The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 07-27-13

Posted on August 4th, 2013 at 9:50 am by

The Party Never Ends

…and neither does the work. Wearing the “colors” on a cross-country motorcycle ride, this writer found many opportunities to initiate discussion of Jewish supremacism in Palestine and the Western world in general. An interview on the topic of Jewish Power with Bill Alford on his Moral Politics cable TV show will be aired August 16 in Seattle. Hopefully, we will be able to view the 28-minute segment soon.

Motorcycle Trip 2013 - sm

Bumper stickers were requested on two occasions and an interesting conversation occurred after a man at the fuel pump offered a biblical warning against promoting the “destruction of Israel”. It occurs that this is an area where activists could make great inroads: this man listened – perhaps didn’t accept – that the Jews of the Bible were not the ancestors of Zionist Jews from Europe who decided to invade Palestine and evict its people. He politely accepted the brochure “How Palestine Became Israel”, and hopefully will entertain a change of position.

Certainly, there were negative encounters. The most humorous was a woman from Paonia, Colorado who demanded I move my motorcycle from its legal parking spot because she didn’t want to have it “parked in [her] back yard” with that political “crap on the back”. Ah, the openness of American minds …

Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day Celebration in Dearborn

Two members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended Dearborn, Michigan’s Al Quds Day political celebration Friday, August 2, and shared our signs and flag with a modest crowd of about 150 people. The International Day of Quds calls for “people of conscience [to] express solidarity with the oppressed of the world, particularly the innocent of Palestine. We invite all the peace-loving people to voice their opposition against the unjust occupation and the usurpation of Palestine by the oppressive Zionist regime.”

Al Quds Day -sm


July 13th – 4 vigilers
July 20th – 6 vigilers
July 27th – 5 vigilers
Israel: No Right to Exist
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

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