The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

What’s Good for the Goose … isn’t necessarily good for the Gander, according to a recently denied request of Pastor James Rhodenhiser of the local St. Clare’s Episcopal Church. You see, last fall Rev. Rhodenhiser requested of this writer a sit-down with Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftje and Pastor Ken Wilson of the Vineyard Church. […]

“Jews Run Your Country” Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends hosted two directors of Deir Yassin Remembered last week and have been invited by Dan McGowan and Paul Eisen to join their organization as members. Speaking at our salon, Mr. Eisen postulated that American Jews run the United States and encountered little dissent. Although the main […]

Falsehoods and Twists of Truth PeaceMonger deconstructs Steve Friess’ article on JWPF’s 10th anniversary and exposes at least eleven instances of outright falsehoods and twisted truths in his article in the Jewish publication, the Tablet. Here are a few examples identified in “1,443 Words of (Mostly) Balderdash”: 1. Friess writes “Herskovitz, for his part, first called on […]

Jewish Power to be Discussed in Ann Arbor Time to circle the calendars for an open discussion of Jewish Power in Ann Arbor on the evening of Friday, September 27th. Deir Yassin Remembered is an organization dedicated to memorializing the village of Deir Yassin, which suffered perhaps the most notable terrorist attack by Jewish gangs […]

Jewish Power Discussed on Moral Politics During July’s absence from Ann Arbor, Bill Alford interviewed this writer in Seattle. Alford is the founder of Moral Politics TV and this segment of his show was aired on August 30. Bill writes an introduction: Guest Henry Herskovitz, in a timely encore Moral Politics appearance, warns about Jewish […]

Front Page, Above the Fold Reporter Ryan Stanton visited our vigil on August 24, and his 2,000-word article received front page prominence in the Sunday print edition of Mr. Stanton visited my home earlier in the week and conducted a 45-minute interview there. He also interviewed Beth Israel’s rabbi and congregants, as well as a […]

Flagpole Destroyed Near midnight on August 12 a vandal crept onto my front lawn and attempted to physically remove the anti-Israel flag that hangs from the tree there. What once was became in less than one minute. This trespass and malicious destruction of property has been reported to the Ann Arbor Police Department and we […]
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