The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Back in the Harness After a one week’s hiatus from our weekly presence at Beth Israel, five members of Witness for Peace took to the streets once more in hopes of liberating Palestine (and US foreign policy) from its Jewish masters. Ann Arbor’s finest was there as well, but it appears the officer’s presence was […]

WfP Cancels Vigil for Nov. 3 Witness for Peace issued the following letter to Rabbi Nadav Caine of Beth Israel Congregation and hand delivered it to his office on Oct. 31. We will continue our weekly vigil restarting on Nov. 10. Rabbi Nadav Caine Beth Israel Congregation Oct. 31, 2018 Dear Rabbi Caine, We are […]

Palestine and the Holocaust We presented a major reason for revisiting the facts surrounding the Holocaust in our vigil report of July 28 and this week decided to share this important viewpoint with members of Ann Arbor’s City Council at their meeting on Oct. 15. Council meetings are videotaped and you can advance to 00:25:20 at […]

9th Annual Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day Apologies for the late notice, but this Wednesday – September 19, 2018 – is the 9th anniversary of the holiday we call the “Annual Bill Henry International Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day”. Join us in celebration by enjoying a cheeseburger at your local burger joint. If a picture is worth a thousand words… … […]

Approaching the Tipping Point? Our weekly de-briefing yielded a consensus opinion: the motoring public provided support for our vigil in an unprecedented manner. In our 75-minutes, almost ALL of the passersby who indicated either support of disapproval, were in support of our messages. What is to be concluded from this observation? – That Americans are […]

Dear Jacqueline A close friend of ours lives in Hillsdale County. She has held that this writer’s interest – including speaking out – about the Holocaust undermines Palestinian liberation. This report is for her, and others who hold a similar opinion. Jacqueline notes a few things: One, that I have an effective message attempting to […]

July 27, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Daniel McGowan (Email) Telephone: 315-789-3524 On Sunday, July 29th, 26 boxes of historical material from the archives of Deir Yassin Remembered in Geneva, New York will be transported to their new home in the Palestine Museum US in Woodbridge, Connecticut. The archives include books, maps, photographs, audio and […]
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