The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Taking Justice to the Streets Last week we reported that Ira Levy of Ann Arbor stole a sign from our vigil group on February 4, 2012. We also reported that City Attorney Bob West denied charges based, in part, on the alibi created by Levy that he had sold the car prior to the theft […]

RetroVigil For those old enough to remember Burma-Shave signs on our nation’s highways, Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends unites past and present with our new offering, unveiled at Beth Israel last week: Ira Levy Steals sign, Gets away with it An eight-page police report issued by the Ann Arbor Police Department Detective Bureau […]

Billboard Update Starting Monday, March 26, the billboard financed by Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends, IfAmericansKnew, and Deir Yassin Remembered will move to the western edge of the Detroit metropolitan area on Interstate 96 about a half-mile east of the Wixom Road exit, facing westbound traffic. This billboard continues to ask: “$8 Million/Day to […]

Gilad Atzmon’s Third Rail Two members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends traveled to Geneva, New York to hear Gilad Atzmon and Rich Siegel showcase their musical and political talents at the Cracker Factory on Tuesday evening (3/13). Gilad just might be the only true philosopher our generation has ever created and it was […]

Our Billboards Receive National Attention United Press International has picked up the story that was published by the Bay City Times covering the billboard sponsored by, Deir Yassin Remembered and Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends. Since this publication we have issued a press release which readers can download and disseminate to their local […]

Meeting with Ed Pinkney Four members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended an impromptu meeting with the Rev. Ed Pinkney of Benton Harbor, which has been under assault by the Whirlpool Corporation. In one of his first acts, newly installed, state-appointed Emergency Finance Manager Joseph Harris exercised his authority to suspend the powers […]

The Third Rail Prior to 2005, the group Jewish Voice for Peace – Chicago called itself “Not in My Name”. The group continues to maintain a 12-year-old weekly vigil, upon which JWPF patterned itself — sign holding, some banners, respectful, silent and peaceful. Every week this report gets sent to their email list for distribution […]
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