The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Approaching the Tipping Point? Our weekly de-briefing yielded a consensus opinion: the motoring public provided support for our vigil in an unprecedented manner. In our 75-minutes, almost ALL of the passersby who indicated either support of disapproval, were in support of our messages. What is to be concluded from this observation? – That Americans are […]

Dear Jacqueline A close friend of ours lives in Hillsdale County. She has held that this writer’s interest – including speaking out – about the Holocaust undermines Palestinian liberation. This report is for her, and others who hold a similar opinion. Jacqueline notes a few things: One, that I have an effective message attempting to […]

Back to Basics The lady in this  January video repeats an oft asked question: why do we hold our vigils in front of a synagogue? Let’s take a moment to answer this question, because on the face of it, it’s a pretty good question. We answered this question briefly in our 2003 statement: Why We Vigil, but […]

Laying Claim As our small group approaches its fifteenth year of existence, we claim the title of “Longest running regular street protest in Ann Arbor history”. Are we mistaken? Have we forgotten an activist group with a longer, sustained record? Please inform us and we will gladly take our ordered place in the history books. […]

Apologies Prior to our most recent report, this formerly-unfailing writer always used the blind carbon copy option (BCC:) to send out our vigil reports. Last week I failed (using TO:) and that contributed to the kerfuffle of emails flying this way and that. Sorry about that; will do better in the future. Comments from readers […]

The Intolerance of “The Left” This writer is sensitive to name calling. Not in the “I’m hurt” sense, but sensitive to the presence of unwarranted and unwanted name calling. Calling the late Ernst Zundel an “anti-Semite” comes to mind. So when the mainstream press labels Richard Spencer a “White supremacist”, my name-calling antenna starts to […]

Dedicated If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this one should suffice to express the dedication of a few peace activists in Ann Arbor. Here we have Vigiler G, doing what she does best: braving the elements to take our simple messages to the motoring public. Date of photo: Feb 10, 2018: […]
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