The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Five Protesters Greet the “Israeli” Philharmonic If you relied on local mainstream media to cover our protest of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra on the University of Michigan campus, you’d be disappointed. “No coverage” seems to be the order of the day from the (((powers))) that be, as exhibited by newspapers refusing to run paid […]

Israel Fiddles while Palestine Burns The Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra is being hosted by the University [of Michigan] Musical Society, in an attempt to normalize a country that discriminates against Palestinian Christians and Muslims, is in violation of over 70 UN Resolution, maintains an illegal wall, kills unarmed Palestinian protesters, including first responders, enjoys racist laws, […]

Jewish Power and the Ohio State Buckeyes We now admit a sneaky suspicion that our billboard was in erected in a precarious location. It was on the outskirts of Marion, Ohio, facing southbound traffic on US-23, the route used by most Ann Arbor football fans who would travel to Columbus on November 24 for the […]
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