The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 02-18-12

Posted on February 26th, 2012 at 10:50 am by

The Third Rail

Prior to 2005, the group Jewish Voice for Peace – Chicago called itself “Not in My Name”. The group continues to maintain a 12-year-old weekly vigil, upon which JWPF patterned itself — sign holding, some banners, respectful, silent and peaceful. Every week this report gets sent to their email list for distribution ( among its 112 members, and has done so since we started our vigils in 2003 – until recently, that is.

The list maintained by Owner/Moderator Michael Levin is scrutinized for unpopular messages, and our vigil reports of January 21 and January 28 were rejected for dissemination. Rather than subject our reports to such scrutiny, we have decided to terminate sending them to JVP-Chicago. Levin’s decision to refuse publication was affirmed by the group’s steering committee, although the JVP-Chicago website lists only “Staff and Board”, and includes the following folks whom, we assume, a majority of lent their support to Levin:

Rebecca Vilkomerson, Executive Director
Cecilie Surasky, Deputy Director
Sidney Levy, Director of Advocacy
Stephanie Fox, Director of Grassroots Organizing
Jane Suskin, Administrative Director
Alissa Wise and David Leskowitz

So why were these reports rejected? According to Levin: “I don’t view the list as being a forum for holocaust revisionism; my call as moderator”. Asked to put his decision to the members, Levin only went so far as to run it by his superiors. Technically fair enough; Yahoo Groups are not democratically run – anybody can create a list, populate it, and moderate it as they see fit. But his decision reminds us of the role Jews often adopt as gatekeepers. When faced with the choice of disseminating or silencing unpopular opinions that bear upon Jewish power or Jewish suffering, they typically choose to silence those opinions. Jews need to challenge Jewish supremacism, not shield it from the light of truth.

Readers will remember that our two silenced reports dealt with the exact same censorship issue: Jewish leadership in JVP-Chicago and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK) appear to be more invested in protecting Jewish narratives than in exposing the racist/ethnocentric attitudes that are rife in Jewish-dominated organizations. Paul Eisen articulates well the correlation between modern Jews and the Holocaust, he writes:

The Holocaust resolves the great dilemma of modern Jewish life – how to be a Jew when you no longer believe in the Jewish God.

Readers should consider why discussions pertaining to the history of World War II are significant in the Palestinian solidarity struggle: Zionist, and many “anti-Zionist” Jews keep “The Holocaust” foremost in any political discussion. For example, the New York Times contains at least seven articles this month alone mentioning or dealing with the Holocaust, including “From Overseas Visitors, A Growing Demand To Study the Holocaust” on February 15.

As Norman Finkelstein writes in Beyond Chutzpah:

As already noted, Jewish elites in the United States have enjoyed enormous prosperity. From this combination of economic and political power has sprung, unsurprisingly, a mindset of Jewish superiority. Wrapping themselves in the mantle of The Holocaust [“an ideological representation of the {actual} Nazi holocaust”], these Jewish elites pretend­ and, in their own solipsistic universe, perhaps imagine themselves­ to be victims, dismissing any and all criticism as manifestations of “anti-Semitism.” And, from this lethal brew of formidable power, chauvinistic arrogance, feigned (or imagined) victimhood, and Holocaust-immunity to criticism has sprung a terrifying recklessness and ruthlessness on the part of American Jewish elites. Alongside Israel, they are the main fomenters of anti-Semitism in the world today.

Clearly, the Holocaust is the elephant in the room, and many Jews want to make sure no one loses sight of Jewish suffering, but few want to hold open discussions. The decision to censor these needed discussions by Jewish Voice for Peace – Chicago seems to affirm this claim. Chicago “L” riders know what the third rail means; now we do, too.

Detroit Billboard Project

Our billboard at I-96 and Greenfield Road still is attracting viewers and contributors, but more are needed to keep this project afloat. JWPF, along with IfAmericansKnew and Deir Yassin Remembered are grateful to 21st century technology, since the location of these digital billboards can be changed with the push of a button. We report that the current location our location is set to change on Monday, March 19th to an as-yet-undecided location in the Detroit area. Also, our messages will be slightly modified as well, reflecting the dire local economic conditions felt by many Detroiters.

Please donate to keep these billboards financially afloat:

Click on the donate button and note that funds are to be applied to the “Detroit Billboard Project”


Seven Vigilers
Shining the Light on Truth
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 02-11-12

Posted on February 20th, 2012 at 10:46 am by

Detroit Billboard Project

GPS and Google-map geeks may refer to the following coordinates to locate what we believe is the only billboard in the entire Midwest (we could be wrong, please send photos) critical of US funding of Israel.


The rest of us can simply drive westbound from Detroit on Interstate 96 and observe the digital billboard on the south side of the highway at the Greenfield Road exit. There you will see:

This project was initiated last August and through the work of Alison Weir (, Dan McGowan (Deir Yassin Remembered), this writer (Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends), and other Michigan residents, finally has come to fruition.

For many years this writer has attempted to rent a billboard near Ann Arbor, only to be told that the owner was so fearful of Jewish pressure that he refused to enter negotiations, even when offered free legal support. Last summer, however, we observed near Bay City, Michigan the following billboard, southbound I-75 at mile marker 150:

At that point the game was on, and the Arab American News has been the first media outlet to break the story, the text of which appears after signature.

Readers are encouraged to make tax-deductible donations to keep this billboard project afloat. Please go to or and hit the “donate” button at top-right. Also indicate “Detroit Billboard Project” on checks and notes.


February 4: Eight vigilers
February 11: Five
By What Right do Jews Expel Palestinians?
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends
From Arab American News

Detroit billboard responds to Bay City ad, protests U.S. aid to Israel

Friday, 02.10.2012, 07:10pm
DETROIT — The latest episode in the Israel/Palestine public advertisement feud has unfolded in Michigan, but this time around, the pro-Palestinian side has had a fair chance to make its voice heard.
A new billboard protesting American aid to Israel to the tune of millions per day went up on Monday, Feb. 6, with the message “$8 Million/Day to Israel? Our Money is Needed in America!” along with a link to the website, which was founded by researcher Alison Weir and includes facts about Palestine and the Israeli occupation that aren’t shown in the mainstream media.
The digital billboard is shown at the Greenfield exit on westbound I-96 and will likely rotate for three months at various locations in metro Detroit, changing each month.
Henry Herskovitz of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends, which has staged peaceful, silent vigils in front of Beth Israel Congregation in Ann Arbor for over 8 years in order to persuade them to remove their Israeli flag because of the horrors of the occupation, said that the billboard is a project of various donors and the website. Herskovitz first noticed a pro-Israel billboard on I-75 at milepost last summer, which prompted him to spearhead the project and connect with the popular website.
The original billboard shows the message “Stand with Israel,” and is sponsored by We the People of Mid-Michigan and includes the U.S. and Israeli flags side by side.
The pro-Israel billboard was purchased by Rita Tilley of Bay City, a supporter of conservative pundit Glenn Beck who spent $2,500 of her savings. Tilley reportedly also bought a TV, which she did not own, just to watch Beck and called the lower price she received on the billboard a “miracle.”
The billboard against American aid to Israel is accepting donations at in the upper right hand corner of the site, called the ‘Detroit Billboard Project.’
Daniel McGowan, the executive director of the organization Dier Yassin Remembered (, which focuses on recognition of a 1948 massacre of Palestinians) and a contributor to the project, said the billboard will help spread much-needed awareness.
“This is a small attempt to counter the overwhelming mainstream media propaganda,” he said.
“Dier Yassin Remembered helped to initiate this billboard in the hope that others will contribute to speak truth to Zionist power that drains American treasure and blood for the benefit of an apartheid state.
This billboard is a symbol that blind support of racist Israel is antithetical to basic American values.”
According to, the U.S. Gives Israel through taxpayer dollars over $8 million per day, and taxes on the borrowed money from the private, non-governmental Federal Reserve Bank means that taxpayers pay interest on it, costing over $15 million per day.
The website said that an economist who conducted an audit for the Army War College found that as of 2003 Israel had cost Americans $3 trillion dollars because of the many associated and hidden costs of the support that is pledged each year.
Herskovitz said that he once traveled from Hebron in Palestine to Jerusalem and saw soldiers throw a young woman with three kids off the bus.
“A friend of the mother’s told me she was sick of what they were doing and asked me to tell their story in America,” he said. “I think that getting this message out is very important.”

The article below is re-posted from the Arab American News; hyperlinks do not appear in the original article.

Detroit billboard responds to Bay City ad, protests U.S. aid to Israel

DETROIT — The latest episode in the Israel/Palestine public advertisement feud has unfolded in Michigan, but this time around, the pro-Palestinian side has had a fair chance to make its voice heard.

A new billboard protesting American aid to Israel to the tune of millions per day went up on Monday, Feb. 6, with the message “$8 Million/Day to Israel? Our Money is Needed in America!” along with a link to the website, which was founded by researcher Alison Weir and includes facts about Palestine and the Israeli occupation that aren’t shown in the mainstream media.

The digital billboard is shown at the Greenfield exit on westbound I-96 and will likely rotate for three months at various locations in metro Detroit, changing each month.

Daniel McGowan, executive director of Dier Yassin Remembered and a contributor to the Detroit project, said that the billboard will help spread much needed awareness.

Henry Herskovitz of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends, which has staged  peaceful, silent vigils in front of Beth Israel Congregation in Ann Arbor for over 8 years in order to persuade them to remove their Israeli flag because of the horrors of the occupation, said that the billboard is a project of various donors and the website. Herskovitz first noticed a pro-Israel billboard on I-75 at milepost last summer, which prompted him to spearhead the project and connect with the popular website.

The original billboard shows the message “Stand with Israel,” and is sponsored by We the People of Mid-Michigan and includes the U.S. and Israeli flags side by side.

The pro-Israel billboard was purchased by Rita Tilley of Bay City, a supporter of conservative pundit Glenn Beck who spent $2,500 of her savings. Tilley reportedly also bought a TV, which she did not own, just to watch Beck and called the lower price she received on the billboard a “miracle.”

The billboard against American aid to Israel is accepting donations at in the upper right hand corner of the site, called the ‘Detroit Billboard Project.’

Daniel McGowan, the executive director of the organization Dier Yassin Remembered (, which focuses on recognition of a 1948 massacre of Palestinians) and a contributor to the  project, said the billboard will help spread much-needed awareness.

“This is a small attempt to counter the overwhelming mainstream media propaganda,” he said.

“Dier Yassin Remembered helped to initiate this billboard in the hope that others will contribute to speak truth to Zionist power that drains American treasure and blood for the benefit of an apartheid state.

“This billboard is a symbol that blind support of racist Israel is antithetical to basic American values.”

According to, the U.S. Gives Israel through taxpayer dollars over $8 million per day, and taxes on the borrowed money from the private, non-governmental Federal Reserve Bank means that taxpayers pay interest on it, costing over $15 million per day.

The website said that an economist who conducted an audit for the Army War College found that as of 2003 Israel had cost Americans $3 trillion dollars because of the many associated and hidden costs of the support that is pledged each year.

Herskovitz said that he once traveled from Hebron in Palestine to Jerusalem and saw soldiers throw a young woman with three kids off the bus.

“A friend of the mother’s told me she was sick of what they were doing and asked me to tell their story in America,” he said. “I think that getting this message out is very important.”

Report on Beth Israel vigil 01-28-12

Posted on February 4th, 2012 at 7:22 am by

Poll: Israelis Remember the Holocaust as ‘Guiding Principle ‘

Israeli journalist Merav Michaeli has written an op-ed highlighting a survey among Israelis which indicates a “total consensus among Israeli Jews – regardless of religious, ethnic or political differences – that the ‘guiding principle’ for the country and for Judaism itself is ‘to remember the Holocaust.’ ”

Additionally, “The Holocaust is the primary way Israel defines itself. And that definition is narrow and ailing in the extreme, because the Holocaust is remembered only in a very specific way, as are its lessons. It has long been used to justify the existence and the necessity of the state, and has been mentioned in the same breath as proof that the state is under a never-ending existential threat.”

This article provides an interesting insight into a 70-year-old historical event that can place revisionists in prison in 14 different countries, and subject them to verbal attacks, physical attacks, ridicule, ostracism, and loss of jobs in countries that have not yet outlawed a second look at this historical event.

We remember a 2002 Democracy Now! interview with Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli member of the Knesset and Minister of Education. She was asked by host Amy Goodman, “Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti-Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?” Aloni: “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.”

Michaeli’s article also opens the Pandora’s Box: If the Holocaust is so central to Israelis, if it is used – as Aloni attests -as the sword and shield of the Apartheid State and has attained a quasi-religious status, as depicted in Michaeli’s article, then why isn’t it okay to question the standard narrative. Why isn’t it okay to ask the questions: Why did it happen? Why were Jews feared and hated by National Socialists? What on earth was going on in Europe preceding the War? Maybe local peace activists should hold a book discussion on Debating the Holocaust – A New Look at Both Sides by Thomas Dalton as a starter.

JWPF Responds to Federation Offer

This writer is in receipt of a brief letter from the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor’s Campaign Director Avram Kluger, which reads:

Dear Henry,

A generous gift was made, in your name, to the 2012 Annual Campaign. The Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor appreciates the generosity on your behalf to support Jewish communal needs in Ann Arbor, in Israel and in Jewish communities worldwide.

Avram Kluger

We have sent the following letter to Mr. Kluger and await a response:

Dear Avram,

Thank you so much for your letter of January 20, recognizing the efforts of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends (JWPF). Please convey an additional thank-you to the person or persons responsible for the generous gift made in my name.

I must say, however, that this notification has caused great distress in our group, because a few others feel slighted that similar gifts were not made in their name. They feel their efforts are being ignored, because I’m getting all the credit, and they work just as hard as I do to bring peace to Palestine.

To correct this situation, and to bring about a more satisfactory relationship between the Federation and JWPF, could you inform donors in your organization to recognize the following two peace activists prior to their next contribution and to cite them accordingly?

Sxx Mxxx
5071 East Main St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Mxxxxx Fxxxxxxxx
1800 West Main St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.


Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Seven vigilers observing …
What exactly are European Jews doing in Palestine?
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 01-21-12

Posted on January 29th, 2012 at 6:42 pm by

Palestine Solidarity or Jewish Solidarity?

We learn that a close associate – albeit from the Mother Country – has been expelled from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK), and last week his appeal from that expulsion was denied. What, exactly, is going on here – and in many other so-called “solidarity” groups and list serves in Amreeka? We share the thoughts of a similarly outraged PSC member:

I’m somewhat disturbed by the PSC’s sudden obsession with anti-Semitism and Nazi holocaust denial/minimizing…. I learn that combating those is now apparently an “aim” of PSC …And personally I’m amazed that, on the Home page, under the heading “About our campaign”, the very first sentence is “Any expression of racism or intolerance or attempts to deny or minimize the Holocaust have no place in our movement.” The very first sentence, for heaven’s sake ! As if this is now the major element of the campaign. Who is making these decisions?

Further, having received the docs for the AGM [Annual General Meeting], I see that there are no fewer than three motions on the subject of anti-Semitism, holocaust denial, anti-Jewish prejudice, etc. What’s happening here? I joined PSC to fight for justice for the Palestinians. I did not join it in order to combat so-called anti-Semitism or holocaust denial. [Emphasis in original]

This PSC member recognizes that the full liberation of Palestine requires a complete dismantling of the Jewish state, and its requisite Jewish supremacism. One wonders if there are hidden agendas afoot when yammering about protection of the oppressor class is first and foremost in the minds of these “solidarity” activists. Maybe a good time to reflect on the words of Paul Eisen:

“The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons displaying Jewish religious symbols, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do.”


Obomber Visits Ann Arbor; JWPF is Present

Warmonger and Assassin Barack Obama visited the University of Michigan this week, and six members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends were there to protest his sycophantic relationship with the Jewish state, and to request of attendees that they encourage him to stop sending monies to Israel.


Seven vigilers observing …
$8 Million a Day to Israel? Our Money is Needed in America!
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 01-14-12

Posted on January 22nd, 2012 at 11:26 am by

Atlanta Jew Considers Execution of Obama

Once again we are reminded that a “free press” means that once you own one – as Atlanta owner/publisher Andrew B. Adler does – you are free to publish anything you want, providing paper still takes ink. Vigiler T calls attention to Adler’s column in which Adler appears to advocate “a hit on the president in order to preserve Israel’s existence.” T continues:

An editorial in the Atlanta Jewish Times contains a couple of paragraphs (at least) that IMHO come close to being treasonous. So close, that is, that DHS/Secret Service ought to arrest the author and confront him with what he is advocating. As one of three options to execute in the event of Iran being proved to have nuclear weapons and the US not doing exactly what Israel wants calls for Israel to order the assassination of our president by US-based Mossad agents. Then he reiterates his idea of ordering “a hit on the president in order to preserve Israel’s existence.”

Israeli and US government officials are always talking about “our special friendship” with Israel, that Israel is “our closest ally in the Middle East,” and that our “national interests” are very much the same. And only people like JWP[F]–at the margins of “polite” conventional wisdom–dare ask questions like,  “Well, what if Israel changes course and operates AGAINST US national interests? Just how far would American Jews go in supporting Israel’s interests over that of the US?” which leads to the question  obvious to us, “Can US citizens trust American Jews to put the well-being of the US above that of Israel?” Until American Jews give evidence that they are willing to actively oppose Israel when it violates international law–not only with the ideas expressed in Adler’s column but with what it regularly does to Palestinians, flaunting nuclear weapons regulation, etc.–they should not be trusted.

The Jewish Left Zionist Richard Silverstein, writing in his blog Tikun Olam , attempts to whitewash the issue via name calling, telling his readers that Adler is an aberrant Jew, when it may well be he’s just another – albeit wealthy and vocal – member of the tribe. Silverstein is protecting Jews and Jewish-ness, not confronting them like JWPF does. Why isn’t he, like Vigiler T, calling for charges of possible treason against Adler? Perhaps it’s because he, too, is one of the Zionist types identified by — a Jewish tribal protectionist sayan.

New Signs for the Occupy Movement

If we leave it up to Jewish-influenced Michael Moore , the “Occupy” movement will have carefully omitted the large elephant in the room: Jewish supremacism in Palestine and the US. Just like his movie Fahrenheit 911, any focus on “Israel” – even the mention of its name – has been surgically removed, So, Michael, JWPF’s new signs are for you:

$2.6 Trillion
Cost of US Support to Israel, 1956 – 2002

Want Peace?
Defeat Israel

Funding Israel

Seven vigilers
Zionism: Kosher Apartheid
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends


Report on Beth Israel vigil 01-07-12

Posted on January 15th, 2012 at 11:01 am by

An Addition to our List

In last week’s report we listed 28 Jewish individuals – journalists, pundits and policy makers – who initiated and supported the invasion of Iraq. According to Vigiler D, we failed to include a famous Zionist, former Irgun journalist, and hasbara merchant:

If there were a CEO of the Holocaust Industry it would undoubtedly be Elie Wiesel, that contemptible poseur and windbag to quote the late Christopher Hitchens. Wiesel went to President George Bush and told him that Iraq was a terrorist state and that it was the moral imperative of the United States to intervene. Needless to say, Wiesel’s son never served in our military.

JWPF at City Council

At least three members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended the Ann Arbor City Council meeting this week. This writer’s three-minute commentary was devoted to possible conflicts of interest held by US District Judge Mark Goldsmith, as he prepares to hear the ACLU 1st Amendment case against the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (text below signature). The Ann Arbor Chronicle covered the presentation:

By way of background to remarks made by Henry Herskovitz during public commentary, the AATA currently faces a lawsuit over its rejection of a proposed advertisement that included the text, “Boycott ‘Israel’ Boycott Apartheid.” [For a detailed account, see Chronicle coverage: “Bus Ad Rejection Affirmed”]

Herskovitz told councilmembers that he’d addressed the AATA board at its Dec. 15, 2011 meeting to identify what he contends are conflicts of interests on the part of board members Jesse Bernstein, David Nacht and AATA legal counsel Jerry Lax in connection with that lawsuit. At the council’s Jan. 9 meeting, Herskovitz added the judge who’s hearing the case as someone who he contends has a conflict of interest – Mark Goldsmith. Herskovitz said that Goldsmith had served in a leadership capacity in the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League and owns Israeli bonds.

[By way of an update on the lawsuit, the result of a Jan. 4, 2012 telephone conference was to set a new deadline for the AATA to respond to the complaint and motions for preliminary injunction and a temporary restraining order. That date is Jan. 31, 2012. Replies to those responses are due on Feb. 14. Another telephone conference call among the parties and the judge is scheduled for Feb. 28.]

For video coverage please go to and advance to 00:15:22.

JWPF Sponsors Gilad Atzmon Performance

JWPF is proud to help sponsor a fund raiser for Deir Yassin Remembered, who is hosting the talented jazz saxophone player and inspirational author Gilad Atzmon, as he joins DYR Board Member Rich Siegel in a musical feast March 13 in Geneva, New York. See flyer here, and see you in the city at the tip of Seneca Lake.


Nine vigilers
Want Peace? Defeat Israel.
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

January 9, 2012
[383 words]

Good Evening,

Last month I spoke at the AATA Board meeting, where I indicated my support of my public transit company, and addressed the issue of at least three possible conflicts of interest in the upcoming ACLU case. Since my talk was adequately covered by the Ann Arbor Chronicle, and since some new information has emerged, I’ll keep my prior comments brief.

AATA Board Chair Jesse Bernstein is also on the board of directors of the Michigan Israel Business Bridge, an organization which promotes the economic health of the state of Israel. Board member David Nacht’s LinkedIn profile identifies him as a supporter of the Anti-Defamation League and a donor to the Jewish Federation of Washtenaw County. And Legal Counsel Jerry Lax added his name to a 2008 advertisement, “Michigan Jews Who Support Senators Obama and Biden”, a campaign heavily supportive of Israel.
The issue of possible conflict appears evident, because the AATA board voted against posting an ad on our buses critical of the very state these gentlemen support.

The new information which has emerged focuses on US District Judge Mark Goldsmith, and a potential bias also in favor of the state of Israel. According to Mr. Goldsmith’s biography “He has also served in the leadership of several community organizations, including … the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League.” We have since determined that his leadership included Board membership on the ADL.

In addition, Mr. Goldsmith’s 2010 federal Financial Disclosure Report indicates that he doesn’t own any US bonds, but he does own an undeclared value of Israel bonds, and that he and his wife sent their sixteen-year-old daughter to study in Israel.

Judge Goldsmith is free to support whichever foreign state he chooses. The conflict of interest lies, however, at the heart of this case: The ACLU is suing on behalf of their client Mr. Coleman, who wishes to place a political ad on our city buses, in support of the worldwide call for boycotts against the state of Israel, and Judge Goldsmith is poised to determine the outcome.

Canon 3C(1) of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges says: “A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned …”

I would hope that Judge Goldsmith would reflect on this information and recuse himself.

Thank you

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