The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends’

Wearing the Colors Public displays of anti-Israel sentiments can often act as an invitation to conversation, a “fish hook”, so to speak. The T-shirt below and similar models are worn most places in Ann Arbor, and regularly at the YMCA in town. This past week the shirt drew a response there from a young, non-Jewish […]

Thesis Discussion It’s been a slow week here in the Midwest. Our February 23 vigil took place as usual with seven members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends in attendance. However, other than that bit of street activism, we can only report that three members of JWPF read and discussed “The Victimhood of the Powerful: […]

JWPF in the News The Ann Arbor Chronicle continued its comprehensive coverage of Ann Arbor City Council meetings, and reports on this writer’s comments as I challenged some assertions by a seated Councilperson made on January 22 during the “Communications from Council” portion of the agenda. Full text of talk follows signature, and a video […]

Two Simple Questions Three members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended a presentation by the Social Transformation Committee of St. Clare’s Episcopal Church and held at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Ann Arbor this week. Two groups were represented: Three Wishes and Three Wishes is an effort to produce stories of daily […]

JWPF in the News The Ann Arbor Chronicle, an on-line newspaper, covers Ann Arbor City Council meetings. During these meetings, citizens are permitted to address council, with some restrictions. On February 4, this writer spoke to Council; The Chronicle covered these remarks (actual text after signature), and added an opinion. This opinion was subsequently addressed […]

Taxi Squad Challenges AIPAC Ten hardy souls of JWPF’s Taxi Squad traveled to Southfield, Michigan to deliver a message to AIPAC supporters last Monday, as they pulled their Cadillacs into Shaarey Zedek synagogue: You may be able to flaunt your wealth and power as you manipulate U.S. foreign policy, and as you attempt to destroy […]

Councilman Rips Vigils (again) It’s uncommon for Ann Arbor City Council members to respond to speaker input during the public commentary portion of their meetings, but Fifth Ward representative Chuck Warpehoski did just that this past Monday. Vigil supporters B and M publicly questioned why Mr. Warpehoski – who is director of the Interfaith Council […]
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