The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Archive for the ‘News & Opinion’ category

Annoyances like these come with the job About once a month Marc Sussman, a resident of Huntington Woods, Michigan and not known to this writer, sends me a card with cynical encouragement to keep up our weekly vigils at Beth Israel Congregation. Copied below, the text states: “A generous offer was made to American Friends […]

The “Parushim”, Jewish Goodfellas OK, raise your hands if you knew this one: Most people know that Louis Brandeis was a famous, Jewish Supreme Court Justice. But few know of his fervent support of Zionism and that he was a leader in a clandestine organization called the Parushim (Hebrew for “Pharisees” and “separate”). According to […]

Talk Show Says No Go Local radio personality Lucy Ann Lance conducts a daily talk show on AM-WLBY 1290. First starting as a weekly show in 2009, she says “We’ve developed a platform that will focus on our community, its people and the local business economy.” Recent shows have highlighted the upcoming mayoral race, running events […]

How can that NOT be a Hate Crime? Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends staged a protest at the Holocaust Memorial Center on their commemoration of “Yom HaShoah Holocaust Day of Remembrance”, Sunday April 27th. The reason for this protest was to challenge the power these museums have for manipulating peoples’ emotions to ensure that criticism […]

April 15, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Daniel McGowan Telephone: 315-789-3524 Email: Most people recognize that the apartheid wall Israel has been building for the past twelve years will one day be removed. But few have given serious consideration to how best to recycle hundreds of miles of this “separation barrier.” The idea of offering […]

Divisive? Hell, Yes! A brave professor of philosophy from the University of Michigan Dearborn Campus suggested the formation of a committee to determine if corporations in which the UMD invests were supporting Israeli Apartheid. David Skrbina addressed his fellow lecturers, professors, and staff at UMD’s Faculty Congress meeting of April 7. Two members of JWPF […]

Road Assignment Vigiller M accepted the road assignment from HQ to visit the memorial to Rachel Corrie at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. M was to observe if there was any explanation for the death of this young woman on the memorial erected last fall, because the photo merely says: “Reflecting on Peace […]
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