The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Report on Beth Israel vigil 08-06-11

Posted on August 16th, 2011 at 8:24 pm by

Criticism or Flattery? You Decide

Brought to our attention by friend and sometime-vigiler S, we find a so-far unknown source in Ann Arbor with a gift for an Onion-type wit. From the website We find:

Monday, August 8, 2011
Protesters convince synagogue to boycott, denounce Israel
After regularly protesting outside the Beth Israel synagogue during Saturday morning services since 2003, the “Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends” have apparently convinced the rabbi and congregation to withdraw their support for Israel.
“So they directed hateful and vile attacks on people coming to our religious services. So they carried signs with swastikas outside our synagogue. What’s a little protest between friends?” said Rabbi Sol Friedbergh.
He continued: “We ignored them for many years. But their persistence just wore us down.”
The synagogue’s new policy will be to have all congregants swear allegiance to the Palestinian cause before every service. Wearing of the keffiyeh or hijab will be encouraged but not required.
The news prompted spontaneous celebrations in the streets of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and officials in the highest levels of the American and Israeli governments were reportedly reconsidering their stances toward the occupied territories.

JWPF spokesman Youssef Rabinowitz said the success proved the effectiveness of the group’s strategy of alienating, demonizing and vilifying the people you’re trying to convince.
He said the group’s next goals are to get Hiller’s grocery to boycott Israeli goods, and to ban all books with the word “Israel” from the public library.
“Those will be the first tiny steps toward bringing justice to the Palestinians,” Rabinowitz said.

A Tiny Bit of Justice

By a two-to-one margin, Ann Arbor Fifth Ward voters elected incumbent Mike Anglin over Israel-firster Neal Elyakin in the primary election held August 2nd. We exposed Mr. Elyakin’s preference for a foreign country in our vigil report of June 4, 2011 and a short talk presented to Ann Arbor’s city council on June 6th. Whether the talk and report had anything to do with Elyakin’s defeat, we can only surmise, as well as our conjecture that he “took the bait”, by flying the Apartheid flag of “Israel” only after driving by this writer’s house with Palestine’s flag flying high.

International Day of Quds

Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends are proud to co-sponsor the International Day of Quds (Jerusalem), which will feature an automobile caravan from Dearborn through downtown Detroit on Friday, August 26th. We will work with our friends from the Al-Quds Committee of Dearborn. More information next week and at

Eight vigilers
To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. –Elbert Hubbard
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 07-30-11

Posted on August 10th, 2011 at 11:53 am by

The South Rises

This writer took his pre-conceived notions about our red-state neighbors to the south and, as Johnny Cash says, “came away with a different point of view”. This turning point came at Floydfest , a four-day musical festival (July 28-31, held 5 miles south of Floyd, Virginia, and adjacent to mile post 175 of the Blue Ridge Parkway). Ten stages featured scores of performers, but it was the people who took center stage. Over twenty knowledgeable people approached me and spoke approvingly of the “Stop Israel” hat and Anti-Israel t-shirts. Never before has this garb elicited so many favorable responses in such a short time.

One short-order cook came from the rear of the food preparation tent to personally shake hands and to offer support. At least five lengthy conversations were held, which exposed my bias in thinking Southerners were ignorant about world affairs. In fact, their knowledge about Israeli atrocities even topped mine, e.g. one man spoke of human trafficking in Guatemala, whose military is armed and funded in part by Israel.

The best minds at Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends are still grappling with this phenomenon, and have suggested that since Jewish Zionists – Left and Right – inhabit large population centers, they have forsaken the hinterlands; hence, southerners are free to investigate and express their concerns without fear of the neighbor down the street, who otherwise would be quick to condemn and name call.

Jewish Exceptionalism Displayed at Motorcycle Rally

This writer also attended the BMW MOA motorcycle rally held in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania July 21-24, and witnessed what was not evident in the last 23 rallies: a special Committee was created and designated as Jewish Observances, headed by Jay Rubin, who started the Jewish religious services held and attended by this writer on Friday evening.

There are at least thirty committees of everything required to put these rallies together, with a chairperson heading each one: from Local History and Culture chairs to Bike Wash and Logistics chairs. There always has been a Religious Committee Chair, and for years that committee has been headed by Jerry Settle, a nice enough guy and Zionist — his “JerUSAlem” T-shirt being the giveaway.

For the tiny handful of Jewish riders (a dozen attended Friday services; 7,300 attended the rally) it seems that their needs could have been met by worshipping with the general population or by setting up Friday services under the auspices of the existing committee. Jerry was asked specifically at Sunday’s “Religious Observances” whether the services organized by the Religious Committee were for Christians only or would other faiths be welcome. Jerry affirmed that all were welcome.

From the FAQ section of the rally program we read: “Will worship services be available? Yes, we are excited to have Jewish Observances on Friday evening, in addition to the Christian Services, which have been a part of the Rally scene for years…”. But as stated previously, there never was a “Christian” Committee, rather a “Religious” Committee.

We noted that there was no Baptist Committee and Chair, no Lutheran Committee and Chair nor Muslim Committee and Chair, but there just had to be a Jewish Observances Committee and Chair. Vigiler L quipped that it was probably a reaction to my attire that led to the flexing of this muscle, and it was remembered from the Johnson City rally (2009) a second-hand report that a woman was “offended” by some bumpers sticker she saw.

Other Stops

Rich Siegel, co-Board of Advisors member of Deir Yassin Remembered toured this writer and Executive Director Dan McGowan around his town of Teaneck, New Jersey, highlighting its heavy Jewish influence. He also spoke of nearby Tenafly, an Orthodox community which staked out its ceremonial turf (called and eruv) as apart from the profane goyische area by having lechis – thin black plastic strips – attached to utility poles. This not only created the desired shtetl, but allowed the Sabbath prohibition against pushing or carrying burdens to be skirted by the assumption of a “living space” within the perimeter of the area. For example, pushing a stroller is permitted in one’s home on the Sabbath, and this eruv served the purpose of extending this “home” to the outside world. The creation of this eruv also resulted in the court case of Tenafly Eruv Ass’n, Inc. v. Borough of Tenafly; interested readers can view the US Appeals Court opinion here .

Steve France continues his educational activities outside the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. He distributes an informative flyer to those attending the museum, and gets many positive reactions.

Lunch with Ingrid Zundel in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, who relentlessly pursues the return of her husband Ernst to her side, was informative. She gifted this writer a DVD which describes Ernst’s abduction by US officials in 2003 and subsequent rendering to Canada and then to Germany.


July 9: Six vigilers
July 16: Nine
July 23: Eight
July 30: Seven
Just Say No to a Jewish State
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends


Report on Beth Israel vigil 07-02-11

Posted on July 11th, 2011 at 7:51 pm by

Meeting with Vineyard Church Ministers

The June 22nd meeting between Pastor Ken Wilson, Associate Pastor Donell Wyche and two members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends was successful from the standpoint of respectfully exchanging opposing opinions. It was revealed that prior to this writer’s forced expulsion from the Interfaith Round Table of Washtenaw County, Pastor Wilson refused to join the group, fearing association with one who “crossed the line of civility” by protesting outside a house of worship. And it was the unfounded fear of having Vineyard Church “picketed” that promoted our four-person meeting in the first place.

Fear of being picketed is an odd position to arrive at. JWPF threatens no one, and has only the truth and our 1st Amendment rights at our disposal. Pastors Wilson and Wyche were appraised of the origin of our vigils, and of their potential role in ending them, i.e. negotiating meetings with Rabbi Dobrusin and the Board of Directors of Beth Israel Congregation. It did not appear, however, that such efforts from Vineyard would be initiated in the near future.

Photographer Skip Schiels Visits our Vigils

On June 18th we were surprised by the occupant in Vigiler S’s car who turned out to be Skip Schiels of Teeksa Photography. Skip toured Gaza last winter and posted photographs of the trip. On the 18th he participated in our vigil and was able to take photographs of our group at work. One young Jewish man had some questions, and we provided him with answers and challenges to his long-held myths. Skip filmed the exchange and remarked that the manner in which we conversed with this young man conflicted with his pre-visit impression of our vigils. We feel that we’ve made a new friend in this Quaker, and hope to have more opportunities to engage him. See his photos, which he’s labeled “Palestine Vigil” here.

Are Attitudes Changing at Michigan Peaceworks?

Two members of JWPF attended a rally by Michigan Peaceworks on June 24th to raise public awareness of the flotilla of boats (one from the Zionist occupied United States) then planning to challenge the Israeli maritime blockade of Gaza. Prior to the event, we were appraised by Administrative Director Jennifer Chapin-Smith that signs would be provided, and a decision was made to go with the program.

Halfway through the demonstration, Vigil Supporter L noticed that the word missing from all the signs was “Israel”, and pointed out that passersby would have no way to connect the flotilla with the crimes of Apartheid Israel without signs such as our “Israel Commits Atrocities” being present. When asked about this lapse, Jen claimed that “They wouldn’t let us use the word ‘Israel’ on the signs”. They? See photos here.

Echoes from the past resounded: Nine years ago Jewish leaders of the group that was to become Michigan Peaceworks warned this writer about “playing the blame game”. In other words, let’s feel the Palestinians’ pain, but not focus on the source of that pain. Has Michigan Peaceworks grown, or will they fall prey once again to Left Zionist influence from within? We hope to schedule a coffee with Jen soon to resolve these questions.

Rev. Pinkney Attends Vigil

As Michigan’s economy continues its downward trend, Emergency Financial Managers (EFM) are being sent by Governor Rick Snyder to cities such as Benton Harbor and usurping control of local, democratically-elected governments. Standing tall against such takeovers are the Pinkneys, Ed and Dorothy, and despite their busy schedules, they found time to link Benton Harbor’s resistance to racism with Palestine’s resistance. They boosted our vigil attendance to twelve on July 2.

Rev. Pinkney and BANCO are planning a demonstration against the Professional Golf Association (PGA) tour when it hosts the Senior PGA Championship at Harbor Shores of Lake Michigan in 2012. Course designer Jack Nicklaus apparently ignored efforts by the Pinkneys to draw to his attention the fact that three holes have been built on stolen land. Jean Klock Park was raided by Whirlpool Corporation and developer Cornerstone using “influenced” City Commissioners to commit the crime. We thank Ed and Dorothy for this heads-up and for their continued support of our efforts in Ann Arbor. Ed will sign “Religious Leaders Support Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends”, link to document here .

For more information on the theft of Jean Klock Park land, please see

Computer Woes

Was it a Trojan Horse, a worm, a virus or a common cold? Anybody’s guess, but the bottom line was no e-mail communications for three weeks, and the problems continue…

June 18: Nine vigilers
June 25: Eight
July 2: Twelve
Justice for Palestine is Justice for All
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 06-11-11

Posted on June 19th, 2011 at 10:26 am by

Beth Israel and Torture

Three years ago we reported during Torture Awareness Month that Rabbi Dobrusin invoked a Catch-22 formulation for using “self defense” as a reason for unplanned torture. Since June is Torture Awareness Month, this writer decided to review and independently evaluate the Rabbi’s words in his sermon of June 7, 2008.

First off, it appears clear that the Rabbi’s stance against torture applies to the conduct of the United States, and not to the other country whose flag shares equal prominence on the Congregation’s bima. He says “this country should not engage in torture of prisoners in any situation and that there should be no ambiguity to this prohibition.” Why wouldn’t he say, “Neither this country nor Israel should engage in torture” if that was what he meant?

It appears to this writer that the Rabbi has indulged in a slight form of intellectual dishonesty here, and notwithstanding any positive feelings I hold for the Rabbi, it appears undeniable.

Secondly, the Rabbi attempts to distance himself from Israeli professor Yehezkel Dror (“When Survival of the Jewish People Is at Stake, There’s No Place for Morals”), claiming a high moral ground that refuses to enter a possible scenario with advanced plans to commit torture. According to Rabbi Dobrusin that’s not ethical, and remains the source of his disagreement with Dror. But once the Rabbi has claimed this high ground, he then mixes Jewish religious law, or halacha, into the soup, which – though not a priori allowing torture (or any other unethical behavior) – removes the guilt of committing such an offense by utilizing a self-defense plea after the fact. In the Rabbi’s words: “We would do what we thought we had to do, and then would seek to defend ourselves as having committed a justified act of self-defense.”

And that also gives the appearance of intellectual dishonesty. If we were scripting a two-person play it might go like:

“Nope, we’re not gonna torture anyone”
“But he had the information we wanted. We used torture, thinking we could get it”
“Well, ok, it was an act of self-defense. Just don’t do it again”

Since Torture Awareness Month has two weeks to go, perhaps the Rabbi will issue a clarifying sermon, and borrow our “Torture is Wrong” banner to hang upon the wall of Beth Israel. Readers might wish to also review PeaceMonger’s excellent deconstruction of the Rabbi’s sermon here.

JWPF Recognized by Washtenaw Jewish News

The June/July/August 2011 edition of the Washtenaw Jewish News again devotes considerable ink to Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends. A page 2 report by WJN staff and entitled “Picketers say ‘Imam is wrong’ that Islam ok’s their synagogue protests”, fairly accurately depicts JWPF’s differences with Imam Dawud Walid, initiated by him at a public meeting at Ann Arbor’s downtown library last January.

The second article, written by Victor Lieberman – a congregant who would regularly spit at JWPF members until he entered an agreement with us to discontinue his practice – is much longer (3,100 words) and frankly is so full of holes, it’s difficult to know where to begin a refutation, not that the Jewish News would have any intention of printing it anyway (their one-sided editorial history is well-established). Example: Lieberman writes “Plan D arose in response to the impending collapse of key Jewish positions … and in anticipation of more serious assaults from Arab state armies.”

According to Israeli Professor Ilan Pappe (The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine), Plan Dalet was finalized on March 10, 1948 and “spelled out [Zionist aims] clearly and unambiguously: the Palestinians had to go” (p. xii) . For Lieberman to assert that Plan Dalet occurred as a response to actions by Palestinians that would not occur for two months, is a misrepresentation of the actual historical timeline. Readers are also invited to visit “Plan Dalet Revisited” by Professor Walid Khalidi here.

Actually, Professor Lieberman, who teaches a course at the University of Michigan on the “Arab-Israeli conflict”, makes many of JWPF’s points for us and his refutations are weak, at best. His outline of “The picketers’ intellectual assumptions examined” is reprinted here:

– Israel was born in sin, dependent for its very creation on dispossessing Palestinians, and therefore is morally and legally illegitimate.
– Israel is a racist state.
– Israeli expansion lies at the heart of Mideast tension.
– Because Jews dictate America’s Israel policy, the picketing of synagogues is justified to weaken the Jewish lobby.

Readers are invited to view these articles here.

Michigan Peace Team calls; JWPF member responds

Responding to a personal request to serve as a Peace Team member, this writer joined a Michigan Peace Team presence at the American Catholic Council (ACC) convention at Cobo Hall in downtown Detroit. I worked with veteran Peace Team members Fr. Peter Dougherty, Kim Redigan, and others. We report that no altercations took place on our watch.

Submit any comments to…vigil-06-11-11/

Five Vigilers
No to Two-States; Yes to Justice
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Report on Beth Israel vigil 06-04-11

Posted on June 12th, 2011 at 9:49 am by

Dual Loyalty: An Issue for Voters

Should Rahm Emanuel, who served the Israeli military in a civilian capacity, have been vetted prior to his appointment as Obama administration Chief of Staff and subsequent election to Mayor of Chicago on the issue of his allegiance to a foreign government? Is it proper that candidates running for any public office be similarly vetted? We think so, and identified a local Jewish man who flies an Israeli flag on his home, sports a Jewish-Israeli license as a vanity plate on his car, and is running for a seat on Ann Arbor’s City Council. From Friday’s Ann Arbor Chronicle (text of speech below signature):

Comm/Comm: Ward 5 City Council Race

Henry Herskovitz introduced himself as a Ward 5 resident, saying that it’s a matter of public record that Neal Elyakin is running for city council in that ward. Herskovitz told the council it’s his understanding that if elected, councilmembers must promise to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Elyakin, he said, had chosen to fly a national flag in front of his home that is not the U.S. flag, but rather one from a country that 44 years ago on Wednesday (June 8th) had killed 34 Americans. [Hersovitz {sic} was referring to an attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.] Herskovitz said that he supported Elyakin’s right to fly the Israeli flag, and his right to run for a seat on the city council, but wondered to which country Elyakin owed his allegiance. Elyakin should state his loyalty and allegiances clearly, Herskovitz said.

Peacemonger has provided us with some additional research on Mr. Elyakin and reports that he is a founding member of the Michigan Israel Business Bridge, a Board Member of the Friends of the IDF, Michigan Chapter, and a Board member of the Jewish National Fund (Michigan). Read more here.

Jewish Voice for Peace? Really?

Nahida, the Exiled Palestinian, speaks with a strong voice and agrees with those of us who question the current role of Jews in the Palestine solidarity movement. She writes,

As a Palestinian, I see the role of any “Jewish voice for peace” who sincerely desire to contribute to the Liberation of Palestine and justice for Palestinians, and who desire to be identified through their contributions “as Jews”, then their role ought to be focused on cleaning their own house before sorting other people’s houses; i.e. that is to exclude any major role in influencing, leading or directing the Solidarity and/or Liberation Movement of Palestine. [Nahida’s hyperlink, with our appreciation!]

She identifies Jewish-led groups whose focus appears to be more interested in achieving sympathy and understanding for Jews than true solidarity with Palestinians and says, with a wary eye towards Jewish Voice for Peace,

Palestinians are under no obligation to hold back their march for freedom, to curtail their aims or to smother their rights for the sake of accommodating and not offending their Jewish supporters.

Read full article at

ICPJ Rejects a Second Signature

Vigiller M reports that Paypal refunded her money that she willingly and supportively donated to the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice. Just as this writer’s signature was removed, and reported on last week, she received a similar and similarly spurious explanation from ICPJ Director Chuck Warpehoski:

Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice canceled this PayPal payment:

Amount: $10.00 USD

Note: Marcia,

We have decided to decline your request to sign the letter and return your$10 contribution as this ad is part of a strategy to build common ground toend the occupation–a strategy with which you have expressed disagreement.

In peace,


June is Torture Awareness Month

In spite of the courageous activities of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture and its local supporters, including (surprise!) the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, Beth Israel Congregation still apparently refuses to affix the “Torture is Wrong” banner on its building. But fear not, because this message and banner was displayed by our group of protesters who will continue to do so during the month.

Submit your comments to…vigil-06-04-11/

Seven Vigilers identifying an
Illegitimate Israel
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

Speech delivered to Ann Arbor City Council June 6, 2011

My Name is Henry Herskovitz and I live at 404 Mark Hannah Place, just about in the center of Ward 5. That’s public information, available from the phone book here, and verifying the ward boundary maps from the City’s website.

Also public information provided by the City’s website is who’s running for Council in the August 2nd primary election. One of the candidates listed is Mr. Neal Elyakin, residing at 1300 Red Oak Drive.

It is my understanding that if elected, Mr. Elyakin will be sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States as he carries out Council duties. Now, if you drove by 1300 Red Oak Drive a month ago, you would have seen that the candidate chose to fly a national flag in front of his home. The problem – for me as an Ann Arbor and United States citizen – is that the national flag was not that of the United States.

It is the flag of a foreign country, a country that killed 34 American sailors 44 years ago this Wednesday, and has killed other American citizens, one as recently as last year. Mr. Elyakin chose to fly the Israeli flag, not the United States flag, and though I absolutely respect his right to fly any flag he chooses, I cannot help but wonder to which country does he hold primary allegiance? Whose constitution will he swear to uphold, should he win on August Two?

On our public highways, one can witness Mr. Elyakin’s well-kept, bright red convertible. On the front of this vehicle, however, is a Jewish-Israeli license plate. Apartheid Israel issues two sets of plates: one for Jews, another for Palestinians.

Lest anyone think this is a personal attack, let me assure them it is not. I am not judging Mr. Elyakin. He is welcome to express himself any way he chooses and I support his right to his freedom of expression, as I support his right to run for public office.

But I would hope that our candidates for elected office would state their loyalties and allegiances plainly and clearly. Flying the flag of a country that continues to ethnically cleanse an indigenous population, a country that does not separate Church and State, might indicate a candidate whose divided loyalties will inhibit his ability to faithfully serve Ward 5 residents.

Thank you

Report on Beth Israel vigil 05-28-11

Posted on June 5th, 2011 at 10:33 am by

JWPF Members Participate in Forum

Two members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends attended a forum, “It’s time for Palestine. It’s time for peace” presented by the Detroit West District (DWD) Peace Center and held at the Hope United Methodist Church and Society Ministry this past week. This was one of a series of forums and workshops presented by DWD Peace, and we are grateful to this group for opening their hearts and minds to alternative opinions from mainstream orthodoxy.

Last week we reported that PM Benjamin Netanyahu handed the peace community the key to resolving the Palestine issue, i.e. attack the issue of Israel’s supposed right to exist as a Jewish state because that’s where Israel is most vulnerable.

So, donning the “No Jewish State” t-shirt, this writer tested the waters of this theory at the DWD Peace Center forum and it proved so accurate that my attempts to visit with friends were thwarted by extremely angry Jewish Zionists who demanded an audience. One Jewish woman physically grabbed my shoulder in mid-conversation and had to be restrained by her husband. She resorted almost immediately to name-calling, a sure tell that (a) The subject is indeed the key, and (b) Such supporters of Israel have no convincing arguments. And this was before the forum even began.

There were four breakout sessions and the one I attended was moderated by Deborah Jones, a very pleasant and efficient host. AIPAC member David Cutner, with Associate Director of Detroit’s Jewish Community Relations Council Allan Gale, and Harry Onickel seemed to hold Right-Zionist views, and made easily refuted statements like Israel being attacked first in the 1967 war, and Jews were forced into refugee status by neighboring Arab countries in 1948-50. A kind woman named Laura Perreaux merely asked these men to just take a few minutes to view the pictures placed along the wall, showing the plight of the 1948 Palestinians as they were forced into refugee status by Jewish gangs.

ICPJ plans to run newspaper ad, but removes signature

Back in March, members of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice were called upon to help purchase an ad in the Ann Arbor Observer calling into question US funding of Israeli settlements. This writer sent in his contribution, but noted the ominous wording at the bottom of the invitation: “NOTE: ICPJ retains the right to decline offers of signatures for this ad.”

Sure enough, the hammer fell this week in the form of an email from ICPJ Director Chuck Warpehoski informing this writer that his signature indeed would not appear on the ad. His specious reasoning was my supposed disagreement with ICPJ’s “strategy to build common ground to end the occupation – a strategy with which you have expressed disagreement”. Please review our ongoing email exchange, provided after signature.

Quote of the Week

“We Palestinians are pesky. We have not left, deserted our culture, or abandoned our language. Most importantly, we have not forgotten.” … Amer Zahr

Submit your comments to…vigil-05-28-11/

Six Vigilers
A Two-state solution is an Apartheid solution
Henry Herskovitz
Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends

email exchange between ICPJ Director and this writer:

On 6/4/2011 7:27 AM, Henry Herskovitz wrote:


Thank you for responding to my questions.

I cannot agree with you, however, that I don’t support either the strategy of the ad itself – questioning whether Israeli settlements violate US laws – or that I’m opposed to building common ground. And certainly I have supported Palestinian civil society’s call to end the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. This, as you know, was part of the three goals of their BDS movement.

I accept that you have not supported our tactic of holding the Jewish community accountable for their support of Israel, but have never prohibited you, nor anyone else, from joining. So it’s odd that ICPJ would prevent one of its own members from signing a petition with which he agrees.

Can you please set aside 10 minutes at the next ICPJ Board meeting (is it still the second Tuesday of the month?) where I can appeal this decision and the Board may consider changing their position? Can we not hold different views and still work together?

Thank you,

Henry Herskovitz

ps could you also forward a copy of this request to Bryan Weinert, ICPJ President? I’m not in possession of his email address. Thanks!

On 6/3/2011 1:13 PM, Chuck Warpehoski wrote:

I apologize for the delay in returning your email and call about the signature ad.

The signature ad, as you noticed, did not appear in the May observer. Our current goal is the September issue.

We have decided to decline your request to sign the letter and return your $10 contribution as this ad is part of a strategy to build common ground to end the occupation–a strategy with which you have expressed disagreement.

In peace,

“Freedom for Palestine” by OneWorld

Posted on June 5th, 2011 at 2:23 am by

Freedom for Palestine” by OneWorld
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