The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 12-31-11

Posted on January 9th, 2012 at 8:45 am by

Making Some Lists; Checking Them Twice

Santa makes his lists and Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends offer ours in an effort to call attention to a possibly disturbing trend. The first list is one of mainstream Jewish organizations that pressed strongly for the US’s 2003 invasion of Iraq. Source: A War for Israel by Jeff Blankfort. It goes like this:

1. Anti-Defamation League
2. National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council
3. World Zionist Organization
4. Center for Jewish History
5. American-Israel Public Affairs Committee
6. Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs
7. Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations (52 organizations represented)
8. American Jewish Committee
9. American Jewish Council
10. Council of Jewish Federations
11. Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (Jerusalem)

In fact, we’d be hard-pressed to provide a mainstream Jewish organization that did NOT press strongly for an Iraqi invasion, nor one which is NOT pressing strongly for military action against Iran.

Our second list that of important Jewish individuals who also pressed strongly for an invasion of Iraq, same source as above:

1. Elliot Abrams
2. Michael Ledeeen
3. Marc Fisher
4. Abraham Foxman
5. Josh Block
6. Richard Perle
7. Paul Wolfowitz
8. Douglas Feith
9. Mortimer Zuckerman
10. Lawrence Kaplan
11. Max Boot
12. Stephen Solarz
13. David Wurmser
14. Lewis “Scooter” Libby
15. Stephen Hadley
16. William Kristol
17. Robert Kagan
18. Ted Koppel
19. David Frum
20. Daniel Pipes
21. Norman Podhoretz
22. William Safire
23. Murray Friedman
24. Abraham Shulsky
25. Thomas Friedman
26. Charles Krauthammer
27. Jeff Jacoby
28. Paul Greenberg

Our third list is provided by the National Museum of American Jewish Military History, is a list of Jews who have died in Iraq and Obama’s “war” in Afghanistan:

(Current as of 14 March 2011)

1. Pfc. Daniel J. Agami-USA
2. Sgt. Howard P. Allen-USANG
3. Spec. Benyahmin ben Yahudah-USA
4. 1st Lt. David R. Bernstein-USA
5. Cpl. Albert Bitton-USA
6. Sgt. Aron C. Blum-USMC
7. Petty Officer 3rd Class Nathan B. Bruckenthal-USCG……
8. Cpl. Ryan J. Clark-USA
9. Cpl. Michael R. Cohen-USMC
10. 2nd Lt. Seth J. Dvorin-USA
11. Lance Cpl. Mark E. Engel-USMC
12. Cpl. Mark A. Evnin-USMC
13. Pfc. Aaron E. Fairbairn-USA
14. 1st Lt. Daniel Farkas-USA
15. Sgt. Zachary M. Fisher-USA
16. Pfc. Jacob S. Fletcher-USA
17. Spec. Daniel J. Freeman-USA
18. Sgt. Foster L. Harrington-USMC
19. Airman 1st Class Elizabeth N. Jacobson-USAF
20. Lance Cpl. Jeremy M. Kane-USMC
21. 1st Lt. Nathan M. Krissoff-USMC
22. Staff Sgt. Robert J. Paul-USAR
23. Maj. Mark E. Rosenberg-USA
24. Cpl. Dustin H. Schrage-USMC
25. 1st Lt. Roslyn L. Schulte-USAF
26. Capt. Robert M. Secher-USMC
27. Spec. Marc S. Seiden-USA
28. Staff Sgt. Michael B. Shackelford-USA
29. Sgt. Alan D. Sherman-USMCR
30. Capt. Benjamin A. Sklaver-USA
31. Chief Warrant Officer Eric A. Smith-USA
32. 1st Lt. Andrew K. Stern-USMC
33. Capt. Michael Y. Tarlavsky-USA
34. Pfc. Morris L. Walker-USA
35. Tech. Sgt. Timothy R. Weiner-USAF
36. Sgt. Robert M. Weinger-USA
37. Spec. Jeffrey M. Wershow-USANG
38. Pfc. Colin J. Wolfe-USMC
39. Maj. Stuart A. Wolfer-USA
40. Sgt. Elijah Tai Wah Wong-USA
41. Senior Airman Jonathan A.V. Yelner-USAF
42. Lt. Miroslav (Steven) Zilberman-USN

What Can Lists Tell Us?

First, the lists we did not provide: total number of US deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan (6,316, source: ), and total number of Iraqi and Afghani deaths, human beings whose countries we have invaded. Second, we mourn ALL deaths.

Jews are a minority in the United States, about 1.8%. Yet their influence and power exceeds the numerical significance. As seen in our first two lists, this energetic minority used their skills and resources to influence US foreign policy and to tip the balance in favor of invasion (see The Israel Lobby by Mearsheimer and Walt). That alone would be bad enough, but the third list tells us that Jews are not even dying in proportion (0.66%) to numbers in the population let alone in relation to the influence they wield.

Let’s be clear: the warning we offer is that there exists a potential for distrust, fear, and hatred when an influential minority causes a majority population to act in ways detrimental to the interests of that majority. “Beggars on horseback are seldom popular, least of all with those whom they have just thrown out of the saddle.” (British historian Sir Arthur Bryant). As the rhetoric and measures against Syria and Iran get ratcheted up, Americans need to know who is propelling us to war, for what reasons, and who is paying the price.

Eight vigilers
End War
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends


Report on Beth Israel vigil 12-24-11

Posted on January 2nd, 2012 at 12:39 pm by

Zionists Unleash New Tactics

Who would have thought to issue Christmas cards to Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends this season? This writer is in receipt of at least four such cards, issued either personally or pre-printed from “American Friends of Magen David Adom”. The purpose of issuing these greeting cards remain a mystery, except to Vigiller M, whose comments follow. Other readers are encouraged to offer their own thoughts under “Comments?” M writes:

A better paragraph heading would read “Zionists Send Un-Christlike Christmas Cards”.
The spirit of these Christmas cards is more on the order of a “F**k You” than any sincere attempt to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Prince of Peace, a man who would later be slain by the Romans at the behest of Israelite religious authorities. We’ll take our Christmas inspiration from the Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek; in Sabeel’s annual Christmas message. He writes, “The message that the Gospels record about Jesus’ birth include words that ordinary people living under occupation and oppression long to hear, ‘Do not fear! There is good news that will give joy to all people, a savior is born!’ God has sent a liberator, and he is born in a humble setting.”

What the Cards Say

A hand-written note from Todd and Liz Kirshner, Ann Arbor, Michigan reads:

Dear Henry Herskovits [sic],

Thank you so much for raising money for this cause. I could not find a better cause to give money to Israel. Thanks again, Todd and Liz Kirschner

And a pre-printed card (and envelope!) from Mr. Sherman Palan of Sharon, Massachusetts reads:

A generous contribution has been made by Sherm In Memory of Your lost morals and standards – Henry Herskovitz

Well, let’s offer these goodwill ambassadors a hearty thank-you for acknowledging our work these past eight years, and to support their efforts to “Saving lives in Israel”, with our Christmas wish that they would also focus on saving lives that the Apartheid state seems intent on destroying. Local Christmas card senders received a hand-written thank you note and an offer for coffee and discussion. So far, none have replied, but we cast our eyes upon the new year with anticipation of conversations to come.

Anti-Vigil Web Site Offers Potential Unity

The source of these Christmas cards seems to come from a local website called Synagogue Protest UNACCEPTABLE! Respond Now (AASPURN). On its front page is a rather interesting comment:

“hurtful and counterproductive”
Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice [ICPJ] says end the picketing.

Is AASPURN aware that ICPJ’s steering committee (now Board of Directors) issued a resolution called “Arms Divestment and Cessation of U.S. Military Aid to Israel”, which was passed in partnership with the former Middle East Task Force (METF) and the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting Palestine-Israel Action Group (PIAG)? Are they by association also supporting an end to military aid to Israel, which of course is one of the goals of JWPF? Readers are invited to read this document following signature, and to contact ICPJ ( or AASPURN to resolve this apparent conflict.

Quote of the Week

Nahida, the Uprooted Palestinian, lambastes Jewish anti-Zionists, whom she refers to as “Anti-Zionist Zionists (AZZ)”, and who are more concerned with the welfare of “Israelis” than the liberation of Palestine in her recent blog post . She writes: “Imposing on Palestine forced marriage with a rapist monster is an obscenity.”


Seven vigilers
Defeat Israel
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends


Arms Divestment and Cessation of U.S. Military Aid to Israel
A resolution of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice and its Middle East Task Force
Adopted May 13, 2003

As persons of faith who believe in the equal worth and dignity of all people, we are distressed that Israelis and Palestinians have become locked in an escalating cycle of violence. We categorically condemn the taking of any life, Israeli or Palestinian. We are convinced that only the end of the Israeli occupation and the establishment of a geographically and economically viable independent Palestinian state can bring peace to the Middle East and achieve the goal of two nation-states — Israel and Palestine — living peaceably side-by-side, with equality and security, possibly in a confederation.

We have long been dismayed by threats to the existence of Israel. We are equally dismayed by the continual military occupation and virtual colonization of Palestinian territory by Israeli armed forces and settlers, the human rights abuses against Palestinians, and the destruction of the Palestinian economy. Devastation of the physical and social infrastructure in the West Bank and Gaza — including the forcible eviction from and demolition of homes – does not quell terrorism. It engenders more. Such actions fuel deeper hatred of Israel in surrounding countries, while causing a major humanitarian disaster among Palestinians. And they leave Palestinians continually vulnerable to expulsion from the land in which they have been deeply rooted for generations. U.S. weapons and military funding are being used in these violations of human rights and international agreements. Americans of conscience must protest.

We do not have faith that governments alone will take the necessary actions to bring about a change in the Israeli government policies described above. We therefore believe that nonviolent civilian action is needed, aiming to limit the present intense funding of Israeli military activities. Accordingly, we will develop a campaign to call on the governing bodies of our religious institutions, the City of Ann Arbor, the University of Michigan, and on our fellow citizens

(1) to use their influence to encourage the United States government end its complicity in these violations of human rights by suspending its military aid and arms sales to Israel, and
(2) to divest themselves from all companies that manufacture or sell arms and other military hardware to Israel, in order to bring about:

–Israel’s compliance with United Nations Resolution 242, which calls for “the
withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent (1967) conflict”;

–Israel’s compliance with the United Nations Committee Against Torture Nov. 2001 Report (paragraph 53), which recommends that Israel’s use of “the crime of torture and other acts of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” must be prevented;

–Israel’s cessation of settlement building and expansion, and its vacating of existing settlements in the Occupied Territories in compliance with the Fourth Geneva Convention, which states “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” (Article 49, paragraph 6, 1949);

–Israel’s acknowledgment of the applicability of United Nations Resolution 194 (1948) with respect to the rights of refugees, and acceptance that refugees should either be permitted to return to their homes and property or be justly compensated for their losses.

This statement is derived from multiple sources, including several university divestment petitions; and from members of the Middle East Task Force of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice and the Palestine-Israel Action Group of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting.

See also

Report on Beth Israel vigil 12-17-11

Posted on December 25th, 2011 at 7:59 pm by

An Old Sign Returns

In 2007 Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends (JWPF) shelved one of our signs which read: “Zionism Enabled Nazism” for tactical reasons: we felt that sign was reaching beyond our then message of freeing Palestine. But core member Vigiler L just finished reading The Transfer Agreement by Zionist Edwin Black, and demanded the return of the sign. She writes:

I remember the shortages, passing all the gold stars in the windows (My husband’s aunt was one), the headlines about the suffering and everything else because WWII was a significant part of my childhood.

Edwin Black, a Zionist, reveals in “The Transfer Agreement” that Zionists undermined the worldwide boycott that almost brought down Hitler’s government. The Zionists in Palestine traded with Hitler throughout the thirties, even buying products from boycotting countries and reselling them to Hitler. Boycott impoverished Germany prospered, built up its military and the Zionists prospered too. Rich German Jews were saved, but the poor weren’t.

Angry and shocked on learning that Zionist religious fanaticism may have helped cause that war, I wanted that sign.

The sign is now visible on Washtenaw Avenue. We remember responding to a congregant from Beth Israel on this topic in a Letter to the Editor, repeated below signature.

Does Judge Goldsmith Hold a Bias?

Last week we briefly touched on the issue of potential conflict of interest held by Federal Judge Mark A. Goldsmith as he prepares to hear the ACLU First Amendment case against the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority. This week, thanks to the investigative efforts of PeaceMonger, we contacted the ACLU with a summary of the judge’s record of support for Israel, even as he is poised to judge whether signs critical of the state he supports deserve First Amendment protection. The ACLU is in possession of the following:

Mike [Steinberg, Legal Director, ACLU of Michigan]

There seems to be much evidence indicating potential judicial bias in the AATA advertising case. Judge Goldsmith served on the Regional Advisory Board of the Anti-Defamation League, which staunchly supports the state of Israel. In addition, Judge Goldsmith owns Israeli bonds, sent his daughter to study in Israel, held the position of Vice-President for Religious Affairs of B’nai B’rith Barristers in 2009 (B’nai B’rith also advocates for Israel), served Congregation Beth Shalom as past board member and president (Beth Shalom also promotes Israel and hosts an “Israeli Affairs” committee). I forgot his membership in AIPAC – the American Israel Public Affairs Committee – the largest pro-Israel lobbying organization on Capital Hill.

For additional information and a more complete argument, please read “Is Judge Goldsmith Biased in AATA Suit?” at


Eight vigilers
Zionism Enabled Nazism
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends


Ann Arbor News (MI) – Thursday, April 14, 2005

Protester responds to picketing complaint

Barry Gross (“Picketing houses of worship is wrong,” Feb. 27) misquotes one of our signs as “Zionism begets Nazism.” Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends agree that Zionism did not father Nazism. Our sign actually reads “Zionism enabled Nazism” and that statement is quite defensible. Its support comes from many sources, one of which is “The Transfer Agreement,” by Edwin Black , an award-winning journalist and self-proclaimed Zionist. Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, writes the afterword.

Hitler came to power in 1933 under very unstable conditions, and he had to prove to the German people that he could pull them out of their economic collapse, which resulted from harsh sanctions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. As reports of Nazi atrocities against the Jewish people reached America, Rabbi Stephen Wise, leader of the American Jewish Congress, instigated a worldwide boycott of German goods that would have broken the back of this fledgling government. “Germany will crack this winter,” writes Mr. Black, as this potential “weapon Hitler feared” loomed large and threatening.

Zionists, however, recognizing the complementary goals of Jewish expulsion from Germany and their own desire for Jews to emigrate to Palestine, collaborated with the Nazis. The Transfer Agreement Reich Decree 54/33, provided a means by which 55,000 Jewish people and their funds would be transferred to Palestine. In return, Zionist leaders agreed to break the boycott, pressured Jewish leaders to halt their activities, and via this Agreement allowed Germany to export manufactured goods to Palestine.

Henry Herskovitz, Ann Arbor

Report on Beth Israel vigil 12-10-11

Posted on December 18th, 2011 at 9:13 am by

Is it Anti-Semitic?

Last week we reported on a skit by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, where he correctly pointed out that Republican Candidate Ron Paul wasn’t even invited to participate in the Jewish Republican Coalition Forum and cynically stated, “We wouldn’t want to turn [this fawning] into a debate”. Let’s connect a few dots and ask a pertinent question. Considering the Jewish domination of the US media, and recognizing that, in the clip Stewart played, Ron Paul said he will end all U.S. foreign aid – including to the Jewish state – is it “anti-Semitic” to suggest that the reason he’s been given such limited media exposure is because powerful Jewish interests are reacting to his campaign with a tactic that author Benjamin Ginsberg calls “dynamic silencing”?

End of Michigan Peaceworks

It is with mixed emotions that we report that Michigan Peaceworks (formerly Ann Arbor Area Committee for Peace, and Ann Arbor Ad-hoc Committee for Peace) will be closing its doors on December 31. We have often reported on the failure of this organization to address the ethnic cleansing of Palestine at Jewish hands, and can only surmise that perhaps they would still be in business had they honestly addressed these questions from an ad hoc group of former Michigan Peacewords members called “Break the Silence”:

– Why won’t Michigan Peaceworks act on its own “Call for Peace in the Middle East” which was duly approved by 78% of voting members?

– Why did a majority of AAACP Directors vote against the “Call for Peace in the Middle East”?

– Why has Peaceworks—ostensibly a “grassroots” organization—quietly eliminated its membership? Is this “a viable community organizing model”?

– Why does Peaceworks—supposedly an organization “dedicated to … democracy”—have a self-selected Board of Directors?

– Why has Peaceworks removed its “Call for Peace in the Middle East” from its web site?

– Why did the AAACP permit arch-Zionist Joan Lowenstein to speak at its rally on the first anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq while it banned speakers who would not agree to a gag rule against speaking about the plight of Palestinians?

– Why won’t Peaceworks endorse or publicize the Ann Arbor Human Rights Commission’s “Resolution in Support of Ending U.S. Military Support for Israel”?

– Why didn’t Peaceworks support a divestment resolution put before the Michigan Student Assembly in March 2005?

– Why have Peaceworks leaders maintained a studied silence regarding the assault of a peaceful protester committed by its then President on Sept. 24, 2005?


AATA Board Meeting

This writer used his allocated two-minute public access time to address conflict of interest issues at the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority’s monthly meeting at the Ann Arbor District Library on Thursday, Dec, 15, 2011. Text of speech follows signature.

Disturbing News Flash

On the heels of this conflict of interest existing with AATA Board members and Counsel, comes this: according to U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith’s biography, “[Goldsmith] has also served in the leadership of several community organizations, including …the B’nai B’rith Anti- Defamation League.” We have also determined from a separate and reliable source that his leadership included Board membership on the ADL. How many foxes does it take to guard this henhouse? Will someone ask Judge Goldsmith whether he supports Israel’s claimed right to exist as a Jewish state (the ADL sure does), and whether that answer might influence his ability to render a fair verdict?


Five vigilers
Zionism: A Jewish Tribal Preservation Project
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends


Good Evening,

I’m here to speak as a taxpaying supporter of AATA and frequent rider. I’m concerned about at least three conflicts of interest existing within this Board on the matter of the recent lawsuit brought by the ACLU. This lawsuit contests the rejection of a political ad, critical of the state of Israel, on the AATA busses.

Before I begin I’d like to say that I support the right of anyone to join any group they like, so listeners should not take my words as an ad hominem attack on any particular person.

It merits pointing out, however, that the Chair of this Board, Mr. Bernstein, is also on the board of directors of the Michigan Israel Business Bridge, an organization which was “established to facilitate business and investment opportunities between Michigan and Israel for their mutual economic benefit.”

Mr. Lax is legal counsel to our AATA, according to an article in the Ann Arbor Chronicle, and is also a member of the pro-Israel Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor. Mr. Lax’s name also appears on a campaign advertisement “Michigan Jews Who Support Senators Obama and Biden”. That ad contained a number of pro-Israel messages.

David Nacht is a member of this board, and is also a supporter of the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League.

I’ll conclude by identifying this conflict of interest. These three men clearly support the state of Israel; they are free to do so. The conflict arises, however, when they are polled for their vote or opinion on a proposed ad that criticizes the very state they support.

Thank you

Report on Beth Israel vigil 12-03-11

Posted on December 12th, 2011 at 8:34 am by

Jewish Power Redux

Last week we reported that vigil supporter M was gaveled silent by Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) Speaker Matt Eral, when she had the temerity to draw attention to an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) shirt worn by an Assembly representative. This week vigil supporter B also felt the sting of Eral’s gavel, after he carefully drew an obvious parallel: that the Jewish supremacist IDF behaves exactly like the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan did, only with greater force and a higher body count. Those of us old enough to appreciate the Firesign Theater are reminded of Mudhead’s difficult time on the witness stand:

Judge Poop: If you don’t answer the question, young man, I’m afraid we’re going to have to gag you.

Mudhead: What question?

Judge Poop: Gag him.

This writer avoided Eral’s gavel by relating the personal story of my time spent in the Balata refugee camp. This was the story that the Ann Arbor Jewish community did not want to hear, and the same story that gave birth to our vigils.

Jewish Power Reflection

Comedian Jon Stewart skewers Republican presidential candidates as they demonstrated their fawning skills at the Jewish Republican Coalition Forum in Washington, DC on December 7. Stewart calls his segment “The Matzorian Candidate” and mockingly traces the candidates’ success at wooing Jewish support on the “Yarmulkometer”. Michelle Bachmann scores a “Super Star of David”, the highest possible meter reading. Stewart asks “Who will win the Tuchas kissoff?” and exclaims “Holy Shiksa, we have a winner!”

Funny stuff, no doubt, if the prostrations of Republicans (and Democrats) at the altar of Jewish money and power weren’t so true and that stakes for Palestinians and other folks in Israeli gun-sights weren’t so high. But we reflect on what the outcome of such a comedy monologue would be had it been delivered by a non-Jewish comedian. Think: Mel Gibson. He’s a funny guy. Or how about Chris Rock?

We think these comedians would be kissing their careers goodbye – if indeed Gibson still has one – had they said half of Stewart’s comments critical of Jews. That’s the trouble our friend Gilad Atzmon finds himself in: Jews don’t like to be criticized by non-Jews, and worse, by “turncoat” Jews like Atzmon. For an adventure in ad hominem attacks, listen to Jewish supremacist Alan Dershowitz go after Gilad here. And be sure to read Gilad’s responses and challenge.

Upcoming AATA Board Meeting

We have requested ten minutes’ speaking time at the December 15th Board of Directors meeting of the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA) . The AATA is a defendant in a legal suit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, for refusing to run paid advertisements calling for a boycott of Israel on their busses, after accepting similar political ads.

We plan to address conflict of interest issues with two board members and AATA’s legal counsel. Board Chairman Jessie Bernstein, board member David Nacht and legal counsel Jerry Lax are all big supporters of apartheid Israel. Taxpayers who are now stuck with the bill for defending the AATA Board’s indefensible anti-First Amendment stance have a right to know how their allegiance to a foreign state influenced their vote and legal advice concerning an advertisement critical of that state. Should be interesting. Meetings are held on the fourth floor at the downtown Ann Arbor District Library, are open to the public, and begin at 6:30 pm. See you there.


Eight vigilers
Supporting Israel Bankrupts US
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends


Rich Siegel Releases New CD “The Way to Peace”

Posted on December 9th, 2011 at 1:26 am by

DYR Director and pianist/vocalist/songwriter Rich Siegel has a new CD available for pre-release purchase on the “Palestine Online Store“. The CD also features Gilad Atzmon (woodwinds), Eugene Moye (cello), Gary Ciuci (guitar), Cameron Brown (bass), and Anthony Pinciotti (drums). This CD features vocals in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Hebrew and features a new cello arrangement of “In Palestine“. Here’s how Rich describes the new project: “I sought a marriage of spirituality and peace activism, combining my originals with some extraordinary cover material, notably by New York composer Kirk Nurock and Lebanese composer Ahmad Kaabour, as well as others.”

Report on Beth Israel vigil 11-26-11

Posted on December 4th, 2011 at 8:14 pm by

Big Goings On in Ann Arbor

Lest anyone doubt their ability to make a positive impact on exposing the Zionist project in Palestine, we send out a collective attaboy to vigil supporter BC, who singlehandedly handed the ACLU the Mother of all First Amendment cases.

The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority has been accepting paid advertisements on their buses for quite some time. Many of these ads are for political purposes, e.g. campaigning for political office, promoting local churches, reminding mothers that “Breast feeding makes babies smarter”, etc. So BC asks permission from the AATA to also promote awareness of Israeli atrocities, calling for “Boycott ‘Israel’, Boycott Apartheid” signs be likewise affixed to their buses at his expense.

AATA’s response? Stonewall him! Stonewall at least ten times. And stonewall forever had not the ACLU decided to represent BC in litigation. We have in our archives BC’s sixth (stonewalled) request, which readers can view here.

In the official complaint, the ACLU claims that the AATA – a governmental agency – made their buses into traditional public forums by their acceptance and display of previous political ads, and therefore couldn’t pick and choose which ads to display and which ads to reject, based on the ad’s content. That’s a straightforward legal No-No, and perhaps explains the stonewall tactic – they knew what they were doing was illegal, and hoped no one would press the matter. But press them is just what BC did, and we look forward to a just verdict from the US District Court in Detroit.

PeaceMonger has written an excellent expose of what may be behind the AATA’s Board of Directors’ decision to back the refusal to accept BC’s ads. The post is called “Conflicts of Interest at AATA?“. Let’s hope the media picks up on this violation of the basic principles of democracy, transparency and accountability of public officials.

Just to satisfy the curious, here’s the proposed ad:

Don’t Say “Jewish Power”

This writer addressed the Michigan Student Assembly on Tuesday, November 29, on the subject of challenging Israel’s legitimacy, and observed Student Assembly representative Hayley Mandell’s sweatshirt, bearing the emblem of the Israeli Defense Force. This was an obvious affront to Iranian-born vigil supporter M, who felt obliged to give a short talk after witnessing this offensive display of foreign government nationalism. (Imagine, for effect,the reaction of Jews viewing Wehrmacht sweatshirts worn by German members of the Student Assembly in 1946).

M’s short talk was shorter than she expected. After commenting (writer’s paraphrasing) “In our midst I see a shirt emblem of an Apartheid government’s army”, AND after MSA Rep Anne Murkowski – apparently speaking (out of turn) for Ms. Mandell -expressed hurt feelings, the gavel of MSA Speaker Matt Eral came smacking down and he found M in violation of “offending the Chosen” or some such Orwellian thought crime. When M tried to defend herself, claiming that she had not named any single person, the gavel came down again and again, until M was silenced. You may imagine the disbelief felt by this writer, but we won’t say Mandell’s complaint was an exhibition of Jewish Power, because folks might think us “anti-Semitic”!

Dobrusin winner in Will Shortz Puzzle

Giving credit where it’s due, we call attention to Rabbi Rob Dobrusin’s recent success on National Public Radio (Nov. 27). Rabbi Rob was the winner of Puzzlemaster Will Shortz’s weekly on-air quiz and answered all questions put to him correctly. Lucky for him one of the questions wasn’t: “Why do you pray for a state which commits such horrific atrocities every week?”


Eight Vigilers on November 19
Eight Vigilers on November 26
Go Blue!
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

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