The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 04-11-15

Posted on April 13th, 2015 at 10:59 am by

With Apologies to Pauline Esther Friedman (aka Abigail van Buren)

From JWPF’s “Letters” bin, we uncovered a concerned note from “Confused in Ann Arbor” and hereby share its contents and response from an authority on Jewish identity politics, Gilad Atzmon:

Dear Gilad,

I attended a presentation by Josh Ruebner – Policy Director for the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation – in Ann Arbor on March 28th. He took questions from the audience and I asked three: Since he mentioned that Zionists had “no right in international law to create a Jewish state”, was he willing to now admit that Israel had no right to exist as a Jewish state? His answer rubber-banded him back to his previous position: that no state has a “right” to exist, that organizing bodies like the UN “recognizes” states but grants them no rights. Seems to me, dear Gilad, that he dodged the essence of the question and those four pesky words “as a Jewish state”. Second question: Does his organization oppose Israel’s occupation to preserve or dismantle a Jewish state? Answer: the US Campaign takes no position on one state v. two state. And three: since the Jewish community clearly supports the Jewish state, when will his organization take on the Jews as contributors – financially and emotionally – as opponents in this struggle? Answer: Josh doesn’t think the Jewish community is monolithic in their support and will not challenge them for their support.

No, the Jewish community is not monolithic, but the range, in my opinion, is from right Zionist to left Zionists, you know, a kinder and gentler Jewish supremacist state. In fact, dear Gilad, Mr. Ruebner never utters the phrase “Jewish supremacism”, nor “Jewish Power”, while he and other Jewish leaders in the peace movement grab more and more control, thereby exercising the exact power they seemingly refuse to discuss. Can you help me resolve these issues? I’d really like to have a more favorable opinion of Josh.

Thank you,
Confused in Ann Arbor

This letter was answered immediately:

Dear Confused in Ann Arbor,

You are indeed confused for a reason. Monitoring Jewish progressive duplicity for more than a decade has left me with a clear impression that integrity, factuality and reason are foreign to the Jewish Left political discourse.

Josh Ruebner like Max Blumenthal, JVP, Mondoweiss and other Jewish left operators’ mission is simple – they attempt to convey an image of Jewish ethical thinking. The Palestinians and their plight have an instrumental role. They are there to affirm Jewish goodness. This may explain why Jewish solidarity didn’t liberate Palestine. It was there to conceal the Jewishness of Jewish State.

(signed) Gilad Atzmon


April 4: Eight vigilers
April 11: Nine vigilers
Remembering Deir Yassin
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

One Response to “Report on Beth Israel vigil 04-11-15”

  1. Ibrahim Soudy

    I have asked several Jewish Activists about “What percentage of Jews support Israel regardless of what it does?”. The answers I got were shocking to me. The “lowest” estimate was 95%…….

    That simply means that at least 95% of ALL JEWS in the world are complicit in the crimes of Israel!!!!

    I have also been deeply involved in activism in 9/11 Truth, Anti-Afghanistan-Iraq wars, and the Iranian Nuclear Program issues and I found it not unusual to see “Jewish” activists in a very subtle way trying to make these areas of activism go unproductively………..I have to say that a careful reading of history says it all.

    Many of the Jews who get involved in activism related directly or indirectly to Israel are there to PROTECT ISRAEL not to solve problems…….You can see that very clearly if you observe and see the subtle ways they follow…………….
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