The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘News & Opinion’ category

Seattle Panel This writer introduced the topic of Jewish Power at a panel presentation and discussion in Seattle September 20th. I was joined on the stage by Greg Felton and Gilad Atzmon. Greg followed with a factual explanation of the crimes of the Jewish state, and Gilad finished with a slide show presenting new theories […]

An Open Letter to Barack Obama

September 27th, 2014

JWPF Endorses Full Page Ad in NYTimes A full-page advertisement was run in the New York Times on Tuesday, September 16, 2014, appealing to Barack Obama to suspend aid to Israel. JWPF lent its name as an endorser to this ad, and we find ourselves in good company: Deir Yassin Remembered, If Americans Knew, Council […]

School Starts, So Do We … At least three positive actions loom, perhaps more. Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends have been somewhat silent on the summer’s slaughter in Gaza – not because we don’t care about the people – but because our interest has been in the total dismantlement of the Jewish state. While […]

Ann Arbor Human Rights Commission: “No Comment” Ann Arbor resident Neal Elyakin is a founding member of the Michigan-Israel Business Bridge, a Board Member of the Michigan Chapter of the Friends of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and a Board Member of the Jewish National Fund. The Fund controls Palestinian land that was ethnically cleansed […]

Ann Arbor City Council: “Where is the humanity?” The Palestinian voice was heard loud and clear this past week in the chambers of Ann Arbor’s City Council as six Palestinian students and local citizens individually chastised the council and mayor for their continued inaction on the slaughter in Gaza and asked: “Where’s the humanity?” Between […]

We’re Winning (One man’s view) 4,200 miles on a motorcycle through ten states including Colorado and Wyoming netted us the following observation: There were only two rather feeble responses to the anti-Israel bumper stickers and garments worn, when in the past there were many. In addition, the force and anger of the offended viewers previously […]
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