The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Beth Israel’

The Party Never Ends …and neither does the work. Wearing the “colors” on a cross-country motorcycle ride, this writer found many opportunities to initiate discussion of Jewish supremacism in Palestine and the Western world in general. An interview on the topic of Jewish Power with Bill Alford on his Moral Politics cable TV show will […]

Richard Siverstein: Fox Guards the Henhouse An associate passed along an invitation to hear Richard Silverstein speak in Seattle this week. Silverstein operates a blog called Tikkun Olam, meaning “to heal the world“, although it appeared through our email exchange that Richard, with many other Jewish leaders in the Palestinian solidarity movement, refuses to countenance the single […]

Tony Soprano, Israel, and Jewish Power Well, the boss is dead, and there are those of us who now grieve, kidding ourselves into believing that we actually knew him. Such is the power of Hollywood: the ability to manipulate emotions, often to promote political agendas. Anyone see Exodus lately? Sophie’s Choice? Try typing “Holocaust Films” into […]

Another Jewish Gatekeeper Leaves email List Joshua Bernstein (not real name) has called it quits on receiving these reports. Apparently a close associate of Rebecca Vilkomerson, he took last week’s report personally when we wrote: “Gilad [Atzmon] identifies for us these leaders – Medea Benjamin of Code Pink and Rebecca Vilkomerson of Jewish Voice for Peace […]

Atzmon Tours Toledo and Ypsilanti We have learned a secret about jazz musician and philosopher Gilad Atzmon in the last few days: the man only has two speeds, 100 mph (that’s 161 kph for the Brits reading this) and zero. His energy wore out a crowd of 25 folks in Ypsilanti, Michigan Friday evening and […]

 Flyer Available for Gilad Atzmon Concert/Discussion A wonderful flyer has been created by an associate of Vigiler L for Gilad’s concert and discussion Friday, May 24th. Readers interested in attending may contact this writer for the undisclosed location, and flyers can be downloaded for reproduction here. There are plans for a short road trip to Toledo […]

Protesting the NAACP Three members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends responded to a request from our friend Ed Pinkney to help him protest the NAACP dinner and fund raiser held at Detroit’s Cobo Hall on Sunday, April 28. As Ed explains, the NAACP “has failed for decades to represent the interests of African-Americans […]
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