The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Beth Israel’

Help Us Contact IJAN Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends would like to invite all members of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, to join us anti-Zionists on June 19th in yet another silent, peaceful vigil at Beth Israel Congregation in Ann Arbor and to hold the Jewish community accountable for its undisputed support of Zionism. […]

Introducing Alan Hart … Twice Good to their word, the kind folks at Interdenominational Advocates for Peace (IDAP) carried through on their promise to introduce this writer as a member of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends and identify him as the one who would present Alan Hart. Alan was well received by Jewish and […]

A Quota for Jews on the Supreme Court? Where’s Abe Foxman? An implied 40% quota on Jews able to serve on the highest court in the land is contained in the nomination of Elena Kagan by Barack Obama. (The fourth Jew would make it 4/9=44%). We feel that there should be no such quota, and […]

Local Jews to Quakers: Censure Vigilers! Cassie Cammann, Clerk of the local Friends Meeting, penned an unauthorized letter to the editor of the Washtenaw Jewish News in response to Steven Pastner’s charge that the Quakers are “pro-Palestinian”. The Friends usually require consensus before such a letter would be sent, but a little investigation found that […]

Presidential Protest is On Led by the Ann Arbor Coalition Against War, members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends will join in and carry signs protesting this Bush (I mean, Obama) Administration for its warmongering displays of US imperialism, and absolutely obsequious behavior towards the Jewish state. We will gather at the Northwest corner […]

Local NPR Affiliate Stations Close Ranks In last week’s report, we learned that our friend Alison Weir, executive director of, has so far been denied the opportunity to purchase a sponsorship of WUOM, the University of Michigan’s NPR affiliate. At the impromptu protest she organized at the Ann Arbor broadcast studios of WUOM, one […]

AIPAC Identifies Jewish Community’s Achilles Heel Last week we reported that “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a challenge to the Jewish peace community – indeed the watching world – to respond to his demand that Palestinians recognize Israel as “the state of the Jews”. Now the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) likewise issues a […]
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