The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 09-07-13

Posted on September 15th, 2013 at 7:40 pm by

Jewish Power to be Discussed in Ann Arbor

Time to circle the calendars for an open discussion of Jewish Power in Ann Arbor on the evening of Friday, September 27th. Deir Yassin Remembered is an organization dedicated to memorializing the village of Deir Yassin, which suffered perhaps the most notable terrorist attack by Jewish gangs six weeks before al Nakba, the catastrophe that befell Palestinians on May 14, 1948. The US and UK directors of this group – Dan McGowan and Paul Eisen – will be in town to raise and field questions, such as: How are some Jewish leaders in the peace movement harmful to the goal of liberating Palestine? Choice of venue is underway.

Get Back! Peacemonger Exposes Zionist “Humanitarianism”

In the front page article published by the Ann Arbor News (Aug. 25) about our 10-year vigils, author Ryan Stanton interviewed Dr. Barry Gross (infamous for his Tony Soprano-esq letter of 2004) as the person who “helped organize a system whereby congregants pledge to donate money to humanitarian causes for every protester who shows up on Saturdays.” Magen David Adom (MDA), the “Israeli” Red Cross and Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam (NSWAS), a co-operative village in Palestine, are listed as the two organizations bearing Gross’ “humanitarian” stamp.

Peacemonger examines these two organizations for us and exposes a rather seamy side. For instance, she quotes for us the words of MDA’s head of its “rabbinical committee” – Shmuel Eliyahu – who spoke about the need for “national revenge” in 2008 and sang the praises of “a revenge that is so painful, it will burn into their souls the message of all our enemies that Jewish blood is more valuable than gold and platinum.”

Nice guy, right? Humanitarian? Puh-leeze!

Then there’s the facetious NSWAS: Peacemonger uncovers the words of a non-Jewish (OMG) writer in the Palestine Liberation movement, the Lebanese Mulham Assir, who explains what we’ve always suspected:

Neve Shalom is a fraudulent propaganda construct created (like the Wall of Shame itself, on stolen land) to fool the world with the slogan ‘peaceful coexistence is possible.’ The subtext is ‘if only Palestinians would accept the occupation, the dispossession, our refusal to allow the refugee to come home even as we import people from all over the world to man our “Jewish state” machine, if they accepted their “métèque” and wog status in their own land, but above all, if only most of them would go away voluntarily so we wouldn’t have to allay our demographic fears by using tanks, missiles and bulldozers that put a crimp in our image abroad.’

If Barry Gross were truly interested in making contributions to humanitarian groups, he might consider tossing a few bucks to Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends.

Jewish Publication Highlights JWPF Vigils

Freelance reporter and Ann Arbor resident Steve Friess has written an article for the Tablet, an on-line Jewish publication. JWPF has just requested Peacemonger to deconstruct this article for us, but in the meantime, try and see how many false statements you can find contained. Feel free to comment to the article directly, and our answers will be supplied next week.


X vigilers
Which side are you on?
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

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