The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Culture’

Never Part 2015

June 23rd, 2014


When You Remember Deir Yassin (Fomite Press) is a forthcoming volume of poems “on the subject of the occupation and destruction of Palestine” by R. L. Green. Green is a poet, musician, music producer, painter, and a former member of the Deir Yassin Remembered Board of Advisers. For a sample of Mr. Green’s poetry please […]

Below is the first stanza of “Semitic Blood Feud” by Gregory M. DeSylva. You can read the entire poem on the DYR main website. “Come, let us go down and confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” – Genesis 11:7 Why such discord between Arab and Jew? Descended from Semites of […]

Author’s note of 1 Sept 2009: This article was started and mostly completed in December 2008. Then the Israeli massacre in Gaza intervened, followed by an intensification of organizing efforts for the Batsheva Dance Company protests. After that, it gathered dust in the Drafts folder while I moved cross-country. An extended, remix version of “People […]

The Antisemitism to Come? Hardly

December 29th, 2010

The article below by DYR Board of Advisers member Susan Abulhawa is reposted from The Huffington Post. Bernard-Henri Levy, the French pop star of philosophy and intellectual elitism, authored an essay that featured my novel, Mornings in Jenin, as one of three distressing developments that led him to ask “is there no end to the […]
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