Back in the Harness
After a one week’s hiatus from our weekly presence at Beth Israel, five members of Witness for Peace took to the streets once more in hopes of liberating Palestine (and US foreign policy) from its Jewish masters. Ann Arbor’s finest was there as well, but it appears the officer’s presence was more a reaction to the Pittsburgh shooting than us: he was there a few hours after our vigils ceased for the day.
At least one passerby received our flyer created especially for the day, some random thoughts by this writer a few days after the shooting; text follows signature
… and Guess what Else is Back?
Look, up in the air. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. NO, it’s our billboard! And it’s back again at an undisclosed location in Ohio. Deir Yassin Remembered is picking up the tab, and a 3-month contract has been signed. If you’re feeling frisky and would like to make a contribution to this DYR, just click here.
Wfp on the air
Our friend Kevin Barrett was moved by our last report in which we announced to newly-installed Rabbi Nadav Caine of Beth Israel that we would be canceling our vigil of Nov. 3 in respect for the Pittsburgh shooting. Kevin’s Truth Jihad radio show is two hours long, the first went to Ilia Rashad Muhammad, then I follow up during the second hour. We discussed the Pittsburgh shooting, and the slim chance that the Jewish community would use this tragedy to further understand the corrosive effects of Jewish Power.
Last note: Rabbi Caine has yet to reply to our invitation to open discussion about our vigils, as requested in the letter to him last week. We remain hopeful a response is forthcoming.
Resist Jewish Power
Witness for Peace
Henry Herskovitz
Pittsburgh Shooting
We mourn the deaths of all innocents; Pittsburgh’s innocents are certainly no exception
We abhor terrorism, whether it originates with the individual, group or state
We have observed that many immediately politicized this particular tragedy
– Some blamed the Trump administration
– Some called out “anti-Semitismâ€
– Some called for stricter gun control
– Some even used the event to repeat the Holocaust narrative
We hoped for mourning not clouded by political views
At least for a few days
We were disappointed
But we recognize that this event may instigate real discussion
Assuming Robert Bowers is an “anti-Semiteâ€
– Might we not ask him how he came to those views?
– Might we ask why anti-Jewish sentiments exists?
– Might we question the notion that anti-Jewish feelings stems from an unreasonable, visceral hatred that the non-Jew feels for the Jew?
– Might we also suggest that Jewish group actions possibly affects feelings of anti-Jewishness among some citizens?
70 years of ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people from their own land – is that a reason?
Violating over 70 United Nations Resolutions?
Influencing US Foreign Policy to the benefit of the Jewish state, and against the interests of our country?
Hounding members of Congress via AIPAC and other orgs to create and sign bill after bill in support of the Jewish state?
Let’s talk about gun control
Let’s talk about the Holocaust
Really talk; set up debates … bring in historians specializing in World War II
History or Religion? Let’s talk …
… in the meantime we mourn the Pittsburgh 11, along with the Gaza 5, which occurred the day before Pittsburgh’s tragedy
… we mourn the other 205 Gazans killed by snipers since the beginning of their unarmed marches at the Gaza border
… Violence solves nothing
“I strongly believe that antisemitism and Jewish chauvinism can only be fought simultaneously.â€
Israel Shahak
November 12th, 2018 - 12:40 am
This is good. Very refreshing in its honest yet compassionate tone.