The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

If Americans only knew…

Posted on February 28th, 2010 at 11:50 pm by

Do you know what it is like to see your father beaten to death?

Do you know what it is like seeing your mother abused at a checkpoint knowing that you can’t do anything to stop it?

Do you know what it is like seeing your child being born in the backseat of a car while a soldier points his gun at you?

Do you know what it is like when you hold your child as she takes her last breath?

Do you know what it is like when a human being is degraded out of his humanity?

Do you know what it is like watching your life being shattered and your dreams stolen?

Do you know what it is like being oppressed and to be deprived of your freedom?

I’m sure you don’t because if you did, you would have never called me a TERRORIST.

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