Flag Day and an Acknowledgement
In our vigil report of 05-17-14 we repeated Marc Sussman’s words of encouragement towards Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends:
“I continue to be impressed by your little group, continuing to raise needed funds for your fellow Jews in the State of Israel – Keep up the good work! The more you picket, the more money goes to Israel – It is good that you are accomplishing something with your effortsâ€
Mr. Sussman sends similar words of encouragement to this writer on a monthly basis, and we thought it high time to acknowledge his support, and what better time to start our weekly thanks than Flag Day. Here is the sign we displayed during our entire vigil last Saturday, with appropriate flag:
Assuming that Mr. Sussman does not read our vigil reports (I do not have his email address), we will enclose the following team photo taken immediately after Saturday’s vigil, and include a snail-mail thank-you note. We hope he appreciates our goodwill gesture, as we do his.
Thank you, Mr. Sussman, and thanks to Vigil Supporter J for his timely and compassionate suggestion .
Six vigilers
Reformer or Abolitionist – Which are you?
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
June 16th, 2014 - 1:16 pm
Great Post. Thanks for all you do and keep up the great work.