists who recognize that maintenance of a Jewish state and a just peace are incompatible.

In this video clip Norman calls the BDS movement “silliness, childishness, and a lot of leftist posturing”. And by doing so appears to out himself as a Jew who supports Israel as a Jewish state. He should have been vetted long ago, saving many of us the time and trouble to recognize his position as one of Gilad Atzmon’s “third category Jews”. In his book The Wandering Who: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics, Gilad separates Jews into three categories: those who follow Judaism, those who are human beings and happen to be Jewish by birth, and those who put their Jewish-ness over and above all their other traits.

Ann Arbor Chronicle Reports

Our Ann Arbor City Council presentation was covered by the Ann Arbor Chronicle. Link and text provided after signature.


Nine Vigilers
Checking out Gilad Atzmon’s web site
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Comm/Comm: Israel, Palestine

Henry Herskovitz told the council that his friend Herman had called him to say he’d heard on talk radio that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had welcomed Obama’s statements on Israel’s right to self-defense. Herskovitz called that political code language for giving Israel the green light to attack Iran preemptively.

Herskovitz’s friend told him he’d heard on the radio that Israel is a small country, and being threatened by a neighbor, and that gives it the right to self-defense. Herskovitz said he’d asked his friend, a black man living in Detroit, how he’d feel if whites living in Grosse Pointe had evicted him in an attempt to transform Detroit to a white city. His friend had replied that he’d fight to the end to defend his right to live in his home. Herskovitz then drew an analogy from that to the history of the Middle East.

Herskovitz said that attacking Iran is nothing new for Israel. Eight years ago the drums were also being beaten for Iran.

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