The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘BDS’

Senator Menendez of New Jersey (where I reside) and Senators Gillibrand and Schumer of New York (where I was raised and where I often work), are co-sponsors of a bill which would put people in jail for boycotting Israel. So I have this to say to them: I’m a Jew and I will go to […]

The Antisemitism to Come? Hardly

December 29th, 2010

The article below by DYR Board of Advisers member Susan Abulhawa is reposted from The Huffington Post. Bernard-Henri Levy, the French pop star of philosophy and intellectual elitism, authored an essay that featured my novel, Mornings in Jenin, as one of three distressing developments that led him to ask “is there no end to the […]

Exposing Another Zionist in the Peace Movement The following section is offered as a case study in how to distinguish those activists who support a Jewish state from those who recognize that deadly symptoms of Zionism are connected at the root, and that it is this root of the conflict that must be eliminated, not […]
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