The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Religious freedom

August 17th, 2010

This “Ground Zero Mosque” non-issue is reaching a fevered pitch. Who knows how it will play out. One thing is for certain. Republican and some Democrat politicians are using the controversy just to get reelected. This in itself is a pretty sad indictment for this country. The funny thing about all the protest is that […]

If Americans only knew…

February 28th, 2010

Do you know what it is like to see your father beaten to death? Do you know what it is like seeing your mother abused at a checkpoint knowing that you can’t do anything to stop it? Do you know what it is like seeing your child being born in the backseat of a car […]

February 15th, 2010

Two of our scholarship recipients, Aya Bustami and Khulud Abu Askar, have finished the previous semester with honors. Aya is attending Bethlehem University and Khulud is attending The Islamic University in Gaza City. We are very proud of both these young women. Steve Beikirch Deir Yassin Remembered Scholarship

Al Jazeera put out an excellent report during Israel’s war on Gaza titled “Reflections of War.” There are four parts. I highly recommend watching it. Reflections of War – Part 1 Reflections of War – Part 2 Reflections of War – Part 3 Reflections of War – Part 4 I also recommend a book written […]

Letter to President Obama

February 3rd, 2010

President Obama, Please tell Senator Mitchell for me that he’s out of his mind if he thinks the Palestinian side is the one to blame for stalling the peace process. Israel continues, like she always has during every peace talk, to build settlements. Settlement freeze – what settlement freeze? You and Senator Mitchell are being […]

Poetic Justice

February 2nd, 2010

I came across this photo of artwork that was done on the separation wall in Bethlehem.  With his gun broken this Israeli soldier must submit to being searched. Steve Beikirch DYR Scholarship
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