The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Posts tagged ‘Henry Herskovitz’

Taxi Squad Challenges AIPAC Ten hardy souls of JWPF’s Taxi Squad traveled to Southfield, Michigan to deliver a message to AIPAC supporters last Monday, as they pulled their Cadillacs into Shaarey Zedek synagogue: You may be able to flaunt your wealth and power as you manipulate U.S. foreign policy, and as you attempt to destroy […]

Councilman Rips Vigils (again) It’s uncommon for Ann Arbor City Council members to respond to speaker input during the public commentary portion of their meetings, but Fifth Ward representative Chuck Warpehoski did just that this past Monday. Vigil supporters B and M publicly questioned why Mr. Warpehoski – who is director of the Interfaith Council […]

Revving up the Taxi Squad Readers may remember our vigil report of December 15 in which we reported the upcoming Michigan AIPAC meeting* in nearby Southfield, and may be wondering why no protest was being planned. Well, as they used to say, the buck stops here, and this writer, after receiving no support from any other […]

A Peep from City Council Newly elected Ann Arbor City Councilman Chuck Warpehoski lashed out at our vigils at Council’s January 7th meeting after fielding some critical remarks from vigil supporters B and M. He falsely accused us of displaying a swastika painted over the star of David, and distorted our claim that Beth Israel […]

Public Radio Remains “Fair and Balanced” An NPR affiliate station, WEMU, tried to set up a debate between this writer and Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor Executive Director David Shtulman over three years ago, but retracted the offer after Mr. Shtulman refused to cooperate. This week, we asked again for some air time and, recognizing […]

Amtrak Hosts Synagogue Vigil Summit In the early hours of December 3, a meeting of the leaders of the only two known synagogue protests in the world was held at the Amtrak terminal in Denver, Colorado. The California Zephyr stopped for fuel and supplies while plans to continue protests in Ann Arbor and Boulder on Saturday […]

Jewish Power in Ann Arbor Council Election In the June-Aug 2012 edition of the Washtenaw Jewish News appears a letter by Henry Brysk entitled “A ‘nuanced’ anti-Zionist runs for the Ann Arbor City Council”. Brysk reveals his Jewish tribal loyalties as he excoriates candidate Chuck Warpehoski, director of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, for […]
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