The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 03-24-12

Posted on April 1st, 2012 at 9:20 am by


For those old enough to remember Burma-Shave signs on our nation’s highways, Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends unites past and present with our new offering, unveiled at Beth Israel last week:

Ira Levy Steals sign, Gets away with it

An eight-page police report issued by the Ann Arbor Police Department Detective Bureau implicates Ira Levy of Ann Arbor as the likely culprit in the crime of the century.

As we were peacefully protesting on February 4th, this writer noticed a man removing one of our signs (“Zionism: Kosher Apartheid”) from the windshield of a vigiler’s car. He placed the sign into his car and as he was getting into the driver’s seat, I approached from the passenger side and asked him eot return our sign. He said, “You’re not getting the sign back.” We call the cops with license plate number and car description; they came out and made a report. One month later I select the thief from a photo lineup, who, as of March 12th was the registered owner of the license plate reported to the AAPD. According to the report his name is Ira Levy and lives at 4770 Northgate Dr. (Loch Alpine area).

Unfortunately, City Attorney Bob West didn’t see this clear-cut crime as we do, and has elected NOT to prosecute. If anyone sees Mr. Levy, please ask him to return the sign he stole from us.

RSVP? Not So Fast …

According to a Wednesday article in, the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor will sponsor a program on Christian-Jewish relations in the Holy Land. The article identifies Hannah Bendcowsky as the guest speaker and requests RSVP’s be sent to David Shtulman, Executive Director of the Federation. Wasting no time, this writer responded to, complying with the article’s request. Also wasting no time was David’s response: “You will be invited when you stop picketing synagogues. Until that time stay away from the JCC. You are welcome to picket outside.”

We hope our community’s Christian leaders will step up to the plate. Vigil supporter M. reminds us of the words of Jewish theologian Marc H. Ellis, who says, under the terms of the “ecumenical deal … the main energy of ecumenical gatherings is spent on diverting the question that hovers over all discussions of Jews and Christians: the oppression of the Palestinian people by Jewish Israelis with the support, by commission or omission, of Jewish and Christian partners in the ecumenical dialogue.” Or as Christian theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether states:

“… [Western] Christians evade knowing and hence having to speak about [Palestinians] in order not to be denounced as anti-Semitic by those Jews with whom they wish to cultivate ‘ecumenical relations.’

“Christian repentance for the Holocaust and anti-Semitism have been effectively distorted into a silencing of Western Christians in regard to Palestinian human and civil rights, a view carefully nurtured and reinforced by the Jewish establishment, especially in North America.”


Billboard Update

Starting Monday, April 2, the billboard financed by Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends, IfAmericansKnew, and Deir Yassin Remembered will greet eastbound traffic on Interstate 94, just downstream from Detroit Metropolitan Airport, which boasts some three-million passengers a year. Some of those passengers will see “$8 Million/Day to Israel? 1-855-ITS-OUR-MONEY”. Tax deductible contributions to maintain this billboard are accepted at and Please note “Billboard Project” with your donations.

Comments? beth-israel-vigil-03-24-12

Eight Vigilers
Carrying the Torch of Justice and Peace
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

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