The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 12-07-13

Posted on December 16th, 2013 at 9:02 am by

Five Broken Cameras – a Look Inside

About eight JWPF members and supporters attended a showing of “Five Broken Cameras” at the Ann Arbor District Library this week. The film, which has won a couple of awards and was nominated for an Oscar, depicts the non-violent protests originating in the West Bank village of Bi’lin. It had a special resonance for two of us, because we attended one of these protests in April of 2005, and we remembered our friend Basem abu Rahme (Phil) prior to his 2009 assassination by Zionist agents of the Jewish state.



The question this writer had going into the film was how could Jewish-dominated Hollywood support an Oscar nomination for a film depicting the illegal and violent Zionist takeover of Palestine, and the ethnic cleansing of its non-Jewish population? The answer was found in the lies of omission: neither the “J” word, nor even the “Z” word was mentioned, neither in the film itself, nor in the 4,400-word review published by PBS. Check it out for yourself.

Maybe that’s just picking nits on our part, but take a minute and wonder if the film presented the viewer with an explanation for these Israeli soldiers to shoot at and kill Palestinian civilians. Good documentaries, as with good news stories, should always include the “Why?” in the Five “W’s” of reporting. We assume that the “Why” was omitted because it would have pointed to the Jewish Zionist conquest and colonization of a land, by Jewish soldiers, with Jewish religious symbols on their weapons, and with the support of almost all major Jewish organizations world-wide, but, as Paul Eisen says: “…to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do.”

Why does the PBS reviewer refer to the Apartheid Wall as a “security barrier”? What, in the view of Vigil Supporter M, is “settling” about “settlements”? Why does the world tolerate the use of such pabulum as “…a conflict that adults can barely comprehend.” Hello, what’s not to comprehend? Zionist Jews decided to inhabit a land that wasn’t ever theirs, and forcibly displace the native population to achieve their ethnic-supremacist goals.

Also, if your goal is to get your documentary the Hollywood stamp of approval, make sure you get a Jewish Israeli co-director, mention all the Jewish Israelis who take part in your protests, and include sophisticated Jews explaining Israeli court decisions in your movie. Easy, peasy.


Six vigilers
Holding the Jewish community accountable for ten years
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

One Response to “Report on Beth Israel vigil 12-07-13”

  1. Jim McGowan

    “Hello, what’s not to comprehend? Zionist Jews decided to inhabit a land that wasn’t ever theirs, and forcibly displace the native population to achieve their ethnic-supremacist goals.”  Yup, you got it. It was not until I came on Alison Weir’s If Americans Knew website did I finally understand the conflict. From that point on I no longer take Tom “its so complicated” Friedman or the NYTimes seriously for anything.  I felt I had been deliberately and purposefully lied to for 45+ years with the obvious implications of such a statement.  My thought is this conflict only gets solved when American Jews turn wholly away from current Israeli policies and seek a one state solution with equal rights / the same laws for ALL inhabitants and just compensation for the horrifically abused Palestinians.  Miko Peled is on the right track.
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