Flagpole Destroyed
Near midnight on August 12 a vandal crept onto my front lawn and attempted to physically remove the anti-Israel flag that hangs from the tree there. What once was
in less than one minute. This trespass and malicious destruction of property has been reported to the Ann Arbor Police Department and we are anticipating reviewing evidence – including surveillance film footage – with AAPD’s Detective Department.
Looking Ahead (1)
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends will celebrate ten years of standing up to Jewish Power in Ann Arbor on September 14. We are planning a belated private party due to some long-deserved vacations being planned by our regular vigilers.
Looking Ahead (2)
September 14 is also the date of the 4th Annual Bill Henry International Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day “when we honor Bill Henry (né Herskovitz) for a decision that quite possibly saved an eight-year-old boy from a life of “Jewish chauvinism and exclusivismâ€.” This event coincides with Yom Kippur and JWPF anticipates a larger than normal crowd attending services at Beth Israel. Please help us meet this increased presence at a Zionist synagogue by standing with us that day.
Looking Ahead (3): Road Trip
Two directors of Deir Yassin Remembered will visit Ann Arbor and vigil with us on September 28. Dan McGowan and Paul Eisen will join our ranks and help protest inordinate Jewish Power on that date. We plan then to load the vehicles and pay a visit to free speech advocate Ingrid Zundel in Pigeon Forge, TN, followed by a visit to the Washington, DC offices of [ital]The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.
We are also trying to acquire a venue where Messrs. McGowan and Eisen may address interested members of Ann Arbor’s peace community on Friday evening, September 27. Stay tuned for details.
Alice Walker Succumbs to Jewish Power
It’s now all over the internet that the University of Michigan invited author Alice Walker to speak at the Center for the Education of Women’s 50th anniversary event, then – based on threats from donors to withdraw funding – rescinded the invitation. Our Pinocchio Award has been issued to center Director Gloria D. Thomas who later denied that donors had any bearing on the decision.
That’s like denying the threat of funding loss had anything to do with the firing of former vigiler Dr. Catherine Wilkerson from the Packard Community Clinic in 2007. Or like the threat of funding loss was not a factor in the decision of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice to terminate its own Middle East Task Force. And one should not forget the brandishing of this Jewish Power in Dr. Barry Gross’ political threat to the Mayor and City Council members of Ann Arbor in his 2004 letter complaining of political inaction over his wish to have our vigils terminated.
Those who are insisting that it’s “Zionist Power” and not “Jewish Power” would do well to recall that, based on [ital]The Jewish State by Theodor Herzl, “Israel” was created and is maintained today as a “Jewish” state. They are also referred to Tony Martin’s book [ital]The Jewish Onslaught, in which the Jewish community of Wellesley, MA subjected him to the most outlandish ritual defamation over a subject that had nothing to do with Zionism.
Note: There was no vigil report for 08-03-13
August 3: 7 vigilers
August 10: 10 vigilers
“Israel” Out of US Government
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends