The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

We’re Winning (One man’s view) 4,200 miles on a motorcycle through ten states including Colorado and Wyoming netted us the following observation: There were only two rather feeble responses to the anti-Israel bumper stickers and garments worn, when in the past there were many. In addition, the force and anger of the offended viewers previously […]

JWPF in the News Two JWPF supporters and this writer addressed the Ann Arbor City Council last Monday (7/7) on the topic of human rights violations and Israel. From the pages of, 7:13 p.m. Public commentary. This portion of the meeting offers 10 three-minute slots that can be reserved in advance. Preference is given to […]

It’s Good to be the King For those not familiar with the Detroit metro area, there are two mainstream daily print publications, the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press, which entered into a joint operating agreement in 1987 “while maintaining separate editorial staffs”, according to Wikipedia. Nolan Finley remained as the News’ Editorial Page Editor, […]

Acknowledgment is in the mail Our social secretary finally got around to penning the following thank you to Marc Sussman for his ongoing support of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends: June 29, 2014 Mr. Marc Sussman 26116 York Huntington Woods, MI 48070 Dear Mr. Sussman, Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends would like to […]

Flag Day and an Acknowledgement   In our vigil report of 05-17-14 we repeated Marc Sussman’s words of encouragement towards Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends: “I continue to be impressed by your little group, continuing to raise needed funds for your fellow Jews in the State of Israel – Keep up the good work! The […]

How Media Distorts our News Since this week is the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty (June 8, 1967), I thought it propitious to inform members of Ann Arbor City Council what happened on that date. See text of speech (delivered June 2) below signature. In general, the on-line newspaper provides a pretty […]

Annoyances like these come with the job About once a month Marc Sussman, a resident of Huntington Woods, Michigan and not known to this writer, sends me a card with cynical encouragement to keep up our weekly vigils at Beth Israel Congregation. Copied below, the text states: “A generous offer was made to American Friends […]
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