The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘News & Opinion’ category

A Story of Chris A few weeks back my friend Chris spoke excitedly to me about a New Yorker article he’d just read and he wanted my opinion. So I read “Lydda, 1948” and though we’ve spoken since, I feel an opportunity was missed during our brief follow-up discussion last night. Chris “gets it”, that is, he […]

Five Broken Cameras – a Look Inside About eight JWPF members and supporters attended a showing of “Five Broken Cameras” at the Ann Arbor District Library this week. The film, which has won a couple of awards and was nominated for an Oscar, depicts the non-violent protests originating in the West Bank village of Bi’lin. […]

Bending the Rules at City Council Slightly frustrated by being sidelined by Ann Arbor City Council rules, this writer used a tenuous connection to play by the rules, yet get a point across. Readers remember the vigil report of Nov. 16 when my talk exposing the blacklisting of companies by MasterCard was delayed. This week’s talk […]

Dodging the Question A handful of JWPF members joined about 150 others at the University of Michigan’s Dearborn campus last Monday to listen to speakers Josh Ruebner, Ben White, and Susan Abulhawa avoid the topics we listed in last week’s report: 1. The legitimacy of the Jewish state 2. Jewish Identity Politics 3. Influence of Jewish […]

Dynamic Silence Redux With a touch of irony, this writer was “Dynamically Silenced” by an Ann Arbor City Council rule even as I was about to speak to that body [bold]about dynamic silence. Prior to about 2004, citizens wishing to address Council on any topic were allotted four minutes provided they signed up in advance. […]

Will Rasmea Odeh follow Rabih Haddad? Three members of JWPF traveled to Detroit for a rally to have apparently-politically-inspired criminal charges dropped against Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh, who spent ten years in an Israeli prison. This writer was reminded of similar protests in 2002 “demanding” – whatever that means – the release of Rabih Haddad, […]

Dynamic Silence (again) Benjamin Ginsberg, in his book The Fatal Embrace, identifies the term “Dynamic Silence” for us. From page 124 we read: Together with their allies, Jews also organized efforts to deprive anti-Semites of access to the media. This effort began during the late 1940s and continued into the 1950s. For example, during this […]
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