The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Henry Herskovitz’

Atzmon Tours Toledo and Ypsilanti We have learned a secret about jazz musician and philosopher Gilad Atzmon in the last few days: the man only has two speeds, 100 mph (that’s 161 kph for the Brits reading this) and zero. His energy wore out a crowd of 25 folks in Ypsilanti, Michigan Friday evening and […]

 Flyer Available for Gilad Atzmon Concert/Discussion A wonderful flyer has been created by an associate of Vigiler L for Gilad’s concert and discussion Friday, May 24th. Readers interested in attending may contact this writer for the undisclosed location, and flyers can be downloaded for reproduction here. There are plans for a short road trip to Toledo […]

Protesting the NAACP Three members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends responded to a request from our friend Ed Pinkney to help him protest the NAACP dinner and fund raiser held at Detroit’s Cobo Hall on Sunday, April 28. As Ed explains, the NAACP “has failed for decades to represent the interests of African-Americans […]

Protesters Confront Jewish Federation in Ann Arbor The local media, who promoted the appearance of Israel’s Hasbara Queen Noa – aka the queen of celebration of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine – remained eerily silent on the coverage of twenty-three protesters at the Michigan Theater last Wednesday (April 17). If we listen to Voltaire, however, […]

Local Media Pumps ‘Noa’ Appearance At least three local media sources have announced this Wednesday’s celebration of “Israel” featuring the Israeli performer Noa, aka Achinoam Nini. Thursday’s print edition of A2Journal carried the story “‘Noa’ concert celebrates Israel’s 65th birthday”, and included personal comments by Ron Sussman (Rabbi Dobrusin’s right hand man) and Elliot Eisenberg, […]

Flyer Ready for April 17 Protest The flyer for our April17 protest of “Celebrate Israel Day” festivities at the Michigan Theater is complete and can be downloaded here for printing and distribution. Please make plans to join us as we stand against 65 years (at least) of ethnic cleansing. Contact this writer for more details. WHERE: […]

Max Blumenthal Shows His Stripes Five members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended a panel presentation which showcased Ben White and Max Blumenthal, both signatories to an on-line document which attempts to marginalize and silence Gilad Atzmon. This document is entitled “Not Quite ‘Ordinary Human Beings’—Anti-imperialism and the anti-humanist rhetoric of Gilad Atzmon”, and […]
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