The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Fourteen Years, and Still Going Strong Witness for Peace celebrates fourteen years of holding Ann Arbor’s Jewish community publicly accountable for their support of a Zionist (i.e. Jewish racist) state. It is with a smile of contentment when we realize how our message has morphed over the years. Initially, we organized “as Jews (and friends)”, […]

  Brother Nathanael Attends Our Vigil Renowned YouTube personality Brother Nathanael joined a half dozen other peace activists on August 28th at our weekly vigil in Ann Arbor. Claiming he was impressed with our street presence and decorum, he added a religious component to our otherwise political protest. Later that day he spoke at the […]

Does Jewish Power call the shots at Outfront Media? On July 7, Deir Yassin Remembered initiated a possible contract with Outfront Media for a billboard in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area. Our request was met with an apparently willing Lafe Schneider, Territory Growth Manager for Outfront’s Detroit office. Lafe provided us with three suitable locations in […]

A Working Vacation This writer recently completed a 10-state motorcycle tour of the United States and carried the message “America First Not Israel” on bike and body. This message met with approval over a dozen times and received no negative comments. Some rather lengthy and friendly conversations ensued – including frank discussions on many of […]

Theft and Appropriation: Jewish Values? Witness for Peace was given a lesson in specious reasoning, attempted theft, and feigned victimization at our vigil on May 20, 2017. Take a look at the photo of this unidentified woman: This would-be thief apparently thought it her right to steal property that was obviously not hers, falsely claim […]

Witness for Peace in the News Just when you thought that journalism was totally comatose, up pops a reporter of the local on-line and print edition of The Ann Arbor News and places a call to this writer. Her interest was – after reading other accounts of the SPLC smearing us as a “hate” group […]

Fair Play This week Witness for Peace has raised questions in the Ann Arbor City Attorney’s office for one of our signs that sent Assistant City Attorney Kristen Larcom out to photograph it. The sign reads Prof. Victor Lieberman: “Heil Hitler!” And is pictured below A Short History Why would WfP carry […]
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