The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 04-24-10

Posted on April 30th, 2010 at 6:12 pm by

Presidential Protest is On

Led by the Ann Arbor Coalition Against War, members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends will join in and carry signs protesting this Bush (I mean, Obama) Administration for its warmongering displays of US imperialism, and absolutely obsequious behavior towards the Jewish state. We will gather at the Northwest corner of S. Main Street and Stadium Blvd at 9:00AM this Saturday, May 1st shortly before Barack Obama delivers the commencement address to the graduating class of the University of Michigan. Please contact this writer if you’d like a particular sign to use, as logistics will limit our ability to make available our entire stock.

JWPF would like to note that this is only the second time we have held our peaceful, silent vigils at a place other than the sidewalks outside Beth Israel Congregation in over six and a half years.

Sunday Protest is Off (officially)

Readers are welcome to take to the streets outside the Jewish Community Center this Sunday, May 2nd, but JWPF will not be the sponsoring body for the protest. If signs are needed, please contact this writer prior to Saturday evening to get the ones you need. Sorry for the late notice on this one. Address for the JCC is 2939 Birch Hollow Drive, Ann Arbor 48108; and the planned time for the event is 12:30 – 3:30pm.

Alan Hart will Speak in Ann Arbor

This writer was fortunate to meet BBC correspondent and author Alan Hart at his home outside London, UK, two weeks ago to talk politics and enjoy a home-cooked meal by his wife Nicole.

There does not seem to be a topic that Alan will not fully engage in, and he limits no one in their freedom of expression. For that, this writer offers apologies for not working harder to bring him to Ann Arbor under the auspices of JWPF. Alan will be speaking at the Wesley Foundation Lounge in the North Wing of First United Methodist Church, corner of Huron and State Streets on Tuesday, May 18 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Blame it on Volcanic Ash

The scheduled meeting of several Board of Advisors of Deir Yassin Remembered in London and Brighton (UK) was unexpectedly extended this month due to closure of England’s airports in the wake of the highly corrosive volcanic ash clouds from Iceland. This explains the missing Reports from April 10th and 17th. However, the vigils continued with head counts of seven (Apr. 10), six (Apr. 17) and six (Apr. 24).


Upon hearing of this writer’s delay in the mother country, associate B wrote ” I think the volcano is God’s way of giving local Jewish organizations a break”

Henry Herskovitz
End Jewish Supremacism in Palestine
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 04-03-10

Posted on April 10th, 2010 at 8:13 pm by

Local NPR Affiliate Stations Close Ranks

In last week’s report, we learned that our friend Alison Weir, executive director of, has so far been denied the opportunity to purchase a sponsorship of WUOM, the University of Michigan’s NPR affiliate. At the impromptu protest she organized at the Ann Arbor broadcast studios of WUOM, one of the twenty supporters phoned Eastern Michigan University’s radio station WEMU – also an NPR affiliate – to report the ongoing difficulties at WUOM.

WEMU News Director Clark Smith informed this writer that his radio station would have also denied a sponsorship request from IfAmericansKnew, but that, unlike WUOM, would have returned Alison’s calls and explained to her why he would deny her request. If I understood him correctly, the explanation was that her group was “political”, and that they do not accept underwriting requests from such groups. He was not aware that WUOM accepts similar requests from the Jewish Federation of Detroit, for example, which politically advocates for the state of Israel.

Petras Identifies the Dog

A new article by James Petras clearly challenges the myth that Israel exists as the tail of the US imperialist dog, its so-called “51st state”. He deconstructs for us the symbolic spitting in the face of Vice President Biden by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and comments on General Petraeus’ shameful repudiation of his own criticism of Israel. He concludes:

It has been proven beyond a doubt by the recent events, that the ZPC [Zionist Power Configuration] has the ultimate say with the Obama Administration, against the advice of top US military officials and against the basic interests of the American people. In plain English, we are a people colonized and directed by a small, extremist and militarist ‘ally’ which operates through domestic proxies, who, under any other circumstance, would be openly denounced as traitors.

Busy Weekend Coming Soon

Save the dates … Saturday, May 1: JWPF will suspend its peaceful, silent vigil at Beth Israel Congregation in order to take part in Ann Arbor Coalition Against War’s protest of incoming UM commencement speech-maker and US President Barack Obama. Instead of assuming our usual positions at 2000 Washtenaw Avenue, we instead will head over to the intersection of Main St. and Stadium Blvd, 9:00AM – 11:00 AM. Our signs will be available to all.

And Sunday, May 2, we will protest the Celebrate “Israel” day at the Jewish Community Center. Again, signs will be available for use and all are welcome to join. [Note: We are looking for an organizer for this event; please contact the writer via email if you can step up]

Date: May 2, 2010
Where: Jewish Community Center
2939 Birch Hollow Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Time: To be announced

Eight Vigilers
Henry Herskovitz
Israel is the Villain, Not the Victim
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 03-27-10

Posted on April 3rd, 2010 at 8:05 am by

AIPAC Identifies Jewish Community’s Achilles Heel

Last week we reported that “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a challenge to the Jewish peace community – indeed the watching world – to respond to his demand that Palestinians recognize Israel as “the state of the Jews”. Now the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) likewise issues a warning to their flock of a “new plan of attack” which seeks “to delegitimatize [sic] Israel’s very right to exist”. Methinks the Lobby doth protest too much.

What’s missing in AIPAC’s alert (reprinted after signature) is supplied for us by Netanyahu: Namely, that these “enemies” of the state of Israel refuse to recognize the legitimacy of Israel “as a state of the Jews”. The card AIPAC plays is merely a deceitful version of what the PM has so clearly stated. AIPAC plays this sympathy card face up: these “enemies” want to single out “Israel”, when all other states get to exist. Only Israel’s “right to exist” gets challenged. Unfair, right? Anti-Jewish, right?

Netanyahu says “Wrong!” Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish supremacist state, so says the leader of this Jewish state. This state, by its own definition (see The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel), singles itself out by this exclusivist definition. And the world, especially the beleaguered and massacred Palestinian people, need to bow at the knee and repeat: Yes, Mister Prime Minister, Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish state… how could we have been so callous as to disregard the wishes of our Jewish master (as his boot-heel caresses our necks)?

Perhaps one week isn’t enough time for Jewish-led peace groups to respond to our challenge of last week, and are we hoping that they will now be energized by this brazen attempt at lobbying to take up the banner and oppose this fear-driven memo from the most powerful Lobby on Capitol Hill.

IJAN*, are you listening to this cry from AIPAC? How about Jewish Voice for Peace? Code Pink? Women in Black? ANSWER? Brit Tzedek, want to raise some doubt here? Michigan Peaceworks? Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice? Anyone? Want to tell these supporters of Jewish supremacism and Apartheid that you don’t agree with such an assumed “right”, and oppose the violence, torture and massacres that preserving this “right” entails?

The differences are stark and easy to see:
Peace — or a Jewish state?
Universalism – or Zionism?
Ethnic supremacy — or Democracy?
Justice — or continual ethnic cleansing?

Frederick Doulgass observed, “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”

So … Jewish peace activists and groups: Where is your demand? Shall the Palestinians bear the burden of this racist “right to exist” by themselves? Or will you raise your voices and reject such a false right? How many more Palestinian babies bombed with white phosphorus will it take before you are moved to make such demands?

Alison Weir Supports Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Alison Weir, executive director of, took time out of her busy schedule last weekend to lend her support to our vigil group. She showed up outside Beth Israel Congregation and enjoyed brief conversations with each of the vigilers present. She recognizes the value of street protests, and has spoken often about the principled dedication that JWPF has shown. We were honored to have her appear with us and pose for the following photograph:

JWPF Returns the Favor

At least seven members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended an ad hoc action at the request of Ms. Weir — a visit to the Michigan Radio studios in Ann Arbor. Almost twenty activists turned out in support of Alison’s request that WUOM accept If Americans Knew as an “underwriter” (WUOM’s term for sponsor). The group was given a cold shoulder by a staff member who made one ludicrous claim after another. Alison asked to speak to anyone from the entire staff directory that she read to this woman, and was told – at 2:00 pm Monday – that nobody was available. The woman could not explain the ensuing appearance in the lobby of two staff members from the list who were not available. How embarrasking!

Planning Ahead

It looks like the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor will once again celebrate al-Nakba – the catastrophe inflicted upon 800,000 Palestinian people – as they were massacred and forced into becoming refugees at the hands of Jewish gangs 62 years ago.

This time the “Celebration” will honor “Israel” as the “Innovation Nation”. Pretty catchy phrase, eh? And certainly one that will easily obfuscate the underlying reality of such an event: the ethnic cleansing that was by design necessary for the creation of a Jewish supremacist state.

All are invited to protest this shameless display of Jewish arrogance, greed and power.

Date: May 2, 2010
Where: Jewish Community Center
2939 Birch Hollow Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Time: To be announced

Nine Vigilers
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
Asking “By What Right?” since 2003

*International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network


Dear Friend of Israel,

They’ve tried to destroy Israel through warfare.

They’ve tried to destroy Israel through suicide bombings.

They’ve tried to destroy Israel by firing thousands of rockets into Israeli cities.

Now, Israel’s enemies are launching another attack. And it’s going to succeed, unless we as pro-Israel Americans come to Israel’s defense.

Their new plan of attack ­ to delegitimatize Israel’s very right to exist – and this plan is well underway.

Just look at the Goldstone Report, which seeks to question Israel’s right as a sovereign nation to defend its citizens.

At no time in history, have we seen any other nation be condemned for taking defensive action after having more than 6,300 rockets and mortars launched on its cities.

And Goldstone is just the beginning.

Since 2006 alone, the U.N. Human Rights Council (led by some of the world’s leading human rights violators) has targeted 27 out of 34 censures against Israel.

Throughout these attacks on Israel’s legitimacy, the only country that has consistently stood by Israel’s side has been the United States.

Goldstone is a prime example of this. By a vote of 344-36, the U.S. House of Representatives issued a resolution that soundly rejected the findings of the report and called on the administration to oppose unequivocally any endorsement or further consideration by the U.N.

This stands in stark contrast to the European Parliament, which just last month(by a vote of 335-387) urged its member states to “monitor actively the implementation of recommendations included in the Goldstone Report.”

It is vital we ensure that consistent U.S. support for Israel continue, which is why I urge you to become a member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee today.

For nearly 60 years, AIPAC has worked to make Israel more secure by ensuring American support remains strong.

By joining AIPAC, you help us work year-round with both Democratic and Republican political leaders to enact public policy that strengthens the vital U.S.-Israel relationship.

Please don’t delay. Join AIPAC and help us ensure continued U.S. support for the Jewish state.

Thank You,
Jonathan E. Missner
Director of National Affairs and Development

P.S. Congress will soon consider the FY 2011 foreign aid budget, which includes $3 billion in security assistance for Israel. Please make a special donation today to ensure AIPAC has the resources to work with Congress in support of this critical security assistance Israel needs to protect her citizens.

Report on Beth Israel vigil 03-20-10

Posted on March 28th, 2010 at 9:52 am by

Netanyahu Challenges Jewish Peace Activists

As the Jewish state punishes and punishes again an essentially unarmed, indigenous people simply for existing on land coveted by European settlers, “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains unsatisfied. He wants Arabs, particularly Palestinian Arabs, to now bend to his demands to accept a Zionist “right” that simply doesn’t exist. At least Alan Hart doesn’t think so. To his credit, Netanyahu’s not bashful about identifying the elephant in the room:

“For 62 years the Palestinians have been saying ‘No’ to the Jewish state. I am once again calling upon our Palestinian neighbours – say ‘Yes’ to the Jewish state. Without recognition of Israel as the state of the Jews we shall not be able to attain peace… Such recognition is a step which requires courage and the Palestinian leadership should tell its people the truth – that without this recognition there can be no peace… There is no alternative to Palestinian leaders showing courage by recognising the Jewish state. This has been and remains the true key to peace.”

Of course, his words are not only directed to the neighbors he wishes didn’t exist; they are directed to the world, most of which recognizes such boastful, arrogant demands as coming from the frightened captain of a sinking ship. The question in this writer’s mind is: Will Jewish peace activists seize upon this opportunity to reject the position very clearly stated by the leader of the Jewish state, or will they, with their silence, give tacit approval of Netanyahu’s claim?

Will IJAN (International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network) be equally clear in a soon-to-be-released statement denying – for all the world to see – this specious claimed “right” to exist “as the state of the Jews”? Will they point out how “Israel’s” position is absolutely contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Will they say “Hell, no” to such a racist position? Will they state, “We are different. We oppose Jewish supremacism in Palestine. We stand for equal rights for all persons, not a selected few. We think Jewish exceptionalism and privilege are the ingredients that by necessity results in a militarized and punitive state, certainly the wrong ingredients for any just and lasting peace”? Readers are directed here for our critical analysis of IJAN.

But let’s not allow IJAN to struggle on this hook alone. What about other Jewish-identified peace groups? Jewish Voice for Peace, your local spokesperson Barbara Harvey dropped the ball when similarly challenged by Zionist Don Cohen. Will you now pick it up and challenge the Zionist Netanyahu? How about Gush Shalom? Will that Israeli-based organization join with their Palestinian brothers and sisters who have said “No” to the Jewish state, or will they remain silent? What about Code Pink, Women in Black, J-street (oops, sorry – I got carried away there)? And local groups, the same challenge goes out to you: Michigan PeaceWorks, Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice. Where are your unified voices challenging this unabashed demand? Take the reins of leadership; let your voice be heard, and our non-Jewish brothers and sisters will follow. Basic human rights demand that you speak up now, and clearly… as Nancy Reagan instructed us twenty-five years ago: Just Say NO! to Netanyahu and his racist state. Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends have been saying “No” for well over six years.

Double Digits

In spite of some health issues that prevented Vigiller S from taking her normal place in our line, we report eleven activists holding the torch of freedom for Palestine, including a new face or two.

JWPF Members Hear Alison Weir

At least a half dozen JWPF members attended a presentation by If Americans Knew founder Alison Weir at Washtenaw Community College this week. As usual, Ms. Weir gave an outstanding talk, airtight in its delivery and conclusions. A friend to this writer was moved by Weir’s presentation to draft a letter to Ann Arbor’s local NPR affiliate, WUOM, and redirected one-third of her contribution from that radio station to the coffers of [WUOM has denied sponsorship to her organization – see last week’s report for details] It was suggested that – as an information delivery tactic – JWPF produce and carry a sign giving motorists the URL to her website.


To all those who claim “Israel” is merely the tail of the U.S. imperialist dog, we have General David Petraeus telling us au contraire – that support for a Jewish state actually undermines U.S. interests:

“The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the Area of Responsibility. Meanwhile, Al-Qaeda and other military groups exploit that anger to mobilize support.”

Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
Two States: An Apartheid “Solution” to an Apartheid Problem

Report on Beth Israel vigil 03-13-10

Posted on March 21st, 2010 at 9:51 am by

Democracy Redefined

On Sunday members of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice will have an opportunity to elect four vacancies on their Board by a full member vote. Sounds pretty democratic until one realizes that there are exactly four candidates running for the four slots and that these candidates were pre-screened and pre-selected by a Board-controlled “nominating committee”. Not very grass-roots, but then again, it is an efficient way to run an organization, especially to insure that problematic issues like Boycotts, Divestment or Sanctions against their favorite fascist state in the Middle East won’t crop up.

Speaking of problematic issues, on the other side of town rests the People’s Food Co-op, another ostensibly democratically run organization. Readers may recall that this writer cast an unsuccessful bid for director on that agency’s board last year, running on the issue of removing from their shelves products imported from Israel and ensuring that future goods from that apartheid state be banned. Keep in mind that one of the two successful candidates who defeated me in the election was Rebecca Kanner, a long time official supporter and central player at ICPJ (and even a longer Zionist). And now the plot thickens.

This year voters in the election for board members will also have the opportunity to vote on a proposed bylaws change. No longer will just any co-op member be permitted to toss his/her hat in the ring if this bylaw change passes. Oh, no, now candidates will either be nominated by “a committee, or committees, appointed by the Board of Directors”, or will be required to present to the Board 100 signatures (or 1 percent of all members, whichever number is larger). Why the change? In the co-op’s own words “… we hope this can discourage single issue candidates…”, leaving us to wonder what on earth that “single issue” could be.

This proposed change is curious to say the least, as the co-op has extended its board candidate filing deadline twice in the last two years purportedly because of a shortage of candidates. We hope that Ms. Kanner isn’t behind this proposed bylaw because if she is well that just smells of rank Zionist hypocrisy. You see, in 2006, Ms. Kanner all but threatened to quit ICPJ over a single issue. On a survey of ICPJ members she wrote:

“… I believe more strongly than ever (and I had believed pretty strongly before!) that ICPJ needs to make a break with the current group of people who constitute the METF in exile. Now. Not later, not another chance for mediation to drain even more time and energy from the board members and others. … I may be especially sensitive as a member of Beth Israel, but … If the organization can’t make a parting with the METFers, than [sic] I will have to re-evaluate my relationship with ICPJ. …”

Ms. Kanner got her way even though 65% of ICPJ members who responded to the ICPJ-initiated survey supported mediation with the Middle East Task Force (METF). But most ICPJ members never learned this because the embarrassing results were soon buried.

Michigan Radio Refuses to Talk with Alison Weir

Alison Weir, founder of will be coming to the Ann Arbor area for three presentations next week. Her problems with Michigan Radio stem from their refusal to run paid ads by IfAmericansKnew and are detailed in this flyer. The explanations by Director of Broadcasting Steve Schram, conflicted with those presented by Director of Development Larry Jonas, and now – in the middle of WUOM’s Spring Fund Raiser – her calls to the station remain unanswered and IfAmericansKnew still is denied sponsorship. Readers are encouraged to call, write or email Michigan Radio: 734-764-9210, 535 W. William St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103, to demand that her 501c3 educational organization be given the same opportunities as others, e.g. Jewish Federation of Detroit.

JWPF in the News

This writer spoke at Ann Arbor City Council this week, which was dutifully covered by Dave Askins of the on-line Ann Arbor Chronicle. Read his summary below signature. And Palestine Think Tank published part of our vigil report of February 20 called “Will IJAN Challenge Jewish Power?”. See

Eight Vigillers
Henry Herskovitz, edited by Vigillers M and S
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
No Right of Return, No Peace

From the Ann Arbor Chronicle …

Henry Herskovitz began his remarks by saying that he felt most people knew who he was and what he did: exercise his First Amendment rights by holding signs on public sidewalks. He told the council that he actually did not enjoy doing that. On the contrary, he rather disliked it. He did not like being out in the open exposed, even to the point that he did not like waiting for buses. The bus drivers can see him, but he cannot see them. He said that he had previously sworn that he would never do what he’d seen other peace activists do.

But that had changed 10 years ago when he had accompanied a friend on a trip to Iraq to help deliver medical textbooks. In the course of that trip he visited a hospital in Basra in southern Iraq. The hospitals, he reported, were in terrible condition – due to sanctions imposed at the time by the United States.

In the hospital, Herskovitz said, there was a “terrorist” – and he knew that the man was a “terrorist” because he matched the various portrayals that he had seen in mainstream media. Herskovitz said that he started to take pictures of the boy in a hospital bed next to the “terrorist” and that the “terrorist” was crying. Herskovitz said he realized then that the man was the dying boy’s father and that he was crying over the fact his dying son was being used as a photo opportunity. Herskovitz said he came back to Ann Arbor 10 years ago and picked up a sign.

Report on Beth Israel vigil 03-06-10

Posted on March 13th, 2010 at 8:37 am by

Does Anti-Zionist mean Anti-Israel? [We think so]

There are more and more Jewish “Anti-Zionists” these days, which might be a good thing, or might be more of the same Peace Now, Gush Shalom, JVP, New Jewish Agenda forms of Left-Zionism. But groups like International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network are telling us quite clearly that they are anti-Zionists. Can’t we read?

Let’s pose two questions: First, given a logic that equates the outcome of the Zionist project – the Jewish state of Israel – with the ideology that created it, doesn’t it follow that if one is anti-Zionist, then he/she is also anti-Israel? We think the answer is a resounding “Yes”, but don’t know where IJAN stands; they don’t define “Zionist”, so it’s hard to measure their “Anti-Zionist-ness”. A Zionist is one who supports Israel’s claimed right to exist as a Jewish supremacist state in Palestine. [Note: this writer describes himself as “anti-Israel”, but since JWPF has not yet formed consensus on this issue, these opinions are his own, albeit shared by some in the group.]

The second question is, given that being anti-Zionist means one is anti-Israel, then where are IJAN demands for the peaceful dismantlement of the state of Israel, as the anti-Israel Neturei Karta rabbis have been demanding for as long as this writer has been in the business?

Now, the answer to the second question is clearly that there are no explicit demands to dismantle apartheid Israel from IJAN. Their website calls for a “dismantling” of Zionism, but no call to dismantle “Israel”. “Jewish supremacism”, another way of identifying the underlying ideology of apartheid Israel, is not mentioned.

So working backwards, we arrive at a point of confusion. Is IJAN truly anti-Zionist? That is, do they subliminally call for the end of Jewish supremacism in Palestine or would they argue some “pro-Israel” yet “anti-Zionist” position, ala J-Street’s blather about “Pro-Israel, pro-Peace”. Now that’s true malarkey, and if I were IJAN, I’d be right up there differentiating myself with the J-Street/AIPAC crowd.

Our conclusion, then – in the absence of further evidence and given the benefits of “Lawyer’s Logic” [a self-described term meaning to assume a solution, then see if that fits the evidence] – is that IJAN is not an anti-Israel group, and in the opinion of this writer, should be. One cannot be neutral on a moving train; one is either pro-“Israel” or anti-“Israel. For the sake of sheer honesty, Jews in the peace movement should be clear on this very basic issue. And Jewish groups, like IJAN, should do likewise; then they could leave their acronym alone as International Jewish Anti-Israel Network.

AACAW Calls for Obama Protest

The local Ann Arbor Coalition Against War, of which JWPF is a member, is calling for a protest of Barack Obama’s address at the University of Michigan’s Commencement of Graduates at the Michigan Stadium on May 1st from 9:00 – 11:00 AM. Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends will – for the second time in over six years – call off our weekly vigils at Beth Israel, so we can be there to protest Obama’s support for apartheid Israel, among his other travesties of office, like the continued militaristic imperialist ventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, we thought would be “changed” by his administration. Everyone is invited to attend this event; signs will be provided, or bring ‘yer own.

DTE Protests

The Detroit-based Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs have called for weekly protests in front of the downtown DTE offices. Two JWPF members joined the Coalition to “Demand that Mayor (Dave) Bing and Governor (Jennifer) Granholm declare an immediate State of Economic Emergency and place a Moratorium on all Utility Shutoffs, Foreclosures and Evictions.”

These actions were prompted by the recent deaths of three Detroit children, who died in a fire caused by a faulty heater used just hours after DTE shut the gas off to their home. This tragedy could have, and should have been averted. Government intervention, in the face of cold-hearted corporate policy implementation, is required. See related article “Three children perish in Detroit house fire”.

Eight Vigillers
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
Challenging Jewish Power since 2003

Report on Beth Israel vigil 02-27-10

Posted on March 6th, 2010 at 1:26 pm by

Jews Control the News

For the third straight month, front-page articles have appeared in the Washtenaw Jewish News (WJN), and if they publish any more, Victor Lieberman will have to shame-facedly pack his bags and leave town. His own denigrations of our peaceful, silent vigils as a “trivial nuisance” and “largely invisible presence”, must haunt him every time he picks up yet another issue of the WJN. Once again, in the March edition two authors search in vain for the false witness their titles purport. And they widen their net of ad hominem attacks. For instance, former U.S. Congresswoman Lynn Rivers exhibited “lamentable unprofessional cluelessness”, for agreeing to host this writer on her radio show (the radio station rescinded the offer). And former Ann Arbor News Opinion Page Editor Mary Morgan (and her husband Dave Askins of the Ann Arbor Chronicle) are equally castigated as “sympathizers of Herskovitz’s group”. The biggest whopper is handed to us by author Henry Brysk’s own words. He writes: The Beth Israel leadership believes that the synagogue harassers [sic] should be ignored in order to deny them the publicity they craved. This argument would be valid if the media had cooperated.” And what do Brysk and the Jewish News do? They ignore the wishes of Beth Israel’s leadership as well, satisfying our alleged “craving” for publicity. The WJN has now spent over 12,000 words bashing the vigils, a bashing that studiously ignores our success in drawing attention to Israel’s atrocities.

And control? Remember in our vigil report of Jan. 30, we reported that former vigiller Laurel Federbush wrote a lengthy piece describing her journey from dedicated activist to synagogue dweller. This article prompted her mother, Vigiller M, to place things in perspective, and she composed her own article for submission to the WJN. A subsequent phone call to the WJN to ask when the article would be printed elicited this response from Editor and Publisher Susy Ayer: “No, I have no plans to publish [your article]”. Vigiller M then pressed “But surely you have some readers who expect that the other side will respond, and this is a response”. Ayer: “I’m busy”. Click.

Unlike the controlled press of the WJN, we reprint Vigiller M’s remarks below signature, and regret that Ann Arbor readers were unilaterally denied the often humorous, and always on-point discussions raised. Vigiller M wanted Art Aisner – first of the verbal assassins – to cite her principled mantra: “I am a Jew who is horrified by Israel’s barbaric treatment of the Palestinians” (often her first words during conversation). She also wondered why Aisner never asked a rather obvious question: “Why do these people come to vigil at Beth Israel in minus six-degree weather and thunderstorms?”. She speaks of Al-Nakba and current efforts by Zionists to rid the international lexicon of such a word, and promotes Ali Abunimah’s book, One Country: a Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse. Enjoy the article below.

Well Received Blowback

A member of the local Quaker Meeting questioned the source of the following excerpt from “False Witnesses II” by Stephen Pastner:

The ISM, like the pro-Palestinian American Friends Service Committee, has strong connections to the local Friends Meeting House (the Quaker congregation) and in an earlier screed to his followers, Herskovitz indeed notes that “Jewish Witnesses for Peace” might be more accurately called the “Quaker Witnesses.”

This author availed himself this week of the opportunity to address the Palestine Israel Action Group, a subset of a larger peace organization in the local Quaker Meeting based on this member query. It was explained that Pastner most likely misquoted this author, who wrote in the January 13, 2007 Report:

New Vigiller

Is there a Quaker takeover of JWPF in the works? New Vigiller C comes to the sidewalks at Beth Israel with years of experience in political activism, and with her own new sign. She raised our attendance to 13, and for the second straight week, we were confronted by a hired photographer who snapped photographs of each person standing with us. The man would not identify himself when asked, nor identify the agency he was working for. Vigiller C found his presence very disturbing, as did this writer.

Many other facets of JWPF vigils were discussed at this regular meeting of PIAG, and members seemed satisfied as to the explanations given. We – one member of PIAG is also a member of JWPF – offered to answer questions at the larger Friends Meeting on any Sunday, and also invited Meeting members to attend our vigils, not necessarily to participate, but to familiarize themselves with the people and positions of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends.

BBC’s Alan Hart to Stand Vigil

British journalist, researcher and author, Alan Hart is working with Dearborn (Mich) activist Susan Giffin to plan a speaking tour in May, 2010. He has released two volumes of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, with the third due out in June. When asked about including JWPF’s vigils as part of his tour, both he and Susan accepted our invitation, and plan to stand with us on May 15. Vigiller S has offered her organizing skills to find an Ann Arbor venue for Alan, and to promote his speaking engagements. We are all very excited to have this knowledgeable and talented man share the sidewalks with us.

Eight Vigillers
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
Challenging Jewish Power since 2003

A Response to All the Attention the Jewish News Has Been Giving the JWPF Lately

by Vigiller M

Since my sometimes-unpredictable daughter Laurel got her three-page novel into the February Washtenaw Jewish News, I think I ought to have a chance to get my reaction in, too. After all, I was also featured, without being interviewed by Art Aisner – along with three of my Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends (JWPF) mates – in the December Jewish News. Art was almost flattering to me in that issue (and the picture was pretty good, too), by telling you that I am in the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame and add some “status” to the group, despite my short stature (thanks Art). Incidentally, in our Saturday vigils, on February 6th, January 30th, January 16th, and January 9th, we had 10 participants, not the four that Art focused on (on January 9th, there were two Shirleys among the 10, one of them a dog), thus adding a lot of money to your Magen David Adom charity that gives emergency ambulance service to desperate people in Israel and some other countries, like Haiti (but I couldn’t find that they normally come to the rescue of ailing Palestinians – or else they would be busy all the time).

We, the relatively small number of JWPFers, are not a cult; it is the huge group of American Zionists who refuse to recognize or believe, despite volumes of evidence, that Israel is still treating the Palestinians at least as inhumanly as it did seven years ago when we first assembled, and that the Jewish gangs (the Stern Gang and Irgun) were the initiators of the 1948 violence by massacring Palestinian villagers, as in Deir Yassin, causing some 800,000 Palestinians to flee in panic. No, they did not leave their treasured homes voluntarily, being told by their leaders to go for a little while until some fighting was over in their villages. (You’ve got to read Ilan Pappe’s The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine for the names of the many villages and the descriptions of the massacres in all of them.) That’s what Al Nakba (Arabic for “the Catastrophe” surrounding Israel’s founding) is about. Yet, last year a number of well-known Zionists pleaded with U.N. Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, to rid the U.N.’s “lexicon” of all references to “Nakba,” which is almost a sacred concept, as is the Right of Return, to present-day Palestinians, that is memorialized at the same time Israel’s birthdate is celebrated. I begged him not to listen to them.

We JWPFers just celebrated our seventh [sixth, actually …ed.] anniversary on Saturday, January 30. To research his three-or-so-page article, Art Aisner went to the archives to check on the four people’s criminal backgrounds, marital history, and other worthy information, but basically, he just wanted to make fun of us, which may be an apt measure of his literary expertise. He never asked, “Why do these people come to vigil at Beth Israel in minus six-degree weather and thunderstorms?” If he had interviewed me, I would have told him, and asked him to write, “I am a Jew who is horrified by Israel’s barbaric treatment of the Palestinians,” which statement qualifies me as a “Self-Hating Jew” on the Internet.

From the beginning, I have wanted to change somebody’s mind on the Palestine/Israel issue, and indeed I did – my own dear daughter Laurel, I’m afraid. She not only joined the Synagogue, but she also became a dedicated Republican, which you may not know. She seems to have a particular penchant for Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck. She says she can’t bear being thought of as a hater, an attribute she now assigns to JWPFers, but she doesn’t hear hatred in the words of Limbaugh/Hannity/Beck – even in Rush’s telling people, “We’ve got to get rid of Obama.” Now, I find vigiling silently (mostly), with nicely made signs saying how cruelly the Israelis are treating the Palestinians, the most noble thing I do during the week. We want Ann Arborites driving by and Synagogue members to think at least once a week about Israel’s horrendous treatment of the Palestinians, which is not what I was taught as a kid that Jewishness was about. In my Newark, New Jersey, upbringing and training, being Jewish meant empathizing with and going to the aid of the underdog. Above all, Jews were “ethical.” I am proud to be that kind of Jew. But that’s not the way the Israeli government, members of the IDF, settlers, and too many just plain citizens have been behaving. One of the latest examples to come to light, of utterly dehumanizing actions of some Israelis, sometimes accompanied by Ministry of Defense members, was the illicit, unethical harvesting of organs of dead, and soon-to-be-dead, young Palestinians for the benefit of Israeli Jews – and in order to make money. I can’t begin to imagine Jews doing that – or shooting randomly into crowds of demonstrators, often, thank goodness, with ISM (International Solidarity Movement) people present to try to prevent deaths of innocents and destruction of houses. ISM, incidentally, was co-founded by one of our vigilers, Thom Saffold (cutely, spelled “Scafold” in the February paper). I was so encouraged to hear that in two Tu B’Shvat services, which celebrate trees, a celebrant in each brought up that Israelis have been chopping down the olive and citric orchards of Palestinian farmers that had been in their families for centuries.

Laurel has always been a fine writer, and the article in the News, as well as the half-hour one she read on Ann Arbor Channel 17, are fairly good examples. But in the past she always used to back up all her claims with careful documentation. What struck me in some of her allegations is that certain items are not quite true. For instance, she claims that JWPF members are so tightly bound together, that they all think exactly alike on all topics relating to Israel/Palestine. She says that JWPF has spawned many subgroups. In one of these supposed subgroups, in which she went to at least one meeting, the group agreed that the Unibomber should be considered a hero, and that someday he will be. “Violence in the name of resistance is always justified,” she quotes us as believing. The wife of one of our regular vigilers quipped, “Since when can JWPF organize anything, much less subgroups?” In truth, she attended a Green Party meeting, and some JWPF members were there. I’ve also never thought of the group as being a “secret organization” as Laurel does; we warmly invite people to vigil with us, but we, as most groups, including the Ann Arbor School Board, try to keep personal discussions about individuals and some plans for action within the group.

Laurel now feels, as many Ann Arborites do, that our actions on Saturday mornings are “bizarre and repulsive,” and that we are “purposely harassing” Congregation members (as we stand quietly with signs, waving at honking and hand-signaling cars passing by). It’s likely that you agree with her. This is a very American and even an Ann Arbor predisposition, because we are speaking truthfully. Most of our vigilers have been to Palestine one or more times (I haven’t), we have listened to innumerable speakers and others who have returned from spending time there, and we have read loads of books, articles, and letters about what is going on and what has gone on, often written by extraordinary, knowledgeable, capable writers and researchers. There are respectable people and groups worldwide who undoubtedly would applaud us for our daring behavior. Anne Remley (who, with her husband Fred, has brought you those incredible map cards showing four maps of Palestine, from pre-1947 to the present, where Palestinians in the West Bank now live in dozens of small splotches of land, separated by Jewish-only roads and settlements, 25-foot-high walls, and check points on Palestinian land) has carried out an amazing, continuing undertaking. She has put together over 40 pages of countries (e.g., Norway); branches of government (Brazil Parliamentary Committee); cities (Cambridge, Massachusetts, City Council); businesses (Heineken Breweries), Religious Organizations (South African Council of Churches); University Organizations; (Irish Academics); and so on, who are abiding by Palestinian peace organizations’ request to the world that people and groups implement BDS (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction) regarding Israel for its occupation of and barbarity toward Palestinians. These international humanists, we expect, would vigil with us and praise our sincere actions if they were here.

Speaking of those little “bantustans” that make up most of Palestine today, how can all those peace organizations talking about solving the Palestine/Israel “apartheid” problem (I know most Israel supporters don’t like that word, but what else can you call it?) with a “two-state solution, when one of the states would be a collection of spots on a map, occupying an Arafat-approved 22% of the land?

Please read and discuss the easy-to-read book, One Country: a Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse, by the kind, remarkable thinker, speaker, and writer Ali Abunimah. Abunimah spent his early years in Palestine, loving playing with his Jewish, Christian, Arab, and other friends. His parents enjoyably entertained people of all sorts of backgrounds in their apartment, and rented offices in their building to Jewish, Christian, and other professionals. He feels that this cordiality could happen again. In the first half of the book he tells, without rancor or moralism, how Israel has been treating the Palestinians, and then, he starts the second half basically with the constructive question, “What shall we do about it?” He has a marvelous chapter, “Learning from South Africa,” without making the mistakes that South Africa made. Using two propositions – 1) that a country belongs to the people living in it, and 2) that both Israelis and Palestinians believe that they deserve access to the entire area – he designs an almost day-by-day way of attaining a “one-state solution,” in which everyone can live in any place they choose, with equality, human rights, and friendship.

I wish you all would look up and read a mind-numbing article on the Internet – “U.S. Officers Planned the Massacre of Beit Hanoun” in Gaza in 2006, and make copies of its frightful pictures in color, to show the horrors done to innocent Palestinian people of all ages, whose bodies were more or less disintegrated by IDF soldiers using sophisticated, unconventional weapons, bought with the three billion dollars a year the U.S. gives Israel for military use. But this is not rare; extreme violence against civilian Palestinians on the part of Israelis goes on all the time. Pilotless drones bomb houses from the sky, suspected of harboring “terrorists,” only to hit the house next door, killing 14 members of a totally innocent family. Think of the unforseen Gaza massacre a little over a year ago, with its slaughter, largely by drones and white phosphorus, of some 1400 innocent Gazans. Especially because the United States is criticized for carrying out large-scale drone warfare in Pakistan, killing countless blameless civilians (and causing angry anti-Americanism), this killing of “collateral damage” is no more morally acceptable than the much reviled suicide bombings in the Middle East. Law professor Alan Dershowitz labeled as a “benign punishment” the utter devastation of homes, by planes and bulldozers, in the Jenin refugee camp in 2006. At all hours of day and night, one can see Caterpillar-built bulldozers leveling homes in Palestine, estimated, by the Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, the Information Minister of the 2007, short-lived Palestinian Coalition Government, at over 60,000 complete or partial destructions so far. If knocking down a house, containing one’s lifetime of work, is so “benign,” some playful Harvard students mights enjoy tearing down Dr. Dershowitz’s home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. My daughter is furious that JWPF can see only one side of the Palestine/Israel issue (naturally we would answer, “Were there two sides to the Holocaust?”). I cannot convince her any more that Israel is the occupier and the Palestinians, this time, the victims, to which she will tell me that there is no Occupation – someone she trusts must have written that.

Let me assure you that Laurel is a splendid harpist, and, to paraphrase the new Republican Senator from Massachusetts, (as a harpist) she is available.
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