The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Beth Israel’

Protesters Confront Jewish Federation in Ann Arbor The local media, who promoted the appearance of Israel’s Hasbara Queen Noa – aka the queen of celebration of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine – remained eerily silent on the coverage of twenty-three protesters at the Michigan Theater last Wednesday (April 17). If we listen to Voltaire, however, […]

Local Media Pumps ‘Noa’ Appearance At least three local media sources have announced this Wednesday’s celebration of “Israel” featuring the Israeli performer Noa, aka Achinoam Nini. Thursday’s print edition of A2Journal carried the story “‘Noa’ concert celebrates Israel’s 65th birthday”, and included personal comments by Ron Sussman (Rabbi Dobrusin’s right hand man) and Elliot Eisenberg, […]

Flyer Ready for April 17 Protest The flyer for our April17 protest of “Celebrate Israel Day” festivities at the Michigan Theater is complete and can be downloaded here for printing and distribution. Please make plans to join us as we stand against 65 years (at least) of ethnic cleansing. Contact this writer for more details. WHERE: […]

Max Blumenthal Shows His Stripes Five members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended a panel presentation which showcased Ben White and Max Blumenthal, both signatories to an on-line document which attempts to marginalize and silence Gilad Atzmon. This document is entitled “Not Quite ‘Ordinary Human Beings’—Anti-imperialism and the anti-humanist rhetoric of Gilad Atzmon”, and […]

oa – The Wolf’s Clothing As JWPF prepares to protest a “celebration” of genocidal violence – aka the creation and continuation of the State of Israel – we notice how this wolf calls upon its Hasbara Queen to run cover. Mary Rizzo writes, ” Noa is called to the front lines each time there is a […]

Celebrating “Israel” in Ann Arbor As far as JWPF’s Social Calendar Committee (SCC) can determine, Ann Arbor’s Jewish community has no plans for a Celebrate “Israel” Day event in May, typically held at the JCC. See last year’s protest of that event here. Instead, however, they plan to bring in a professional “Israel’” singer named Noa […]

Wearing the Colors Public displays of anti-Israel sentiments can often act as an invitation to conversation, a “fish hook”, so to speak. The T-shirt below and similar models are worn most places in Ann Arbor, and regularly at the YMCA in town. This past week the shirt drew a response there from a young, non-Jewish […]
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