The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘DYR Board’ category

Who’s Doing the Denial? Dr. Deborah Lipstadt wrote a book titled Denying the Holocaust, The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, first published in 1993, according to a search on Amazon. (Anecdotally and ironically, it was Deborah Lipstadt who turned this writer into a Holocaust revisionist, i.e. an advocate of Holocaust revisionism). Included in the […]

When Propaganda Masquerades as News In July of this year Newsweek came out with a 98-page glossy special edition with the words “Hitler: Can his evil legacy ever be defeated?” printed on the cover. The contents page is titled: “An Enduring Evil.” Three subsections are “Origins of Evil”, “Reign of Terror” and “Fighting his […]

Are You anti-Israel? Why not? “You can’t be neutral on a moving train” wrote Howard Zinn in 1994. Did anybody bother to ask him if that slogan applied to his personal feelings about the Jewish state? Seems doubtful he was put to the test, and since he has passed away, it would be unfair to […]

Request Denied Why do Jewish community newspapers, like the local Washtenaw Jewish News, exist? Well, one reason is to promote activities and events of Ann Arbor’s Jewish community; certainly no harm in that. But another reason is to promote Israel. Take the October 2015 issue of the WJN for example. Ten of the 34 articles […]

Remembering the USS Liberty Two members of JWPF attended the annual Chelsea, Michigan, Memorial Day parade and carried two signs: One augmented Donald Trump’s call, “America First, Not Israel”, and the other “Remember the USS Liberty”. As an old Army Jeep made it down the parade route, its elderly military occupants pointed to the Liberty […]

In Memoriam: Hedy Epstein

May 31st, 2016

Deir Yassin Remembered mourns the recent loss of Hedy Epstein, a longtime member of our Board of Advisors. For more information about Hedy please see Alison Weir’s tribute to her.
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