Zionist Hawk Exposed
In our vigil report of April 1, we shared a letter to the Washtenaw Jewish News accepting Professor Victor Lieberman’s challenge to discuss the issues we raise at our vigils. Now it’s time to share the outcome of this offer to debate.
First, we receive a notice of interest from Beth Israel Congregant Victor Lieberman
Dear Mr. Larry Brayboy,
I have read with interest many of the e-mails that you have sent me concerning 9/11 and other matters, and I would like to learn more about your views.
May I assume that you are the same Larry Brayboy with whom Mr. Henry Herskovitz of Deir Yassin Remembered has suggested that I engage in public debate? Such a debate would be a useful forum for you to publicize your ideas more widely, and I am interested.
Thanks for getting back to me,
(Prof.) Victor Lieberman
Larry’s response:
Yes I am the one.
I would be very interested in sharing my ideas about 9/11 with a wide audience and am eager to learn about who you feel was responsible for the 9/11 EVENTS.
You can reach me here or at 734 665 xxxx and we can discuss a date, time and location for a discussion to be held on the events of September 11, 2001.
Larry Brayboy
Lieberman then adds my name to the equation and appears eager to get this debate going:
Dear Mr. Brayboy,
Thanks for getting back to me. Since Henry Herskovitz proposed the debate, he seems the logical person with whom to discuss practical arrangements. I imagine that I’ll see him outside the synagogue this Saturday morning, and that he then will get back to you.
Best wishes,
Vic Lieberman
Sensing a restriction on our work at the vigils, I enter the discussion:
I see that you and Larry have connected via email.
Since the vigils are not part of this effort, may I suggest another time, place to meet to discuss details?
Perhaps coffee Monday morning? Then Larry will have the opportunity to join us.
Is it ALWAYS about the money?
Inexplicably, Lieberman ignores this clear message of separation, and counters:
Hi Henry,
I will debate Larry Brayboy under these conditions:
1. Your organization agrees to end the picket in front of Beth Israel.
2. Your organization deposits $55,000 in an escrow account in a mutually agreed financial institution.
3. If there are no picketers, signs, or demonstrations of any sort in front of Beth Israel for five years, at the end of that time the money will be returned to you with interest.
4. If during that five-year period any picketing occurs, the money will be forfeit and distributed as follows: $5000 to me, $25,000 to Beth Israel Congregation, and $25,000 to AIPAC.
5. This agreement will be drawn up in writing, and any disputes on interpretation of the agreement will be settled by the rabbi of Beth Israel. His decisions will be final.Assuming these conditions are acceptable to you, I will have a lawyer produce a formal agreement and present it to you for approval. If any of these conditions is unacceptable, you will continue your marvelously productive picket indefinitely and there will be no debate. I have all the information I wanted from Larry Brayboy.
Victor Lieberman
Our assessment of Lieberman’s attempt to impose ridiculous conditions for the debate is that he never intended to have one in the first place. We suspect Jewish and Israeli skeletons in the closet in regard to the Holocaust and the 9/11 attacks on the US. Lieberman often accuses us vigilers of cowardice, yet when push came to shove, it was he who blinked.
Henry Herskovitz
Witness for Peace
America First Not Israel
May 13 Three vigilers
May 20 Four vigilers
May 24th, 2017 - 12:05 pm
Someone should make a sign about him using his own words and use it during the weekly vigils……that will make him “happy”.