Jewish Power Discussed on Moral Politics
During July’s absence from Ann Arbor, Bill Alford interviewed this writer in Seattle. Alford is the founder of Moral Politics TV and this segment of his show was aired on August 30. Bill writes an introduction:
Guest Henry Herskovitz, in a timely encore Moral Politics appearance, warns about Jewish Power. He frames it the “core threat†– not Zionism, which flourishes because of Jewish Power.
Jewish racism and Jewish brutality are twins championed by Jewish Power. Criticism, guest Henry Herskovitz emphasizes, is legitimate.
Yet, Lame Stream Media – a fief of Jewish Power –cheerleads rather than holds Jewish atrocities & connivances in check. He hopes Christians will rally and deliver a BIG kick in the ass to Jews and their Power.
There is a BACKLASH coming, he fears. Majority Americans will react someday – severely – to Corrosion of their Democracy and Brash Exploitation committed by Jewish Power.
“Jewish Power ensures Jewish Power is not much discussed!â€
Link to video at
Vigiler Assaulted (Again)
Vigiler T was filming our weekly vigil last Saturday, when he was accosted verbally and physically by neighbor Alexander Clay of 1915 Austin Avenue. Mr Clay used profanity, threats and actually spat upon Vigiler T. This assault was captured on film and shown to responding Ann Arbor Police Department officers. It was also used as a discussion item in this weeks Ann Arbor City Council meeting.
Swearing Oaths to Uphold What?
This writer addressed City Council this week to remind Council members of their commitment to uphold the Michigan and US Constitutions, both of which provide for freedom of speech. This commitment was not in evidence in remarks by the Mayor and some Council members in the front-page article that appeared in the local newspaper August 25. Specifically, Council was asked:
All this makes me wonder whether this group of elected officials swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, or an oath to uphold the sensibilities and comfort of the local Jewish community.
Readers can click here and advance to 00:31:38 to view commentary and also read the full text following signature.
Media Coverage of Council Presentation
Dave Askins of the Ann Arbor Chronicle reports on Council meetings and writes:
7:41 p.m. Herskovitz cites two news articles about the protests in front the Beth Israel Congregation on Washtenaw Avenue. He notes that at the previous council meeting, the council had been asked to express its displeasure about the protests. He objects to comments made by mayor John Hieftje and other councilmembers. Herskovitz reports that three days ago, someone had spat on a protestor. A police officer had come out to investigate and to view video of the incident, he says.
Last Reminder for Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day
The 4th annual Bill Henry International Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day will occur, inshallah, next Saturday. Celebrate with us outside Beth Israel Congregation on September 14, then join us for a tasty burger at a local Ann Arbor restaurant.
What Right to Exist as a Jewish Supremacist State?
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
Speech to City Council
September 3, 2013 [392 words]
Good Evening,
Two major news articles have recently appeared concerning our peaceful, weekly vigils in front of Beth Israel Congregation on Washtenaw Avenue. One concerned last month’s appearance here by Pastor James Rhodenhiser, who asked Council to “go[ing] on record supporting the congregants of Beth Israel, who might feel their burden will go unremarked”
Now, Pastor Rhodenhiser is free to ask that the 10-year exercise of our First Amendment rights be abrogated, but our elected officials have presumably sworn an oath of office before assuming public duties.
These newspaper articles contain some chilling remarks by those in office and I’d like to bring some of them to your attention.
Our Mayor is quoted as saying that he and other council members share many of the same concerns of Pastor Rhodenhisers’s and they wish the protests would stop… “Anything new we could do, I think, would be good,”
Also “picketing a local place of worship is the wrong way to get anything done.”
Our Second Ward Council representative chimes in with apparent agreement. She wants the city to continue exploring possible solutions and says “I’ve got to believe there are some incremental things we can do ….”
All this makes me wonder whether this group of elected officials swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, or an oath to uphold the sensibilities and comfort of the local Jewish community.
When the mayor of this town says “Without overstepping our bounds on the freedom of speech rights of those who protest, there’s nothing we can do about it legally,” one wonders if others could read into his words that something ILL-legal could be done.
Three days ago a resident of nearby Austin Avenue took it upon himself to do something ILL-legal. Mr. X approached our group using extremely profane language and spat on one of our peaceful protestors. The Ann Arbor Police Department was notified and officers came out to review the film of this assault and make a report. Charges against Mr. X may be filed.
Now it is conjecture on our part to connect the dots between the Mayor’s words and Mr. X’s actions, but I would again appeal to Council to heed the words of this country’s Constitution and not of those who support a country that does not recognize the political rights of its inhabitants.
Thank you