The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 09-12-09

Posted on September 19th, 2009 at 7:11 am by

George Lambrides Throws Down the Gauntlet

This writer has been one of the most faithful attendees at monthly meetings of the Interfaith Round Table of Washtenaw County during the last four years. Readers of our Reports are aware that from time to time, valid criticism of this group has entered these pages. Executive Director George Lambrides, failing to achieve distinction of being the man to end our peaceful vigils, turned from Faux-Friend to Stern Leader, and chipped away at my ability to freely attend IRT meetings: attempts at embarrassing introductions, threats that I wasn’t welcome in spite of their web sites’ mission statement, rules thrown down that were selectively enforced, e.g. no proselytizing, no political clothing, no leafletting.

Much to George’s chagrin, I followed the rules, so for him nothing worked. But apparently sometime this summer, he and his ten-member “Coordinating Committee” hatched a plan that was foolproof: They would state clearly on their web-site that the September kick-off meeting would be “By Invitation Only”. Then they placed two peace-thugs at the entrance door to St. Clare’s Episcopal Church (Genesis), armed with a list of “invitees”, and apparently tasked with keeping me out.

The Fly in the Ointment came in the form of the Rev. Paul Versluis, a member of the Coordinating Committee, who granted my request for an invitation to the afternoon’s meeting. The stage was set.

As I walked up to the table, I recognized one of the men sitting there: John Kotre (Mennonite, Church of the Brethren), and father-in-law to Grace Kotre, Assistant Director of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice. Hm-m-m … The other man was not known, but immediately played the part of The Heavy. Like the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, he was there to say “None shall Pass!”.

Heavy claimed that my name was not on the list; therefore I could not enter the conference room. I explained that my invitation was from Paul Versluis whom I knew was in the building. Heavy continued to block my ingress to the room, and at one time grabbed me. He then said that if I entered the room, he would call the police.

I entered the room, and began conversing with past ICPJ President Joe Summers (one of those responsible for the elimination of ICPJ’s Middle East Task Force), Steve Hedquist and a few others at one of the tables. At that time Father George came over and informed me (a) he had “overrided” Paul’s invitation, and (b) if I didn’t leave he would call the police to have me escorted out. I continued my conversation with an unidentified, friendly lady.

AAPD Officers Tom Arreola and Brett Hansen entered the room, and were perfect gentlemen in their treatment of me, their holstered handguns notwithstanding. The “Trespass Notice” – Incident 09-47213 – reads “Disruptive per report [phone call from Lambrides], not in officer’s presence”. Before leaving the room I caught the gaze of Rabbi Rob Dobruisin and Federation President David Stuhlman, and couldn’t help imagining them in the roles of Tony and Currado Soprano, getting their dirty work done by their minions. I followed the officers out of the room, pausing only to snap a picture of Heavy, pictured below and here. E-mails to the list of IRT members have not turned up his name so that a reconciliation between us can commence.

The next IRT meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 20th 12:30 pm, and peace activists are urged to attend. If attendance is still restricted, there will be a protest outside Genesis, 2309 Packard Rd.

Victory in Benton Harbor

Three members of JWPF travelled across state to Benton Harbor to help our good friend Rev. Ed Pinkney become elected President of the newly formed NAACP chapter there. Threats by Whirlpool Corporation to take over leadership of this fledgling organization were thwarted. Go, Ed !!


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” … John F. Kennedy

Five Vigillers
Celebrating six years of standing for Palestine
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 11-10-07

Posted on November 10th, 2007 at 7:15 am by

Ann Arbor Jews Go Ad Hominem

Sunday readers of the Ann Arbor News were treated to a $1500 quarter page paid advertisement attacking Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends through a thoroughly ad hominem smear of this writer [read: divide and conquer]. Including such falsehoods as “holding anti-Jewish … posters and signs”, this expensive ad does more to justify our group’s actions than our opponents could have anticipated.

What tips their hand more than anything is the full color image of the Israeli flag smack dab in the center of the ad. Here they are, complaining about protests in front of the House of Israel, claiming it’s solely a place of worship, while they brag about collecting money to contribute to the State of Israel. H-mm-m …House of Israel [Beth Israel]. State of Israel. Foreign flag. Money. Says it all. See if you agree:

Click to access Mazal%20Tov%20Ad%20by%20AASPURN.pdf

Score One for Hannah/Anna

Five members of JWPF appeared at a talk by Anna Baltzer and Hannah Mermelstein (co-Board member of Deir Yassin Remembered –, where they were asked to respond to [Beth Israel] Rabbi Dobusin’s claim that, speaking for all members of Beth Israel Congregation, he “affirms … the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish state”. Do Anna and Hannah agree with the Rabbi and support Israel’s claimed right to exist as a Jewish state in Palestine? “No” said both women, and offered to expand on their answer. But no explanation was requested, and we say “Good job, ladies!”

City Attorney Making Local Cops Look Bad?

Remember Abraham Seligman from South Euclid, Ohio, who came to our vigils and accosted a member of JWPF in front of at least four Ann Arbor officers? So burly a man is Abraham, in spite of his 80 years, that he was double [hand]cuffed by the police, and arrested. But through the efforts of PeaceMonger, we learn that Abraham is now a free man, without even being assessed court costs at his pre-trial hearing in March. Apparently Abraham’s standing mute resulted in City Attorney Steve Postema’s office dropping all charges. As PeaceMonger writes: “This just goes to show you that while crime may not pay, in Ann Arbor it probably won’t cost you anything, either, if you’re a Zionist assaulting anti-Zionists.” See full report at

Future Action

For the past 4 Decembers, the Jewish Federation of Washtenaw County holds its annual “Big Event”, where upwards of $1 Million are collected in one evening; and Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends stages a wintry outdoor protest. This year’s event will feature Dr. Michael Oren – born and raised in New Jersey, and “ascended” (made aliyah) to Israel in the 70’s and served in the IOF – giving the keynote address. We plan to gather at the Ypsilanti (Mich) Marriott, aka “Eagle Crest” to once again protest this shameful pandering for support of genocide. Date is Thursday, December 6th. Details to follow. Check details at

Eight members of JWPF asking
Jewish Supremacist State, or Peace?
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
Henry Herskovitz
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