The Deir Yassin Remembered Blog

Miko Peled: What He Doesn’t Say … Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son – Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, gave a recorded talk in Seattle last month and it came to our desk with flying colors: “A Must Watch”, “Let the world know good Israeli Jews do exist!!!!” And sure enough, many critical comments […]

Is She Jewish? Does it Matter? The National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) conference was held in Ann Arbor Nov. 2-4, but no JWPF members even knew about it until our friend Michael – from the Yom Kippur protest in Boulder, Colorado – informed this writer that he was planning to attend. But alas, […]

CROP Walk “A success” Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice program coordinator Bill Alt deemed this year’s annual CROP walk a success and links his readers to an article by where readers can view photos of this event. What these thumbnails won’t show you is three members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends who […]

Flag Makes Regular Appearance at JWPF Vigils Plans to display our anti-Israel flag at our weekly vigils at Beth Israel Congregation are ongoing with a new flag in the works. This action will coincide with new signs challenging “Israel”‘s legitimacy. Thank You Greta Berlin There has certainly been a lot of cyber-yammering about the […]

Desperate Ann Arbor Jews Cling to Two-State “Solution” Approximately 140 local Jews calling themselves “The Future of Pro-Israel”, a project of the J-Street Education Fund, have placed a full-page ad in September’s Washtenaw Jewish News, in an attempt to salvage their Jewish state. They know that the only way they can save their “right” to […]

Another Synagogue Vigil Appears in Colorado We are pleased to announce a successful Yom Kippur vigil held by a couple members of CU-Divest, a group demanding divestment from Israel at Colorado University. Members of Congregation Nevei Kodesh were offered flyers (click here and here) and encouragement to atone for supporting the sin of ethnic cleansing that Israel […]

Reminder: Eat a Cheeseburger on September 26 Peacemonger reminds us of the 3rd Annual Bill Henry International Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day, coming soon. Sharpen your appetites for Wednesday, September 26, 2012, when we honor Bill Henry (né Herskovitz) for a decision that quite possibly saved an eight-year-old boy from a life of “Jewish chauvinism and exclusivism”. Since Eat-a-Cheeseburger Day […]
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