The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 10-07-17

Posted on October 12th, 2017 at 11:45 am by

Judeo-Christian Dissonance

In this multi-media report, we reflect upon the difference between a Christian response to our vigils and a Jewish one. Understanding that a data set of one is not conclusive of anything, it does appear interesting.

Here’s the back story: About a year ago our vigils themselves were protested by one woman. Anne C. sits every week next to us and holds a sign reading “God Loves Israel” and carries two Israeli flags. Filled with the Christian spirit of friendship and forgiveness, Anne has brought brownies to share with us, and delivered a full tin of Christmas cookies to my home last winter. See our latest pleasant conversation filmed this Saturday here.

Now contrast her friendliness with the hostility presented by Joanna Friedman, Jewish daughter of counter-protester Sarah Friedman, here. Can we attribute the difference in reaction to cultural influences? When does a culture (nurture) of exclusivism and victimhood morph into an aggressive nature? And the complimentary question: when does a culture of inclusiveness, forgiveness and do-unto-others become secondhand and morph into an understanding nature?

Perhaps our friend Gilad Atzmon would favor us with a comment on this situation?

Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day

Our guest celebrity vigiler Michael Rabb of Paris, France, flew in for our September 30 vigil, which coincided with the annual Bill Henry Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day. As reported previously, he wished to keep his identity private, since he was to attempt a visit to Palestine on a tour led by Miko Peled, and thought by lowering his profile would improve his chances of passing scrutiny by Israeli security.

Fat chance. Our gentile friend was bounced from Ben Gurion airport, while his Jewish compatriot – equally anti-Zionist – was allowed entry. I mean, we’re just sayin’ …

We can now publish Michael’s name and vigil appearance:

Jessica’s Friday the Thirteenth Appearance

Readers are welcome to join Witness for Peace at the 15th District Court chambers on Friday, Oct. 13 at 9:00 AM when sign thief Jessica Lieberman will be sentenced by Judge Karen Valvo for “disturbing the peace”, a charge to which Jessica plead no contest. We will read our Victim Impact Statement (to be published in our next report) at that time. The 15th District Court is located in Ann Arbor’s Justice Center, 301 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48107.


Henry Herskovitz
Witness for Peace
America First Not Israel
Sept. 23: Four vigilers
Sept. 30: Seven vigilers
Oct. 7: Three vigilers

2 Responses to “Report on Beth Israel vigil 10-07-17”

  1. Gilad Atzmon

    The difference between exceptionalism and chosenism is clear, Chosenism is always explored on the expense of others. Exceptionalism, on the other hand, can be realised as a moral duty. Jewish politics (both Zionist and ‘anti’) always falls into the chosenist trap…

  2. Clif Brown

    Henry, your posts on the course of events surrounding your protest activities are always interesting and unlike anything else I’ve found on the web. Keep up the good work.
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