The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Religious freedom

Posted on August 17th, 2010 at 1:51 am by

This “Ground Zero Mosque” non-issue is reaching a fevered pitch. Who knows how it will play out. One thing is for certain. Republican and some Democrat politicians are using the controversy just to get reelected. This in itself is a pretty sad indictment for this country.

The funny thing about all the protest is that it is based on sheer stupidity. Apparently the most common objection voiced is that having a mosque at “ground zero” would be an insult to the families of the people killed on September 11th. Don’t these members of the American brain trust realize that there is already a mosque just a couple of blocks from the World Trade Center site? Maybe we should bulldoze that mosque as well.

In actuality what is being planned for the site in Lower Manhattan is not even going to be a mosque. What is planned is a community center. It’s supposed to include a basketball court and a culinary school. The top two stories will be a Muslim prayer space. I can see how that could have confused some of these people.

What a hot bed of terrorism this community center will be. Terrorist chefs and terrorist point guards planning their next attack. The really awful thing is that all the hatred and nastiness surrounding the protest of this project leads me to believe that those who will use the center have more to fear from us, than us from them.

But hope is not lost. There is one thing that will protect us from the fools who wish to take away the religious freedoms from the minority. Thank goodness the founders of this great nation were wise enough to write our Constitution to protect the minority from the abuses of the majority.

To all my Muslim friends I want to wish you Ramadan Mubarak and asalaam alaikum.

Steve Beikirch
Deir Yassin Remembered Scholarship

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