The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 08-18-12

Posted on August 27th, 2012 at 8:01 am by

Another Visitor at our Vigil

A young student from the University of Michigan stopped by and gave us support. Vigil supporter J attended Columbia University before transferring to UM and commented on the Jewish community’s domination of campus activities in New York. J now sees the same influence at UM, and since J grew up in Ann Arbor, and even attended Beth Israel Congregation a few times, felt our protest was entirely valid and necessary. We hope J can return soon, and join JWPF.

JWPF Supports Day of Al Quds in Detroit August 17

Although time constraints and some poor planning on this writer’s part prevented JWPF members from attending this year’s Al Quds Day protest in Detroit, we were able to loan them some signs and our anti-Israel flag for their event. Their report kindly mentions us:

The Al-Quds Committee commemorated the International Day of Al-Quds in metro Detroit, with an ‘Auto-Rally’ followed by a protest. A procession of about 60 vehicles followed a 26′ lead Truck, featuring four banners mounted on the sides and a huge flag of Palestine in the front. The procession drove from the city of Dearborn’s Hemlock Park to Hart Plaza (Downtown Detroit). Most cars drove with a window-flag of Palestine. A good number of the youth helped in handing out maps, flags to the participants of the Auto-Rally. The protest, held at Hart Plaza, had an estimated participation of above 200 individuals. Participants included a significant number of families and good representation of youth. They held up several banners, placards and signs, some of which were provided courtesy of the JWPF (Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends). The protest featured poetry recitation by two youth, a youth speaker, a speech by Abayomi Azikiwe (MECAWI – Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice), and recitation of the Al-Quds Committee’s Resolutions for this year. The event was well-received for the most part. Dearborn’s Police Dept. was on hand at Hemlock Park to manage local traffic, and the Detroit Police Dept. was present at Hart Plaza to minimize congestion.


Eight vigilers
Israel: No Right to Exist
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

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